Update 19 March 2018
BillClinton is in a very stressful transit and his age group is also going through a nightmare period until mid-April 2018. He has to be careful of heart and legal mattes. He is also very accident prone and needs lot of rest. The Accident configuration which can lead to heart problems continues until Oct 2018. https://twitter.com/astrocycles
Update 9 Sep 2017: President Clinton has a Major accident configuration in Feb, June and Nov 2018 but it is really in effect from Jan 2018 till Dec 2018.
Transiting Saturn sq Mars is a dangerous aspect for heart and in his case kidneys as well (Mars in Libra). This happens every 7 years but this time it is a major accident configuration as Saturn is transiting at the bottom of his chart and shows a period of obscurity when people keep a very low profile. It often shows legal hassles and frustration which can result in heart-related problems.
Originally Written 11 Nov. 1997
Updated 1 Jan. 1999
President Clinton will stay in office till 19 Jan.2001 even if he is impeached! The Senate will not have the majority vote. This is also the beginning of the change in the Judicial system where the law is used to make a mockery of the taxpayer's money. I wonder how many Senators would have wanted to hold the trial if they were not paid at all for the duration of the trial! The grand jury is nothing but people off the road who would never want their own secrets to be revealed to anyone. The main question may not even be asked i.e. they should never have asked the President about his personal life in the first place!
Ken Starr has a lot of disappointments throughout 1999 till mid-2000 as Saturn is conjunct his Moon. Chairman of the Judiciary Committee to impeach Bill Clinton, Chairman Hyde, has a nightmare aspect in Feb.'99 until Aug.'99. He will probably be totally disappointed by the Senate's acquittal of the President and appalled at his high public rating! Ironically, Chairman Hyde himself had an affair for 5 years and destroyed the marriage of a couple many years ago.
Bill Clinton will bring the Middle East closest to Peace and will see his plans come to fruition between 2004 and 2008 while he is not in office
Saturn squaring Uranus is the key to world events which indicate a break from the past. The Euro currency is doing away with the currency of many hundreds of years, moral vs liberal attitudes, Cybercash vs real currency etc. are some other examples of this which will continue until the end of 2000!
Astrological Highlights
by Hassan Jaffer
Moon square Pluto= Family upheavals (lost father when 3 months old). His policies destroyed families in Iraq. Unforgiving.
Moon in Taurus (like Prince Charles) = Likes history/tradition.
Mercury sextile Mars = Strong and forceful mind.
Mercury in Leo sxt Venus = Oratory skills. Verbal eloquence. Exaggeration. Dramatic and colorful in speech.
Mercury conj. Saturn in Leo = Stubborn. Leadership ability. Left-handed. Tenacious. Proud. Lonely Eagle.
Mercury sxt. Neptune = Intuitive. Verbal seduction. Ability to evade truth without lying. Can outsmart crooks. Imaginative in verbal imagery.
Mercury conj. Pluto in Leo = A benevolent dictator. Secretive. Can be sarcastic. Powerful opposition. Tampering Master Plan. Seeks power
Venus in Libra and Libra rising = Soft looking. Loves art and beauty. Venus conj. Neptune = Sorrow in love. Craves ideal love and romance.
Venus in 12th house = Love of secrets and secret love.
Venus in Libra conj Jupiter = Easy wealthy, love of luxury and comfort, weight problem. Sugar (Mars also in Libra).
Mars cnj. Venus cnj. Neptune = Impulsive secret love affairs are secret enemies.
Mars conj. Neptune = Acting upon wrong hunches. Nightmares and intrigue. Backstabbing by secret love. Subversive activities. drugs.
Jupiter trine Uranus = Sudden luck through upheavals. Windfalls.
Detailed Analysis (written on 11 Nov. 1997)
Here is the chart of the 42nd US President, Bill Clinton who was born with Libra rising, the sign of good looks, fairness, and justice. Many politicians were born with this Ascendant because it is their sense of fair play being violated which motivates them to go into politics in the first place. John F. Kennedy was born with it but so was Hitler! There are many parallels in JFK's personalities and Clinton's. They both had Libra rising and were motivated by the need to rectify injustices. They both were known for their love affairs although JFK's were more physical.
Bill Clinton has two completely different sides to his character and together they make the best combination for Public Relations. He has four planets in Leo (it is called a stellium) giving him the charisma, magnetism and authority, intelligent leadership ability, sense of integrity, pride and a sense of drama and oratory skills. Then he has four planets in Libra, three of which are conjunct in his 12th house (I have rectified his chart to 9:18 am instead of 8:51 am which puts three planets in the 12th). Venus in 12th indicates secret love but also secret enemies, Venus conj. Neptune in 12th indicates secret love with those who are much younger and Mars conj. Neptune in 12th can easily lead to addictions.
