It is ironic that in our last newsletter, we choose “the transit which changes your attitude towards life and death” for this issue. Sometimes, you get a premonition which only becomes clearer much later. My twin sister kept talking about the number 11 for the last few months. It seems that every time she looked at the clock, it was 11:11 much more than usual and she felt it was pointing to something ominous. She is born with the same Moon-Pluto aspect as myself which gives people the ability to understand some elements of Divine truth and to have prophetic dreams.
While analyzing the World Trade Centre bombing, I was struck by how many times the number 11 and the “twins theme” repeats itself.
What does 11 signify and Why was the Symbol for Twins so Dangerous for the U.S.? In the US horoscope, Gemini (the twins) occupies the 8th house. The ancients considered this the “House of Death”. The twin towers and number 11 both represent the Gemini theme. Not only were there two towers, they were 110 stories high. Other coincidences were 11th September, Flight 11, Flight 77 (twins again), 65 people aboard which adds up to 11 but that is probably far fetched. Gemini-Cancer on the 8th cusp also points to danger from letters (post) and tainted food.
Taking into consideration that somehow Gemini is important for us in this tragedy, I had a very interesting thought which could have much astro-significance. There are many things which we cannot prove but are worth looking into especially if they shed some insight into things which are so intangible. My Moon-Pluto trine tells me there is definitely something here even if we cannot prove it yet.
If you take the US chart and superimpose it on the US map with Gemini cusp on New York (site of the Twin Towers), many of the other cities fall into place very neatly. You have Pisces around the Gulf of Mexico (Florida is also nearby) where most hurricanes and ocean-related mishaps happen. Las Vegas gets the expected Scorpio sign right over it (the Mafia, casinos, and sex). Nevada also falls in this area (indicating the secret defense work going on and Stealth technology coming from that region).
Similarly, not only do many other cities fall into the right place, but it gives us a new insight into the hidden agenda (Hollywood being a prime example).
Sagittarius falls over California indicating that Hollywood is not a glamour city as much as a preaching or mass communication place (or propaganda machine). What is quite revealing is that California is right in between Scorpio and Sagittarius. We know that the public opinion is being swayed by the movies and mass communication (Sag) but it is revealing that Scorpio actually shows a hidden agenda (movies turning into the propaganda of hate, inciting violence, and the most negative aspects of human nature). This is exactly Steven Spielberg’s chart (Sagittarius Sun with Moon in Scorpio, and he has made movies about the holocaust giving his own slant). There are two places which are creating a lot of tension and bias against America, people running the New York’s financial market and California’s movie industry (propaganda machine).
By this method, Chicago and Ontario have the sign of Leo over them and will probably have a more pronounced role for the movie industry in the future (especially when digital actors become more commercially available). The sign of Cancer falls partly over Toronto, Montreal and New York pointing to many good restaurants and patriotism). Washington D.C. is also in that area. Good old fashioned values are represented by Taurus over Virginia. The Manufacturing sector falls over Texas and New Mexico. Aquarius (high tech.) seems to fall over Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio. This tells us everything we need to know about America and where its ideology originates from. Where the secretive defense operations originate from, or why someone who brought a lot of people together through Windows lives in Seattle which falls on the front of Libra Scorpio (Bill Gates is a Scorpio with Mercury in Libra). It also tells us that most of the hatred is through violence portrayed in the movies and because the content shows a definite prejudice against the Arabs (who are mostly portrayed as terrorists) creating a lot of silent tension around the world.
