Here is the chart of Farrah Fawcett, the vivacious actress known for her role in Charlie's Angels and many other films. With Mercury in Aquarius, she certainly was quite brilliant, eloquent (Mercury sextile Venus), extremely intelligent (Mercury trine Uranus) and rather philosophical (Mercury square Jupiter) as well as very humanitarian. However, Mercury opposed to Pluto, it makes her actually a bit of an intellectual dictator although nobody would get that impression from her on the outside. Gorbachev was also born with the same configuration. Any adverse aspect between Mercury in Pluto indicates a sharp. sarcastic wit but also when you violate the divine truth and cannot undo the damage. However, these people are excellent in fighting the corrupt system as well (Steve Jobs also has the same configuration).
Venus in Sagittarius made her attractive and its opposition to Uranus indicated sudden breakups and her very independent nature in life. Venus in her 6th house (work place accurately shows her love affairs with other actors). Having a Mars opp Saturn as well, it indicated a very rebellious nature and major conflicts with authority. Very independent in love as well as her ideas about social welfare, she seems to really enjoy her role in The Burning Bed where she sets her abusive husband's bed on fire and Extremities, even the name has strong 8th house Scorpio these of rape, revenge, sex crime, sexual assault and abuse etc. It is interesting that radical themes best suited her as well but also created a lot of tension throughout her life.
Mars opp Saturn is also one of the major accident configurations involving the head area (Natasha Neeson who died while skiing had the same aspects but was not a radical person), knees and often the heart. However, it is the constant frustration and fighting with authorities and crisis situations which cause the stress in the first place.
Mercury opp Pluto indicates an inability to resolve deep feelings of resentment and Mercury being in the cool sign of Aquarius also lacks the deep sensitivity and faith although they can still be spiritual but in their own way, and quite humanitarian.
There was something not very normal but destined in her chart and the focus of planets in the 8th house indicates the question of life and death ultimately made her completely re-evaluate her attitude towards life itself. This also became her obsession and mission i.e. to help others by filming her stages of demise.
Farrah Fawcett's chart reminds me of the rock & roll legend Janis Joplin who also had very similar aspects (adverse Mercury Pluto but also the obsessive addictive Mars Neptune aspects) and was also somewhat of a tortured soul. Farrah's Mars opp Pluto also indicated the necessity to make radical changes in health as this is a dangerous aspect. However, she offset some of it by playing roles where her life was in danger as well.
Saturn at the very bottom of her chart and moving towards the 4th house (last abode) is always a bit of a critical time in life when people tend to disappear from the public and are supposed to keep a very low profile. Princess Diana had the same transit when she passed away and we had advised her quite a few times through our newsletter to keep a low profile and that it was dangerous for her to keep a high profile. Farrah Fawcett's whole focus had become her own health but she was also filming every aspect of it.
Pluto in her 6th house (almost finishing the long transit0 showed that this was an illness which was possible preventable and partly due to stress at work and attitude towards health. Pluto also rules the area of elimination which was where her cancer started. Pluto opp Moon indicated that from last year, she was changing all her habits and attitude towards life and was confronting and trying to resolve her past, even issues from her early childhood or towards her parents.
Sun in her 12th house also indicated that emphasis was on health and of course she died in the hospital. Jupiter transiting her 9th house (once every 12 years) as well as still conjuncting her Mercury made her as spiritual as possible and actually like a preacher (her filming and documentary about how she was feeling definitely fits her frame of mind i.e. to help the humanity understand what cancer patients go through and what they have to contend with including the chemicals and bias of the doctors.
Jupiter in the 9th and trined to Moon (out of sign trine) indicates that she was at peace with herself and ready for long distance travel (she had physically travelled six times for her treatment to Germany during the last few months also).
I know a few sociology professors and activists who had similar aspects as Farrah Fawcett and her humanitarian side will probably help the system as Jupiter conj Mercury and in her 9th house assures her success as a spokesperson for cancer victims and will probably help change the system as well.
From now (June 2009) till summer of 2010, you will probably see some books and DVDs coming out about her and in fact this is one the best times to have your own work published regardless of the fact that the person is alive or not! A documentary where she is talking about herself and being like a good preacher seems to be the main theme of this transit).
It seems that once a person is born, the horoscope applies to the soul and the transits keep reflecting the events for in that chart even after the person has left this world. In other words, when Sun goes in the 10th house of Beethoven, you suddenly start hearing his music everywhere and this will be a very interesting exercise in astrology to see the wonderful events unfolding in the life of Farrah Fawcett as Jupiter moves from her 9th house (long distance journeys and spiritual truths) to the 10th house of fame throughout 2010.
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