by Hassan Jaffer
Updated Jan 2013
Leonardo di Caprio is like a natural psychologist with planets in Scorpio giving him the ability to understand the needs of the underdog and Mercury in Libra giving him the objectivity to stand back and look at a problem from an objective viewpoint.
His whole chart is that of a talented actor who is not only intellectual and thinks for himself but also is deeply passionate about the causes. In love matters, there is a parallel with Demi Moore but Leo is much more objective and has a strong sense of fairness and justice. He also has a strong legal mind and the brilliant aspect in his chart (Mercury conj Uranus) can make him somewhat unconventional and erratic from time to time.
He will be involved with a lot of causes and will use his celebrity status to help the poor, the needy and the animal kingdom, probably the ones who he fears are close to extinction. He is best in crisis situations and has strong survival instincts and will use all of this to do humanitarian work.
He keeps a low profile relative to his abilities and is basically somewhat reclusive except for his legal mind and ability to communicate easily. He is a very private person and his main weakness will be women who are like beauty and the beast (femme fatale types). Beauty heals him as he is so intense in his emotions. He is a true friend to have but will be very selective. In fact to be his friend you have to have a few problems!
There are two very beautiful aspects in his chart which show the humanitarian side of his. First of all, he was born in the 70s when Neptune was in Sagittarius, the most philosophical age group. Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King were both born with Neptune in Sagittarius. This age group truly cares for humanity (Prince William is also from this same age group and is involved with many causes as well). The second thing I really about his chart is Jupiter being in the sign of Pisces. This makes one rather spiritual and very kind and compassionate towards animals and those who don't have a voice.
Although he is too intellectual to be a true believer and one who is known for his faith, he will use legal means (Mercury in Libra) to raise the consciousness about the rare animals and other humanitarian causes.
2013 Transits: Oct 2011 till Oct 2012 was a very depleting period for Leonardo di Caprio. He is coming into is in a major accident configuration this year and has to be extra careful till summer with temper and should pace himself. Saturn conjunct his Mars in Scorpio makes is easy for one to lose temper and he is also coming into a major testing period in love matters later on this year. However, on the positive side, at least he will find out who his true friends are.
Jupiter is touching off his Moon till May 2013 which is excellent for family reunions and anything pertaining to family, homes and public response. He also has Jupiter trining his Mercury and Uranus which is a major windfall theme and excellent for writing, contractual matters and he will become like a good preacher under this transit which lasts until June 2013.
From June 2013, Jupiter will trine his Mars giving him sudden bursts of energy and protecting his high energy by giving him good outlets. This is the time he can take big chances and it will offset some of the Saturn hassles till late summer.
His planets are coming down so he will probably focus more on himself and raising a family and will become much more realistic about his relationships and having children etc. His chart is very close to the US chart actually and although he has some limelight this year and recognition, he will start keeping a low profile by the end of this year for a few years as he becomes a father and gets involved with relationships which are much more positive for him than in the past. There is a luck elements starting also from summer even as he is going through a testing period this year in love matters.
Astro Trends May 1998.
Here is the horoscope of Titanic's heartthrob Leonardo DiCaprio. InRomeo&Juliet, Shakespeare couldn't have described Venus in Scorpio better than the line "my only love springs from my only hate"! No wonder, it is also the favorite line of Leonardo DiCaprio who has Venus in Scorpio!
Horoscope Highlights of Leonardo DiCaprio
Moon in Libra = Soft looks. A sense of fairness. Easy going.
Moon square Saturn = Sadness at home and family. Parents divorced when he was a baby. Controlling mother.
Sun conj Mars = Aggressively pursues his goals.
Sun conj. Venus = Good looking and soft (Libra) looks.
Mercury trine Jupiter = Remembers lines well. Scholarly and well-read. Likes foreign countries and their culture.
Mercury conjunct Uranus = Erratic brilliant mind. Prone nervous tension. Will probably do some space-age roles.
Venus in Scorpio = Magnetic and sensual. Will like women from a totally different culture or religion. Impossible relationships.
Venus trine Saturn = attracted to older or very mature women.
Mars trine Jupiter = Lot of traveling and opportunities from foreign countries. Sudden bursts of energy. Taking chances.
Jupiter in Pisces square Neptune = Healer. Humanitarian and idealistic about the world. Has to be careful of psychic fraud and deceptive gurus.
Neptune in 2nd in Sagittarius: Earnings through acting. Philosophical generation. Will give benefit of doubt to UFOs and psychic matters.
Neptune sextile Pluto = Ability to immortalize works of art and beauty through inspirational acting.
With a stellium in Scorpio, he was in his element while recreating life-death situations in the Titanic. Even the mask he wore in "The Man with the Iron Mask" has strong Scorpio connotations. Some of his upcoming roles will either be very sensual or involving dark forces of human nature. Like Demi Moore, who has been a longterm friend of his and shares many similarities in her horoscope, Leo is best when he portrays raw human emotions. Unlike some actors who only use their intellect and have a theoretical approach, both Leo and Demi are best when they have to portray feelings, empathy, compassion and different moods of their characters.
The element of Water is the most mysterious and complex. In fact, there is no IQ test designed to measure their unique intuitive gifts and emotional intensity. Like most people with Scorpio planets, Leonardo DiCaprio was not even nominated for an Oscar even though he was the only reason Titanic became such a huge success and broke every box office record! Even though the movie had a good director, it was only because so many teenagers went to see Leonardo up to twelve times that it became a fantastic box office hit.
