Iran's controversial president is a Scorpio (with Mercury in Libra like Alexander Putin) and keeps talking about peace and fairness. The only time someone with Mercury in Libra will fight is when their sense of fairness is violated. Threats of embargoes, sanctions or even bombs will not work and the only thing you can do is appeal to their rational mind and sense of justice. From his point of view, if everyone else can have nuclear technology, then why not Iran? You cannot use the argument that Iran will use it on its neighbors as Iran has not attacked anyone for hundreds of years! Neptune close to his Sun sign of Scorpio gives him deep spiritual leanings and strong humanitarian tendencies.
Venus in Virgo makes him rather unselfish when it comes to the welfare of the common people. However, this position may appear rather bland and not very passionate as they are shy and do not like to display their feelings in public. In this classic picture, Ahmadinejad is seen warmly embracing a Rabbi as he differentiates between Jews and Zionists (neocons).
Dr. Ahmadinejad is also a professor with a PhD in civil engineering and is quite a humble person in real life. Before he became the president, you could see him praying on the footpath along with common people. If you really listen to him carefully, he has never changed his message. Persian is not an easy language to translate and is full of linguistic metaphors which can be easily confused and misinterpreted.
Although he was the commander of the Revolutionary guards, it was only after Saddam's forces attacked Iran with full backing from the US, that he defended the country. Once peace was established between Iran and Iraq, he went into politics as he could make a much bigger difference in the lives of Iranians through his policies and lectures.
Ahmedinejad is a very eloquent speaker and a skilled debater but this is not a cover up or anything. he really believes everything he says! He gives much more importance to things of divine origin than those that are man-made. For example, in one of his interviews with Bob Barker, he brought it to a close by saying he had to leave. When Barker asked him what could be more important than millions listening to his interview, he simply told him "it is time for my prayers"! It was not a PR gesture but a very matter of fact statement which actual impressed Bob Barker because it is not something any Western politician would ever do.
Having Mercury in Libra, he speaks with a smile and always takes the opposing viewpoint which drives the interviewers crazy. He would answer a question with his own question. In discussing Israel, he questioned the basis of Israel (just like many orthodox jews themselves question) which was of course was taken to mean that he would get rid of the country itself!
Whether we agree with him or not, we have to appeal to his intellect and not just tell him that this is the way we want it. George Bush Jr., with his cowboy hair trigger, shot from the hip diplomacy, and goaded on by people with no conscience like Lieberman and Cheney, do not make any impression on him at all and their policies have always completely failed when it comes to Iran.
We had written before they went to war that it would only strengthen Iran's position in the Middle East, which is exactly what has happened. However, you also have to acknowledge the fact that Iran has never lied, or made fraudulent documents to convince the world and has always said that they want nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. The US policies are seen as being completely hypocritical as they issued ultimatums to Iran while simultaneously making huge deals to sell nuclear technology to India! Almost the same week! Similar policy blunders happened in Russia where they tried to get Georgia in NATO and right in the midst of their "mini war" make a deal with Poland to deploy missile shields, which was obviously seen as a major threat by Russia.
Netanyahu also has Mercury in Libra and we are quite sure that he will win the next election. The only problem is that he does not care for the public (no Venus in Virgo here to have any sympathy for the common people) and his brother was killed in the Entebbe operation, which may have increased a more radical tone.
Barack Obama has Mercury in Leo which gives intelligent leadership ability but it is not an easy task for him to listen to Iran while at the same time, keep the Lobby and the neocons in their place, while trying to bring peace around the world. If they just solve the Palestinian problem, 90% of the Mideast violence will be over. Let us hope that the new Pluto in Capricorn era brings new hope as the radical clashes invoked by the religious authorities (Pluto in Sagittarius from Nov 1995 till end Nov 2008) diminishes. Biden and the new Chief of Staff do have radical elements but the war policies will probably only affect the world adversely till about summer of 2009.
Ahmadinejad, Alexander Putin and Netanyahu, as well as Barack Obama to a great extent, have excellent transits from Jupiter in 2009, which should help them better communicate with each other and look at the interest of the whole world rather than their own small world.
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