His obsession is love and his idealistic Venus conj. Neptune in Libra represents a search for the ultimate romantic illusion. It is also a major sign of disappointments and deception in love. He is like an artist who wants to admire all beautiful paintings! Who would like to see the same art over and over again?! His Libra planets make him seek ideal love from one person to another. He must feel very disappointed by the illusion he falls in love with and then discovers the human frailties behind the person. He has exactly the same aspect and transit as Prince Charles and they both love women.
The reason Clinton is sometimes involved with unattractive women (e.g. Jones and Tripp) may be due to his Mars conj. Venus (impulsive short-term passion) and conjunct Neptune which leads to obsessions. He is very independent in love unlike Hillary (Venus in Scorpio) who is a one man woman and is extremely possessive. You will see her at her best now that she will play a saving role and he is an underdog.
Leo and Libra planets are excellent for PR because of Fire's force of conviction and Air's ability to communicate. Mercury sextile to Venus and Neptune give him his verbal eloquence. His Leo planets are all aspected to Saturn and Pluto making him a benevolent dictator and someone who seeks to destroy when things do not go his way. Bill Clinton probably has some Messiah complex and his role in the Middle East is motivated by misinterpretation of the Biblical prophecies. Libra planets = Love and Pluto aspects in Leo = War! In fact, I am absolutely sure that he will try his best to bomb Iraq right after his scandal starts becoming a crisis.
Transiting Planets: Bill Clinton has Saturn moving into his 7th house of marriage. After the restrictions at work (6th house), Saturn will test his marriage as we have previously mentioned in our newsletters. Saturn is almost finished opposing his Venus so the major test is almost over. Hillary's chart is not compatible to his at all but she will hang on to the relationship even if it becomes a lost cause (Venus in Scorpio) because she loves power and political clout.
As the President's scandals reach a peak around Aug. and Dec. '98, Hilary Clinton will probably be his best friend and confidante. Scorpio never abandons you when you are down and she will almost play a Savior's role. Impeachment proceedings are most likely in September and Dec. '98.
Transiting Mars will touch off Bill Clinton's Neptune in July and Dec. which will be very stressful for the President. His career will be on the line in September and possibly Dec.'98 but after that, he does not have to worry. He will be in a confused state of mind for at least one or two years as Neptune is sitting right on top of his Mercury and Saturn (guilt and deep insecurities). From, Feb.'99 onwards, he has some excellent transits from Jupiter which will help him out of any difficulty he may have got himself into.
They both have Uranus touching off their Mercury adversely which brings people close to nervous breakdowns and activates the nervous system. This indicates many sudden shocks through which they recover. It will also make them more unconventional and disregard public opinion. After all, it is ridiculous that an obscure woman accuses a US President and this has more effect on Middle East politics (thousands will suffer in Iraq because of it) than years of diplomacy! Bill Clinton will probably become more popular in the eyes of women (playboys are always more popular in the West than the "gentlemen").
His most scandalous period is in the first three weeks of Mar.'98 when Mars opposes his Neptune. Monica Lewinsky is getting a Mars sq. her Neptune at the end of Jan.'98 and will be a very stressful "nightmare" configuration. She will be wrongfully coerced into cooperating with the vindictive Kenneth Starr unless she can hold on until the first week of Feb.'98. She also has nightmare configurations in Aug. '98 and almost all of 1999.
Uranus transiting Clinton's 4th house indicates sudden changes at home and in the family and Neptune in 4th indicates sadness, deception, and scandals in the family. However, Jupiter will trine his Uranus (gains through upheavals) end of Jan. and Feb.'98 and news from foreign countries will bail him out. In this case, it is probably Iraq whose upheavals will benefit Clinton's popularity. Al Gore has many new responsibilities (Saturn conj. Sun in Aries) but things do not work out so smoothly when Saturn is sitting on your Sun sign!
It is not the American Fidelity nor their morals (they have one of the highest divorce rates in the world) but their craving for some perverse pleasure in reading about the secret lives of those in power which makes this scandal big business.
The whole Judicial system of the United States (and the rest of the world) will be going through some major and radical changes (Pluto in Sag. till 2008) and the way they treat the President will be the beginning of this change.
Summary: Mars conjunct Venus conjunct Neptune in the 12th house = Smoke dope, smuggle dope, dodge the draft, cheat on your wife, become President...the American dream!
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