Astrological Highlights
Moon in Aries in 10th = Aggressive, innovative, pioneering and always takes the lead in career. Limelight.
Detailed Analysis
Here is a summary of the transits (timing) of Bill Gates as they directly affect the future of Microsoft. Follow the Personal Column “A” to understand the timing of this technology leader.
Bill Gates has many enemies (Saturn in Scorpio like Steve Jobs of Apple) who are vindictive. Saturn opposing itself creates obstacles for him till mid Apr. 2001. Aquarius on his 8th house cusp is lucky for money from the Internet and software. Uranus there for a few more years promises more windfalls.
Adverse Timing: His nightmare period (careful of Microsoft stocks and Nasdaq at that time) is towards
The Rise of Microsoft: When Microsoft was first traded (Mar, 13th 1986), Jupiter was in his 8th house, one of the best transit for other people's money and shareholders, and Moon and Venus were both right on his 10th house (fame and public resopnse), and the rest is history. In fact, every planet was moving up in his chart so his timing was perfect , even now keeping a low profile from 2005 onward as Saturn comes down in his chart for a few years.
(updated Feb 2006)
• Legal hassles end of November 2006. This is an aspect of legal hassles and will affect the market adversely.
Windfall Aspects: Bill Gates has some real windfall aspects in
• Jan 2007 till Nov. 2007.
This is an excellent time for bold moves, sudden luck, major contractual deals and lots of public response. He will be doing a lot of travel also during this period.
Dangerous Period: June 2003 is the peak of his career. Saturn squaring Mars and Neptune from June 2003 till July 2004 is a dangerous period for him and points to legal hassles and financial losses possibly leading to heart problems. 2010 is when he has to be extremely careful of heart and crisis situations when Saturn conjuncts his Mars at the bottom of his chart. This also applies to all his genetic ties incudling parents' health.
Pluto trining his Moon in the 10th till 2002 will increase his visual perception. He will be able to understand people at a deep subconscious level and will use this powerful insight to improve their visual experiences through interactive TV, broadband technology, VR and multimedia documentaries.
From mid 2008, Pluto squares his Moon for about five years indicating a complete change in people's habits and a major re-evaluation of the home and family . This could also indicate that he is getting more involved with mass housing and families who are in crisis. Astrology just shows your experiences, not whether they apply to you directly or people around you and helping the masses rebuild their homes and life is an excellent way to offset this theme.
As mentioned before, he will have enough time to consolidate his position by 2002 and retire by 2005 even as he continues to influence the masses.
We wrote this in 2001 and Bill Gates is now focusing on charities and the Bill Gates foundation rather than keeping a high profile in his career. This is exactly what we had predicted and jupiter transiting his 5th house in 2006 and 2007 probably points to his focus on children and the youth, and he will be very successful in this venture.
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