Written 1 May 2012
YouTube links to my analysis of her Natal chart and Transits:
Here is the chart of Avery Canahuatia, the little girl who won the hearts of millions in her short five months life. Even though her brave parents are sad, they know that she was a blessing to humanity and will most likely be instrumental in bringing about a cure for spinal muscular atrophy. Her wise dad decided to make her life an inspiration for finding the cure for spinal muscular atrophy. I firmly believe that this was her mission and her father was absolutely right when he said that they will have lot of time to cry after she is gone so let us celebrate her life and enjoy each moment and share it with the world. I certainly wouldn't have known about SMA if it wasn't for her blog.
Avery was born just a few hours after the full Moon on 11-11-2011. We have her birth time and also when she left this world which is going to be extremely helpful for us to understand the astrological aspects for SMA. As we feel her presence in our hearts, we are going to address her in the present tense. Avery is a Scorpio but has Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius (both exactly at 11 degrees Sag) which is the hallmark of many singers actually. This is also the sign of mass communication and no wonder thousands from around the world are responding to her blog. Prayers from around the world and her being in the hearts of everyone is also an indication of her philosophical Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius, the sign of the centaur aiming the arrow towards the sky above everyone and indicating high ideals. The brave parents did exactly what I ask people do when some tragedy happens i.e. to make her life worthwhile and be a stimulus to find the cure for her genetic disorder.
Neptune was in last degrees of Aquarius when she was born and Mars was in Virgo in opposition to it (out of sign opp). Aquarius rules the spine and the parasympathetic nervous system. Mars opp Neptune is one of the aspects of problems with the immune system. Although most successful people are born with it, it reduces the immunity of the body which in her case probably included the lungs (ruled by mutable signs and planets in Sagittarius also). Mars-Neptune is one of the configurations we wrote about in our last two newsletters as being indicative of a nightmare period for different age groups. Everyone born in Nov 2011 and mid-Mar to mid-May 2012 is born with a Mars opp Neptune.
As Neptune is in Pisces right now (once in 165 years) it will highlight issues pertaining to children and senior citizens as we have mentioned in our previous newsletters. Mars will make adverse aspects to Neptune several times during the next several years with Neptune but certain combinations make little Avery's chart unique, and this is where the time of birth becomes critical. Mars opp Neptune can also indicate an allergic reaction to something taken around the time of conception including any painkillers or other off the counter medicine.
I am concerned about children born with adverse Mars Neptune aspects and I would recommend natural and organic food for parents wanting to have children and to keep away from any medication for headaches etc while they are expecting. When they grow up, they will have to be very careful of addictive tendencies but this aspect is excellent for music and dancing. It is an obsessive aspect but the form of obsession if your free choice.
Avery has a Mars trine Jupiter which gives high recuperative powers and also when you take on a lot and she certainly finished a lot of activities mentioned in her basket of things to do, including getting a note from President Obama and the First Lady Michelle. From June 2012, Jupiter will be squaring her Mars and also opposing her Mercury and Venus (yes the chart lives on and the transits still apply but that is another topic by itself), increasing her popularity and putting millions in the research foundation on her behalf. This girl's chart is totally multitasking and indicative of a love new challenges. Regardless of her parents being instrumental in this, it was her destiny to do more than most people would do in a long time.
I am glad her parents took her hand impression (she seems to be really into it here and going along with their pressing her little hands in plaster of Paris here). In the hand impression. Her time of birth may be slightly off as the one we have gives her Aries rising but her Head Line in her hands seems to be joined to the
Life Line, which would mean probably Taurus rising. She would still have Aries in the 12th house which shows susceptibility to head related issues.
Uranus in Aries (head area) in her 12th house (major health house) points to brain-related illnesses in the long run especially to do with the parasympathetic nervous system. Uranus also rules the spine which is where her problem was. Uranus trine to Mercury indicates anyone born around her birthdate would be extremely bright and inventive.
To summarize, See the full analysis below for the transits.
Mars has been back and forth in Virgo from 11 Nov 2011 and will continue until 3 July 2012 as it is retrograde. As it went back into early Virgo, it opposed her natal Neptune-Mars aspect while transiting Neptune opposed her natal Mars, both aspects reducing the immunity of the body. Neptune aspect would have continued for the next few years actually but it was a combination of other aspects as well which I feel contributed to it. Uranus was still in the sign of Aries in her 12th house (Major health house) indicating problems with the head area and the spine. Mars was in her 5th house (heart) and Moon was in Leo in 5th as well (again heart) when she had a cardiac arrest.
The Moon position (Leo moving into Virgo the next day) reminds me the time when Princess Diana passed away indicating a Princess in the news, and next day it went into Virgo and the whole world was sad and mourned for her. Exactly the same horary event in the sky for our little Avery and the internet is buzzing with new blogs and millions of people offering their prayers and blessings to her even as I write this analysis. The next two weeks, with Moon going up in her chart, it shows more publicity and with Saturn rising up in her chart, her life in the eyes of the public is just beginning. It is so amazing how the horoscope continues even after one is gone.
I thought it was very thoughtful of President and Michelle Obama to send her a note with a picture of their family.
In astrology, I have identified Mars Neptune adverse aspects as indicative of addictive tendencies and obsessions but also the immune system related disorders. The orb i.e. how many degrees you take before an exact aspect varies from person to person. Even if you are not born with it, everyone goes through it by transit from time to time. However, if you are born with it, then the tendency is always there and you need to keep sublimating your addictive tendencies and obsessions in positive ways. In Michael Jackson's case, he had a wide Mars opp Neptune aspect. Mars (energy and action) and Neptune (creativity and inspiration) certainly pointed to his amazing musical abilities, his sense of rhythm, his perfect timing and his total dedication to his art. In fact, you will be hard-pressed to find any other aspect in his chart which points to his obsessive dedication to music and dancing.
I believe a combination of Neptune in the sign of Aquarius (nerve-related problems especially spine) in opposition to Mars (immune system problems) and Uranus in Aries in her 12th house are the key indicators of SMA. Aries or Taurus rising (Ascendant) probably makes this the type 1 but we will keep researching now. We would really appreciate if you can send us the birthdate, time and place of birth of any other children with SMA to help us in our research. I would love to get the birth information of the parents to help us in our understanding of this genetic disorder which affects 1 in 7 children in the USA!
Astrology is a sacred science and should never be a business venture. The true merit of astrology lies in how we are able to transform the lives of others but this always requires a lot of sacrifice in terms of time and hard work. If you feel this is your mission then make sure you practice it to guide others and not to impress them nor to make a name for yourself.
Astrology can be very helpful to understand these type of medical dilemmas by correlating the common factors in charts of children born with similar genetic disorders. I am also hoping that we may find some natal aspects in other illnesses which are similar and for which we already have a cure for. This would speed up the medical scientists in finding a cure and aid in the research tremendously. I hope to start a non-profit organization especially for astro-medical research in the near future and have already begun to develop software for it. We would love your suggestions in this area and I have already collected birth info on thousands of charts in various medical conditions and all we need is some more people in our team and more powerful databases and computer experts to make it productive.
It is sad indeed that little Avery's chart showed incredible talent and versatility and just one or two aspects put such a damper on her life. If you know of any other cases of SMA, we would really appreciate if you could send us an email at research@astrotrends.net with the birth info and any other important details you may know.
Here is little Avery's Blog http://averycan.blogspot.ca/
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