by Hassan Jaffer
I have a feeling that Nicole has late Cancer with Leo rising, which would mean Neptune in Scorpio in the 5th house (sadness to do with a child) and Pluto was just leaving her 5th house (life/death events relating to children. Her son had Saturn touching off his Mars which is a classic aspect of heart problems. Unfortunately, this would have continued till Aug. of next year. Her life was forever changed and Pluto reflects both life (her daughter) and death.
Mars opposing her Saturn made her very angry in the inefficiency of the staff because they didn't have oxygen. Mars in the 3rd house also makes one shout and to become verbally aggressive. Mercury in Scorpio always reminds one of life/death events and after her tenacious battles, Neptune is squaring her Mercury, making her more spiritual and less controlling. It is interesting that Jupiter conjunct her Mercury will make her much more philosophical in life and Jupiter often coincides with such events. Most people think that Jupiter only represents positive events but it mainly reflects events which makes us more philosophical in life.
Her son has Mars late degrees in Scorpio and Saturn was just beginning to square it till next year. This is one of the major aspects of heart but Mars Neptune also indicates bad reactions to medication or drugs (we don't think he was into hard drugs though). Transiting Mars squaring his Neptune is always a nightmare aspect and the mystery is never really solved exactly like in Marilyn Monroe, JFK Jr. and Princess Diana's case. Having his natal mars in Scorpio does not rule out vindictive enemies as well and the involvement of sinister figures. Wrong timing and bad reactions and immune system of the body being down all contributed to his death. Pluto exactly opposing his Moon definitely points to enemies targeting his mother as well.
There will probably be some criminal inquiries but the mystery may not be solved easily as the figures involved may be well connected. Certain things are best left in God's hands and we just hope that her little daughter is able to help her overcome this great loss. He was such a wonderful son who went through a lot with her without ever complaining.
Saturn moving down in her chart from end of 2007 onwards normally indicates when people disappear from public life and in fact it is dangerous time for one's own health. With Pluto in her 6th house, she has to make some fundamental changes in her health. Saturn squaring her Neptune till Aug. 2007 indicates deep phobias and tragedy relating to her son and the deception relating to the identity of the real father (we don't believe her lawyer is the father at all), creating lot of insecurities in her. This is a very stressful period for her and not a good omen for her mental and physical health and she needs to be extremely careful at least till this summer as she goes into the "obscure phase" and out of public eye.
The first thing we notice in the little girl's chart is that she was born on a full moon, and a very sad and inspirational Moon. This full Moon (in Pisces) happens only once a year and it is the most beautiful and poetic Moon. Full Moon always represents sudden ups and downs in a person's life but people who are born with it are somewhat destined as well. Even fame because of sadness itself has an inspirational quality. Moon was in Pisces which is a very spiritual placement (Leonardo da Vinci was also born with Moon in Pisces and his paintings always had an ethereal quality and he often painted the Madonna and the child, both Pisces themes).
Moon close to Uranus signals sudden upheavals in her mother's life. The little girl will be very musical actually as she not only has Venus in Virgo (like John Lennon) but Uranus was in Pisces. Mozart was born with Uranus in Pisces and many musical geniuses will be born before 2010. Of course, not everyone may be a genius but the musical talent is most definitely there. We just hope that she will not be made to feel guilty as so many Virgo planets make one rather insecure about themselves. She will have to be careful of accidents and bladder area as well as heart as well (Mars opposition Saturn. We hope this does not mean authority conflicts with her mother but the little girl will be quite strong minded and witty.
She also has excellent writing ability but her Pluto square Mercury normally indicates when you violate the divine truth. She has inherited this from her mother who has Mercury in Scorpio. They will get along well but her birth coinciding with the death of her brother is part of this Mercury square Pluto and Moon conjunct Uranus (sudden upheavals at home. Hopefully, she is going to use this aspect to create beautiful inspirational works and her caring nature to save others. Her Venus and Mars in Virgo makes her very health conscious as well as very caring in a practical way. I feel that music will be excellent for her and she will have very good public response (Moon trine Jupiter). She could even use acting to sublimate her feelings of sadness. A saving profession would also be excellent if she could change self pity into compassion.
I think Pluto was transiting her 3rd house which indicates life/death situations relating to siblings. Mercury and even Sun touched off Anna Nicole's natal Pluto and Uranus in Virgo which triggers the nervous system and indicates sudden shocks though one recovers. We don't know if her Moon is in Virgo or Libra s it moves fast and it depends on her time of birth. Hopefully, some day we will know her time of birth so we can give a full assessment.
14 Feb. 2007
The above analysis was done some time ago before Anna Nicole passed away. As I had mentioned above, Anna was going into an obscure phase and unfortunately made a lot of enemies as well. She was very controlling and rather vindictive in terms of now allowing the real father to be known by DNA and possible stopping the real father from seeing his daughter. We strongly suspect that Howard Stern is not the father. Anna had no right to refuse the DNA and it was just her controlling and secretive Mercury in Scorpio which brought her so much grief. When I was writing the above article, I didn't realize how Moon and Uranus conjunction was to reflect sudden upheavals in the life of the little girl although I did mention it above.
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