Horoscope Analysis
By Hassan Jaffer
1 Aug 2017
(We don't have the time of birth of General Kelly's chart but this is an approx rectification. We have not analyzed the houses but only planets in signs and aspects which won't change).
The new Whitehouse Chief of Staff, General John F. Kelly, is a Taurus with Mercury in the sign of Taurus trine to Saturn. This makes him very practical and down to earth. Mercury in Taurus is generally not a position for leadership as much as being a second in command. Trump definitely has executive ability and is great at delegating work to others while the General is good at carrying out the orders given to him.
He is very predictable and has a truthful element about him but what makes his chart interesting is the two opposing aspects here. Moon in Pisces is general very compassionate and humanitarian especially when Jupiter is also in Pisces. However, Saturn opposing his Moon gives him a poker face and you hardly see any smile. It also makes a person emotionally tough and giving the impression of being almost cold. John Kerry also has a Moon Saturn aspect except in his case Moon was in Capricorn which makes him insensitive to the needs of others.
Ivanka and Kellyanne are beyond his understanding as they both have Mercury in the intellectual Air signs and are more conceptual. The general is a hands on person. Scaramucci also had leadership element with Mercury in Capricorn but the General would have felt threatened as Scaramucci is aggressive in his speech and has a very forceful mind. The General is very cautious but his chart compares well with the President.
Donald Trump is quite a patient person and much more of a strategist than others give him credit for. His Mercury sq Neptune gives him the scheming element and also the ability to outsmart all the crooks in the Senate. They will never be able to pin anything on him and he will turn everything around to his benefit.
The President really feels for the poor and needy but doesn't like lazy people or those who just complain. The General is too predictable and will probably leave Kellyanne and Ivanka alone as they are much too smart for him and are not workers in a routine sense like him. He will provide the stability Donald Trump needs to accomplish all his goals. His Mars and Saturn in Virgo make him a perfectionist and critical in details. He is getting very good aspects from Jupiter from late Sep this year for one year which would make him more bold and give him public support also.
Trump is more of a moralist than conservative! By hook or by crook he will get things his way and it is this aspect of wanting to get things your own way which constitutes the executive ability. General Kelly has a Mars Saturn wide conjunction which is one of the major accident configurations and often leads to heart problems and also the bladder area in the long run.
However, being extremely dependable and loyal, he will serve well with Trump although he is just as predictable and Trump gives the impression of being unpredictable. Of course, that is just an illusion and only an astrologer can see that Trump is an extremely predictable person in the long run. They both are extremely patriotic and the only danger is that the military solutions may increase if Trump feels pressured.
They both want Peace but the General's Mars and Saturn both are in Trump's 2nd house so he may encourage more military spending. His Moon and Venus in Trump's 8th house indicate he will help him gain financially for the country from foreign lands (Venus very close to the 9th). General Kelly's Sun and Mercury in Trump's 10th house brings more recognition and fame for Trump so this was a very good choice for him.
As long as he doesn't run the Whitehouse like a military academy he will be fine and provide the necessary stability for the country. He is actually a good listener but not one to talk too much or brag at all.
He will have a laid back attitude but it is surprising that his Head line is slightly separate from the Life line. This makes him take calculated risks and not averse to adventure and daring actions. He is one to attack but will defend his position when pushed.
However, his little finger shows that he is not selfish enough to be his own boss and not very good in business where money is often the motivation. The crooked finger isolated like that indicates difficulty in relating to other (probably his Moon opp Saturn). Not sure if that is from an injury as it is quite abnormal if it is naturally like that but still it is isolated, so he has difficulty in communicating his feelings.
The fingers are relatively long so he is quite detailed and analytical but luckily wont get caught up with too much detail either (Head line separate from the Life line). There is a certain comfortable non-verbal communication between the General and Donald Trump but it is quite clear who is the showman! General Kelly is understated and the most important things to him would be Duty and Honor.
If our rectification is correct, then most likely he will go into an obscure phase in about 3 to 4 years time and keep a very low profile.
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