Sun in 12th (ruler of 1st house) = Hidden aspects of personality.
Sun and Moon Square = Parents two completely different people.
Sun sxt Mars = High drive and energy. Sudden bursts of energy.
Sun square Jupiter = Optimistic approach to life. High office.
Sun square Neptune = Spiritual leanings. Feels he has a mission.
Moon in Libra = Likes peace and harmony. One of the law signs.
Moon conj. Jupiter = Wants to help the masses. Visionary (Hitler had the same aspect).
Moon square Saturn = Anemic. Low blood pressure. Weakness of eyes. Can be cruel and not even realize it. Denial of affection from a parent. Can be ruthless and emotionless. Good for crisis situations.
Mercury conj Pluto = Dictatorial. Ability to violate Divine truths without being able to undo the damage. Secretive. Need for control.
Mercury in Leo sxt Neptune = Oratory skills. Charming till opposed.
Venus sxt Jupiter = Love of luxury and comfort. Designer clothes. Wealthy.
Mars square Uranus = Freak accidents to spine and head. Danger from guns, explosions and driving. One of the assassination configurations.
Jupiter in Libra = Judicial outlook towards life. Sense of fairness.
Saturn in 12th = Father in institutions and underhanded work (CIA).
Neptune (wide conj. Moon) = Emotional misjudgment. Humanitarian. Escapist tendencies. Has to be careful of drugs and alcohol.
Uranus is opposing his Mars for the next few years which is an aspect of freak accidents with cars, planes, guns etc. Laura Bush has Mars in Scorpio in her 7th house of marriage indicating danger to the husband. This is getting touched off by transiting Saturn from mid 2005 till end of 2006!! Saturn will conjunct George Bush Jr.'s Mars from mid 2007 till mid 2008. This is an aspect of surgeries and heart problems.
Here is the chart of the 43rd US President, George Walker Bush who is the first president to have more than a million less popular votes and still win the election! Mercury retrograde on the election date created indecisiveness, and general confusion as well as the recounts. His M.C. being the same as Al Gore proved that astrology really works as they both had identical transits of planets in the different houses, and the nation was split exactly 50-50!
Saturn in Taurus during the election ensured his success as this points to return of the good old times and gives a curb to the extreme liberal values which the U.S. was headed for. George Bush has Saturn in Cancer which also points to strong family values and a conservative streak. Mercury in Leo (like Bill Clinton) makes him a good speaker as well although the conjunction to Pluto in Leo makes him a benevolent dictator as well.
Moon in Libra conjunct Jupiter gives a judicial outlook, a peace loving nature and visionary tendencies. It is also good for those who plan mass housing. However, most leaders who want to do something for the masses are born with this aspect (including Hitler)!
George Bush Jr. has a dangerous aspect this year as Saturn squares his Mars, starting from Mar.2001 till Apr.2002. In fact, Saturn has already made this square from end of last year and he has started having the legal hassles associated with this transiting aspect already. This transit indicates wrong timing, authority conflicts (difficulty with the Congress), delays, frustrations leading to anger and heart problems as well as accidents and often surgeries. However, if he maintains his calmness and gives himself enough time to avoid a hectic schedule and crisis situations, he will be alright. This transit may even reflect heart related problems or surgeries for his parents.
Jupiter trining his Moon in May and June of this year will give him good public response, family reunions and more property.
Saturn sextile his Mercury throughout this year especially from Mar. 2001 till Apr.2002 will help him in pushing his ideas in a realistic way and to cut short any losses. This is an excellent aspect for anyway making tough longterm executive decisions. He also has Jupiter sextiling his Mercury (already in effect) till mid May 2001 which will help him in getting many of his proposals approved. This is a real luck element when it comes to writing, public speaking and all contractual matters. It also makes him more philosophical and religious and maybe that is why he declared the first day of his office as a day of prayers.
Uranus is about to move into his 8th house of money that is somehow dependent on others including inheritance, insurance money and pension funds. Interestingly, George Bush Jr.’s chart is very similar in timing to that of Bill Gates and in fact shows luck with electronic equipment, the Internet and digital technology. This may be an indication that he favors an amicable settlement with Microsoft instead of the government being so vindictive as in the past. He will also probably make education available on line or give grants to that effect.
In May and June 2001, Jupiter conjuncts his Uranus which normally represents a sudden windfall as well as opportunities from foreign countries and foreign trade. This transit indicates gains through upheavals and gives the individual an opportunistic attitude for the duration of the transit. It can also indicate miraculous escapes and gains from misfortunes of others (Saddam?). We have a feeling that the Middle East may create some unexpected opportunities for him and he may increase the crisis there but also find a chance to mediate to bring peace to that volatile region.
His Mercury in Leo (like Clinton) gives him leadership and the ability to bring people of different backgrounds together and resolve matters in a definite manner. However, it also makes him very stubborn especially when he is convinced he is right. Leos are not good listeners.
Although Bush has a ruthless touch to him like his father (Moon square Saturn), where his actions can destroy families, we hope that Jupiter touching off his Moon this summer and Saturn trining it next year will make him take touch stands against special interest groups (who have been exploiting the government for millions of dollars for several years), without being vindictive or subversive. This configuration also indicates destruction of homes and families and judging from Saddam’s chart (mental stress), Bush will probably initiate bombing Iraq again from end of Feb. till Sep.2001. Pluto trining Mercury till 2002 will help him influence the masses but we hope that he does not repeat his father’s blunders.