Leonardo has three Grand Trines in Water which make him a natural psychologist and someone who will always be attracted to roles where he has to sensitively portray the underdog or a savior. We mentioned in our last newsletter in the horoscope of the United States that anyone with Libra rising (or Libra-Scorpio planets) represents the national identity of America. I think that Leonardo DiCaprio also has Libra rising and has captured the imagination of all America like JFK, Liz Taylor and even Bill Clinton (who continues to soar in his popularity).
This also indicates that he has a strong sense of fairness and does not like any hassles. Libra rising gives him soft features and makes him very pleasant and serene to look at. All of you who have Cancer MC have Libra rising and will benefit from the US at some point.
Secret Love and Secret Enemies! Just like America's own chart, Leonardo DiCaprio has Libra in his 12th house. This indicates that he will not only have secret love affairs but also that his secret love could become his obsession and be detrimental to him in the long run. Venus in the 12th house indicates secret love as well as a love of secrets i.e. a passion for the mysteries of life. However, Venus in the 12th house also indicates that those he loves can also undermine his interests. His secret enemy will be beautiful women who are part of his passionate obsession. The secret enemy in the sense that he will sacrifice a lot more than he should for their sake and his health could suffer because of it (sleepless nights).
Leo may have to give up a lot in life because of his love and go against the culture or religion or his own family. He will have to be careful that love affairs do not spoil his career and self-image. Sacrifices are always necessary with Venus in the 12th:
His Venus in Scorpio trined to Saturn indicates that he is a one-woman man and also very possessive. In fact, he can never be happy without a child because he wants to possess the person's mind, body, and soul. Only a chid's bond is unbreakable by separation or divorce. He has very deep feelings (similar to Bruce Lee and Tina Turner) and has an all-or-nothing attitude in love.
Libra rising puts Cancer on the 10th house (MC) and Capricorn on the 4th which indicates a role reversal in the family. Leonardo also has a Moon Saturn square which adds to the sadness at home, divorced parents and the mother being very controlling and a domineering influence. She may also have interfered with the affection of the father. Besides Cancer, there is some Leo also in the 10th house which would account for fame and any role connected with Royalty or England (monarchy). He portrayed King Louis in the "Man Behind the Iron Mask" and Titanic was a British ship.
His upcoming movie "Celebrity" will probably do extremely well as it is also a "Leo" name. He was born with Jupiter in his 5th house which indicates a fantastic luck element through all his hobbies. It is interesting that his fame is from Titanic and Jupiter (transportation) in Pisces (ocean) represents the ocean liner and the ocean.
n fact, when the Titanic sank, the Moon was in Pisces which accounts for deep sadness, sense of sacrifice and violins playing to the end. The Moon was also at the same place as Leonardo's Jupiter many years after, almost making it a destined event in his life. It also signifies the tremendous spiritual heights to which this young actor was supposed to elevate this tragedy. He touched people at the soul level and brought an inspirational sadness to the movie. Jupiter was back in his 5th house in Pisces when Titanic was released and Leonardo's mission was realized.
A Spiritually Healing Combination: Jupiter in Pisces is a very spiritual placement and those born with this configuration are always humanitarian and are very kind towards children, old people and animals. However, there is also a tendency towards "guru worship" which can be exploited by unscrupulous charlatans. Although they are psychically vulnerable, they always respect spirituality and psychic phenomenon.
Leonardo was also born with Jupiter in Pisces which gives him a vulnerable look and makes him a healer for the downtrodden. Those of you born between 26 Mar. 1962 - 3 Apr. 1963, 8 Mar. 1974 -18 Mar. 1975,21 Feb. 1986 - 2 Mar.1987 have Jupiter in Pisces. All children born between 4 Feb. 1998 and 12 Feb. 1999 will also have Jupiter in Pisces.
Jupiter is back in his 5th house until next summer which is excellent for sudden windfalls as well as having children. Pisces on the 5th house can also indicate a love child (out of wedlock pregnancy).
Accident ConfigerationAhead? Leonardo DiCaprio has two major accident configurations which he is going through. Uranus has already been squaring his Mars for the last two years and will be there for another two years. Saturn will also conjunct his Mars between Mar. 1999 and Mar. 2000. He has to be extremely careful of accidents which could lead to surgeries, danger while driving and sharp objects. There may even be brushes with the law. Saturn has been touching off his Moon and continues till Summer 1999. This accounts for disappointments with the Academy Awards and also the possible ill health of his mother or a close family member.
He needs to be very careful of his health this year and not to feel depressed at any setbacks. He also needs a lot of physical rest and iron to avoid feeling depleted.
He needs to be very careful of any danger sports and heart-related problems due to crisis situations. He needs to pace himself and drink lots of water to dilute the enzymes caused by frustration, indulge in harmless physical activity to avoid bursts of temper, avoid fights and legal battles, be careful of surgeries and generally avoid accidents.
If my assumption of Libra rising is correct, then his planets are just coming above the horizon and Leonardo DiCaprio will have success for many years ahead. Interestingly, his chart is very similar to Bill Gates of Microsoft. Both are Scorpios, both have had an impact on the world, both have Mercury in Libra (intellectual and well-read) and are born with Venus in Scorpio which indicates many secret admirers as well as secret enemies!
written 1996:
Leonardo di Caprio has Saturn opposing his natal Moon which is not a good omen for public response. It also indicates disappointments until the end of 1997. His generation (those born in the '70s) are all experiencing a Mars/Neptune opposition from the last two weeks of May till the first two weeks of June 1996 (they will get a similar transit from the end of Sep. till mid-Oct. '96. This is the time when people have wrong hunches and act upon them and it backfires and the worst nightmares come true!
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