Update: 13 July 2013 10 pm:
It was just announced that George Zimmerman was aquitted by the six women jury. They should probably have had more mixed jury and not all women either. It seems that Jupiter sextiling his Mars is the luck element and also Jupiter sq Moon just before which is family reunion. This is also an indication of travel and he will probably move as soon as possible to protect himself from the wrath of the public. Moon was back in late degrees Virgo which he was born with. However, Neptune is opposing his natal Mars and this is a nightmare configuration which will be there for a few years. He is also born with a Mars sq Uranus which indicates danger from guns and knives.
The jury probably got confused with both versions of the story and aquitted him rather than just believing the degence. With Mercury retrograde they erred as this was a clear case of manslaughter and we do not believe this is final and there will proababl be civil case against him as well. Geroge Zimmerman is definitely guilty and has every element of the temper (Mars sq Uranus) delicate ego (Venus in Leo) which was snubbed by the aloof Mercury in Aquraius of Trayvon Martin, and is also a skillful liar (Mercury sq Neptune). He probably got scared as well as being somewhat of a vigilante and couldn't stand the young Trayvon standing up to him and shot Trayvon without any emotions (Moon was opposing his Saturn at the moment).
When Moon goes into Scorpio on 16th July, you can expect the beginning of plots against him and a violent aspect coming up.
Here is the chart analysis of the tragedy of the black teenager Trayvon Martin who was shot by George Zimmerman on 26th Feb 2012 at 7 PM in Sanford, Florida.
Even without their time of birth, we can see their personality quite clearly just from the planets and the aspects.
Zimmerman is a Libra with Neptune in Sagittarius so the sense of law and justice was there. He also has Moon sq Neptune which makes one sensitive to the needs of others but also leads to emotional misjudgments (both of them were born with this aspect). However, he also has an explosive Mars sq Uranus which is the hallmark of temper as well as freak accidents involving guns and explosives. Jupiter conj Uranus is also part of this square and his Mars sq Jupiter made him take unnecessary risks and made him too confident, foolhardy and taking the law in his own hands.
He is also born with the deceptive Mercury sq Neptune aspect, making it difficult for him to separate truth from fantasy. It is somewhat of a schizophrenic aspect but they tend to rationalize (most politicians are born with it).
Having Moon. Mercury and Mars in Virgo made him very critical and with Saturn in Scorpio, very negative and even fatalistic. Saturn in Scorpio gives a morbid type of depression and taking the rest of the aspects into consideration, he was acting like a vigilante. Sun in Libra - law, Neptune in Sagittarius - need for justice, Moon sq Neptune - wanting to save others, Mercury sq Neptune - wrong conclusions then justifying and lying about it. Even his Venus in Leo made him crave attention and taking the rest of the conflicts in his chart and the explosive Mars sq Uranus aspect, he basically misused his power on a defenseless black teenager and shot him out of hatred and vindictiveness. His Saturn in Scorpio most definitely shows the ruthless touch and destructive urges. He already had anger problems and had assaulted his girlfriend before and got into trouble with the law as well. Anyone with a Mars sq Uranus should never handle guns as it is one of the most explosive aspect and always indicates danger of freak accidents and danger of assassination as well. In fact transiting Mars is touching off his natal Mars sq Uranus till mid May 2012 activating real danger for him.
When you compare the two charts Zimmerman's Pluto opposed Trayvon's Moon indicating the potential for destruction of his family and bringing deep sorrow in his mother's life. His natal Mars opposes Trayvon's Saturn also which points to the danger of anger and violence between them.
Zimmerman followed Trayvon against the advice of the police and subsequently lied about being attacked and having head injuries, all part of his Mercury sq Neptune delusion.
Trayvon Martin was an Aquarius with Mercury in Aquarius as well which made him quite bright but also a bit rebellious and a non-conformist. Trayvon was also born with a Mars sq Jupiter which made him over confident and to take chances as well. Having Mars in Leo, he wasn't one to just run away from dangerous situations.
Zimmerman needed attention (Venus in Leo) while Trayvon's Mercury in Aquarius made him rather coolly sarcastic and not bullied by the older man. Trayvon probably confronted the killer verbally which may have been his downfall as well. Another major longterm transit in Zimmerman's chart is Neptune in Pisces opposing his natal Mars in Virgo. This is a nightmare configuration and a mentally stressful aspect which will haunt him for a long time (as Neptune is very slow moving). Jupiter is sextiling his Mars which indicates the luck in evading law for the time being and probably tranvelling, but he will run out of luck by April.
In Zimmerman’s case, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto all touched off his natal Moon and Mercury in 2009 and 2010 indicating major hassles, manic depression and even life death situations in his family. The upheavals during these years were probably still unresolved and he must have become quite bitter. He had Moon opposing his Saturn at the time indicating feeling depressed but also very unemotional to the point of being cruel (Saturn in Scorpio).
Unfortunately for Trayvon, he was born with a Mars opp Saturn (accident prone and rebellious against authority) and transiting Mars was opposing his Saturn as well. This is a major accident configuration and accounts for his being at the wrong place at the wrong time and ignoring the danger to himself. In fact, Mars retrograde in Virgo was touching off his Saturn for at least a month already and he was
in trouble with the school in the preceding weeks. Saturn opposing his Moon from end of last year till Oct 2012 is reflective of his mother's depression now and the family's tragedy.
Youtube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE2_1etVAjU
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