Moon in Libra = Likes fairness and justice. Sense of harmony and peace.
Moon conj Saturn sq Uranus: Sudden upheavals at home and in family. Manic depressive phases.
Mercury in Cancer = Excellent memory. Understanding (Anne Landers and Princess Diana were both born with it)
Mercury sq Saturn = Corporate thinking. Administrative ability.
Mercury conj Uranus = Erratic brilliance. Sudden shocks through which one recovers.
Mercury sq Neptune = Mensa type yet making absolutely stupid mistakes. Most politicians are born with this. Hallmark of a saint and a con-artist! Inability to separate truth from fantasy. Justifying uncreditable acts. All good sense and logic goes out the window once their emotions get involved. Bad decisions in allowing husband to have a free rein.
Venus in Taurus = Very feminine and extremely loyal in friendship and marriage.
Saturn conj Neptune = People can play on her feelings of guilt. Unwarranted phobias. Getting caught because of wrong associates.
All in all, this is the chart of a brilliant lady who has suffered because of her loyalty and emotional attachment. She is like a Mensa person who makes really bad decisions from time to time once her emotions get involved. She definitely has leadership ability and has strong humanitarian tendencies. However, she has to be careful of emotional speeches which target religious leaders and those in authority (Saturn conj Neptune in 9th) as this will give nothing but suffering and hassles.
Updated Transits (written in 27th Dec. 2007)
We just heard about Pakistan 's Benazir Bhutto assassination. Unfortunately, our forecast below written in Oct. 2007 was quite clear and we had given the dates when Mono was in her 12th house (the first explosion when she was almost assassinated as she landed in Karachi). The entire age group of those born between 40s and early 50s are in danger including Nawaz Sharif and Musharraf. This also applies to those born in the 80s and we have recently heard so many accounts of tragedies involving the teens of that age as well. Mars is making a station for six months (making adverse aspects to their Neptune till April 2008).
The media analysis of experts is very irrational and does not take into account that Musharraf himself was targeted twice under the same transits. We do not believe that Musharraf was involved at all and there are two reason why she was more in danger: 1-She wa very outspoken against the Muslim "leaders" and Taliban instead of addressing the real root of terrorism which is the Palestinian plight and the US invasion of Iraq to control the oil reserves. 2- She took unnecessary changes and made herself an easy target for the assassins. In her last moments, she was standing out of the Sun roof smiling and waving offering a clear shot to anyone.
Nawaz Sharif will be the next PM but also does have to be careful till end of Mar.2008. Pakistan will be in a much better shape after March or April 2008.
Updated Transits (written in Oct. 2007)
Benazir Bhutto is planning to go to Pakistan and is sure to be greeted by thousands of well wishers. However, she is in constant danger from Taliban forces. April and May 2008 are the most dangerous months for her. Moon in her 12th house is also a dangerous aspect when her defenses are down and events can happen which may not only undermine her interests but also represent the greatest threat to her life (bombs, explosions etc. and danger to her life): 18-19th Oct.2007, 14-15th Nov.2007, 11-12th Dec.2007, 7-8th Jan.2008, 4-5th Feb.2008, 2-3rd Mar.2008. With Saturn in her 8th house, she will probably end up paying a lot of fines or money relating to her past activities and charges. However, she does having Saturn moving up in her chart but it will peak around 2013 whereas Nawaz Sharif has Saturn at the top of his chart now. She does have a lot of public support in Nov. and Dec. 2008 but also increased danger.
Although she may make some deal with President Musharraf, we still feel that Nawaz Sharif has the best chances to become the next PM of Pakistan as Saturn will be right on top of his chart. He may still have to face some legal issues but his success is assured for the next seven years at least if he comes to power.
Updated Transits (written in Feb. 2006)
Benazir Bhutto has Saturn moving up in her chart fro next several years. This is excellent for anyone who wants to come to power again and for public support. Jupiter sextiling her Mercury from Sep. till Dec. 2006 is her best time for negotiations and contractual matters. She will be much more optimistic and will give many speeches and will be very successful in her campaign to increase the popularity of her party and also if she wants to come back to power. The same theme repeats itself from end of Dec.2007 till Aug. 2008 which is an excellent time for her to come back to Pakistan if she wants to be the leader again.
2004 till mid 2005 was a very difficult period for her and she would have had nothing but opposition and probably felt very depleted. Now she will be emotionally tough and make very good decisions. 2007 is exactly opposite to what she went through in 2004 and 2005. She will have excellent public response and will again become very popular.
Detailed Analysis (written in Dec. 1996)
With Saturn moving towards her second house, Benazir lost her post as Prime Minister of Pakistan in Nov.'96 exactly as we had predicted last year! This is a time to keep a low profile for everyone till Saturn starts rising again and goes past the Fourth house. In about five years time, she will again have an opportunity to come back in power.
Queen Elizabeth II is also going through a similar transit and should give the throne to Prince Charles now. Princess Di and Marla Trump have also been going through the same obscurity phase.
Updated Feb. 2002:
Benazir Bhutto is again has planets rising in her chart (Saturn) and she is about to come out of her obscure phase. We will give a detailed analysis of her upcoming transits once the election date is announced. However, she also has a dangerous period starting from end of 2003 onwards and will run into a lot of legal hassles and even danger.
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