Updated Nov. 3, 2004: I had written about the positive and negative aspects for both Kerry and Bush and actually expected Kerry to have the edge. Bush has just won the election and besides voter fraud, secret unaudited software without any audit trails being used and many other factors, astrologically speaking, here are some conclusions for those of you who are interested in learning from this experience.
George Bush was getting a Jupiter conj Moon and sextile to his Mercury. This is one of the best aspects for public response and also makes him communicate with enthusiasm and project a positive spin to everything. He was actually born with a Moon Jupiter conjunction in Libra (ironically, the sign of peace! like his father). Both these were trined to Uranus which is an aspect of windfalls. This Uranus was also being trined by Jupiter and certainly this election was a real windfall for him.
Moon was in Cancer on the election day and Bush being a Cancer, it not only helped him, but also reinforced the family values and anti-gay marriage and Christian votes. Jupiter conj Moon also favors women and Moon being in Cancer played well for him and his patriotic call. Even Osama bin Laden's tape emerging one day before the election probably helped. Interestingly, Osama's first three letters are USA!
What I am surprised at is Moon being in the 12th house conjuncting his Saturn is when people feel disappointed. This was the exact aspect when he gave his victory speech! Maybe the 12th house really signifies the underhanded connotations and intrigue that went in this election. After all, "" had written in July 2004 about "how George Bush is going to win this election", and it pointed out to the fraudulent Diebold company being used etc.
The biggest handicap I feel for Kerry was his natal Moon Saturn conjunction which makes it difficult for people to connect with him (especially women). Although, Kerry had Saturn moving up in his chart, I suppose it wasn't enough and eventually, Jupiter conj Moon for Bush helped him along with religion (Jupiter sextile Mercury).
We had predicted that Jupiter in Libra will bring the focus on peace not war from Oct. 2004 till Sep. 2005. Unfortunately, Kerry also endorsed continuation of the was in Iraq instead of bringing the troops home. That one sentence would have changed the direction of this election.
However, he still has time for another go when Saturn will be right on top of his chart in four years! Kerry's wife had Saturn and Moon right at the bottom of her chart and this also may have pulled him down completely. Laura Bush's chart also has Saturn moving down but she has at least one or two years before that happens.
Uranus is opposing his Mars for the next few years which is an aspect of freak accidents with cars, planes, guns etc. Laura Bush has Mars in Scorpio in her 7th house of marriage indicating danger to the husband. This is getting touched off by transiting Saturn from mid 2005 till end of 2006!! Saturn will conjunct George Bush Jr.'s Mars from mid 2007 till mid 2008. This is an aspect of surgeries adn heart problems.
I wrote this article about George Bush Jr. in Feb. 2003, and it is quite revealing, especially in retrospect.
I was looking at John Kerry’s Timescan again for the whole year and he is certainly very lucky to be getting some excellent aspects. Jupiter is right on top of his chart in his 10th house of fame whereas George Bush has Jupiter in the obscure 3rd house of short trips (to Texas?) and then moving to his ranch (Jupiter in 4th) for family reunions.
However, it is interesting that both candidates have good aspects from Jupiter to their Mercury, which is good for communication, but it will actually help Bush more as he is a better communicator (Mercury in Leo) and more convincing because he exaggerates and believes himself with a force of conviction.
However, at least it will make John Kerry speak with a little more enthusiasm and make him more believable.
In Dec. 2004, both of them have Jupiter aspecting their Moon and they will both be moving. This is also good for publicity and will help Kerry more as he needs the enthusiasm that this transit generates.
You can expect some surge in publicity for Bush at the last minute but it won’t be enough. Saturn in his 12th house making an exact Saturn return is also not a good omen for him and in fact points to health problems coming up.
June-July 2004 will mark the beginning of problems and disappointments for Bush. This may be when Fahrenheit 911 is released and exposes some of his hypocrisy, End of Sep and beg. Oct 2004 is a nightmare period for Bush when he is under a lot of stress and scandals make it worse for him. In fact, he even has major authority or legal issues just around the election time. However, with no ballot checking and other methods of fraud, this election may still be stolen from John Kerry. His wife is not going to help either and his shifting to increasing troops in Iraq will also hurt him.
Unfortunately, Kerry is still going to pursue many of the policies in the Middle East which the Bush administration has implemented except that he won’t be as much of a puppet as Bush. He still does have a ruthless side to him and no feelings for home and family (Moon conj Saturn). This of course applies to other’s family and he will still cause a lot of hardship and destruction of homes and families.
George Bush Jr.’s father was also born with a Moon-Saturn conjunction and was instrumental in causing tremendous amount of pain and suffering to Iraqi people. We still feel that Kerry will be better in terms of diplomacy.
There is always an emotional toughness about those who have a Saturn Moon conjunction and this is the reason why he hardly ever smiles. We are banking of his practicality. Reagan was born with Mercury in Capricorn like John Kerry and had a lot of resolve but was not very intellectual. Boris Yeltsin was also born with the same configuration!
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