Ironically, the WTC disaster will prevent any more movies about terrorism from coming in the market and hopefully make the censures re-evaluate the content more carefully. I cannot believe how stores can sell such repulsive and violent costumes and masks for Halloween just to make money. Children are quite innocent but cannot remain so for long if they get used to such hideous looking masks. If we are to stop terrorism, which I personally feel is impossible given Freud’s correct premise that “aggression is an instinct, peace is not”! Terrorism will only stop if there is justice and laws are re-evaluated for equality between nations and their people. We cannot put 1.2 million tons of bombs in places where 47% of the population is less than age 15 and not expect any retaliation. Unfortunately, the US chart is in a tremendously dangerous position till summer 2002 (which also coincides with the horoscope of President George W. Bush). However, my own conclusion is that the military complex had its own interests in wanting to go to Iraq understand the pretext of 911 and Dick Cheney was also one of the main culprits as he was the one who ordered Norad to stand down till it was too late.
How a Company may have offset the disastrous #11 Theme: Martin Progressive (a high tech. Internet company) was on the 77th floor of the World Trade Centre's north tower. It was 8:45 am on September 11 and American Airlines Flight 11 had just slammed into the floors above. The flagship offices of this tech. the consulting firm was about to join the demise of more than 400 other corporate settings at the WTC. The CEO calmly took the 25 to 30 employees with him down the stairs.
By Thursday, Martin Progressive’s New York team was moving into its new offices -- the 11th floor (again twins) on East 11th Street!
Why the Danger with Gemini Places? As we mentioned, Gemini cusp in the US chart falls over New York and Washington and Pennsylvania. But why is it dangerous? As it happens, the US chart has Mars and Uranus in the sign of Gemini (freak accidents, sudden explosions, aviation disasters, and bombings). Mars is squared to Neptune (nightmare configuration) and the greatest danger will always be from the ocean (we even mentioned “Pearl Harbour” in our Moon Magic 2001), bacteria, Anthrax and other chemicals, drugs and moral degeneration (pornography). Halloween masks with blood, ghosts, skeletons, gravestones are all symbolic of Mars sq Neptune! Transiting Saturn is touching off this dangerous configuration till summer 2002! It also points to the cause being a misguided US foreign policy as we mentioned in MM 2001.
The chart of President Bush is in danger till summer 2002 and shows a lot of frustration and anger. After Nov.’01, he will face a lot of delays in trying to get the Mideast issues resolved. The US chart shows similar danger till July’02.
Chart of the Architect who designed the Twin Towers: In an interesting note, after a lot of research, I found the date of birth of Minoru Yamasaki, the architect of the World Trade Centre. He had a Mercury-Pluto opposition, which we have always said is the hallmark of someone who violates Divine Truth and cannot undo the damage. Many dictators and those who defy God are born with it. Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Michael Manley of Jamaica, Ronald Reagan, and even the US horoscope is “born” with it!
Although he was warned about the safety of such a tall building, it is almost to defy the Creator that Yamasaki had to make the building so high. Interestingly, this is the second building that was destroyed. The first one was a housing project which was bombed by local residents. My advice to the owners of such huge structures would be to carefully look into the chart of the architect. If he has an adverse aspect between Mercury-Pluto or Moon-Pluto, then you are asking or trouble.
Note: Although this article was written right after 911, here is our conclusion which we have already written in many posts:
We also feel that outside forces along with the country which benefitted most, were involved as most of the players, from the Boston security who let the box cutters through, to the owner of the twin towers, to the judge who gave him the double indemnity and on and on, the list points directly to the deception and hidden enemies of the US indicated by the Mars sq Neptune from 9th (foreign countries) to the 12th (secret enemies). All you have to do is to see who initiated the bill in the Congress for the Iraq War and you will find Liberman belonging to the same people whose loyalty doesn't lie with America at all. Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Lieberman, and so many others are all just as guilty in creating so much sadness and the start of the terrorism which kept their agenda alive even now. All you have to do is to see who the head of the Homeland security was as soon as it was established and you will see how America's agenda has been hijacked. Ironically, my prediction two years before 911 was exactly about the flag operation similar to Pearl Harbor which will be needed to bring about such an event, and the media even dubbed it with the same name.
Someday the truth will come out just as Saturn starts moving down in the US chart and its "closest ally" with the same Libra rising ascendant. The timing is right after 2015 or 2016.
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