World Events 27 Mar 2011
The full article is under World Predictions section of our website under Japan Tsunami of March 2011.
Japan Tsunami of March 2011
It was upseting that the media was preoccupied doing the bidding of our "closest ally" and invading other countries and completely ignored our warnings for the major earthquake and tsunami. Unfortunately, the stellium in Pisces (ocean) and Pluto in Capricorn (geological shifts), which we used as the basis of our prediction years in advance, materialized in the unfortunate event of the disastrous tsunami in Japan. Uranus was in the last degree of Pisces on the 11th when it happened exactly as I had mentioned as far back as in 2004 (that the last degrees of Uranus in Pisces will be critical for tsunami)!
Here are the two events (out of three that we wrote about in Nov 2008) which have already happened in Feb and Mar 2011. We are hoping the third event doesn't happen but here is the analysis of the first two:
1- In Feb, the Internet and cell phones of millions of people got cut off in Egypt, Tunisia and other Middle East countries, but not due to solar storms directly. However, we should probably take into account that the solar flares were being caused by the stellium in Aquarius which also triggered the mass need for independence and freedom. We did have major solar storms but they were directed slightly away from the Earth. They are still building up and peaked just before the Japan earthquake.
2- Our prediction about a major tsunami and earthquake in March 2011, based on Uranus and many other planets in Pisces, certainly couldn't have been more accurate and unfortunately materialized with the devastating 9.0 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. As far as I am concerned, there are only two major tsunamis which have both been caused by underwater earthquakes in the Pacific. We not only predicted these but also gave the reasoning behind it which has been shown to be quite compelling.
In my 2004 newsletter, I had mentioned that Uranus in Pisces will reflect major tsunamis triggered by underwater earthquakes. My first prediction was made about six months before the Indonesian tsunami (World Predictions by Hassan Jaffer till 2017). My second prediction about the major tsunami happened when Uranus was in the last degree of Pisces on the 11th Marc 2011, and our predictions about the fire, explosions, bombs and wars materialized the next day with the explosion of the nuclear reactor in Japan!
When it comes to these predictions, the sole purpose of my writing is to warn the public and those in the governments or the scientific community who may be able to help. I am extremely disappointed at the media who were not able to take my warnings to anyone who could have helped prepare the masses for it. I am not here to prove anything to anyone but hopefully those of you with some wisdom will understand how simple the laws of nature are but how difficult it is to think in simple terms and make the connections beforehand.
Uranus is an 84 year cycle and stays in each sign for 7 years. It went from the sign of Pisces (ocean) and into the sign of Aries between 11th and 12th March 2011.
I had also mentioned that many musical geniuses will be born during these 7 years (Mozart was also born with Uranus in Pisces), our newsletter AstroTrends, we had also mentioned that there will be many musical child prodigies will be on the Internet and that by the end of this ingress, there will be 3D TVs, and amazing audio/video gadgets (similar to the ipad which wasn't invented yet). Interestingly, most of our predictions relating to the analog and digital technology were all based on one man's chart, Apple's Steve Jobs, who is a Pisces with Mercury in Aquarius. Just go back to our predictions or search for any new inventions and you will find our in-depth analysis.
The fact that Uranus went from Pisces into Aries and there was only one countries whose three reactors were right next to the ocean, actually indicates why it couldn't have been any place else than Japan (although we didn't specifically mention it by name). Uranus also represents nuclear technology and Uranus in Aries = explosions in Nuclear reactors. Of course Uranus will be in Aries for the next 7 years so the danger is very real of explosions in that area. Uranus in Aries will also coincide with technology becoming much more simple including the operating systems, manufacturing etc but that is another topic by itself.
Avoid Cruises or being near the Ocean in March! As we have mentioned before, Mar 2011 is going to be one of the most dangerous months for major storms, hurricanes, flash floods and mud slides, torrential rains and all ocean related disasters, so please avoid or postpone any cruises. This is a very significant planetary configuration in the sky and rather than just hint at it, we have been very very forthright in giving our warnings.
There are five planets in Pisces in Mar and besides the ocean related mishaps, this is one of the best times for spirituality and inspirational creativity. There will be many prayers and vigils and it will probably a month of martyrs bringing about the sentiments of acrifce in everyone. Of course, what follows in April is exactly opposite and there will be a lot of violence and disregard for human suffering. The contrast between March and April would be like day and night. March is when the feelings of sadness and martyrdom are used to incite the masses into violent action in April 2011.
If you are a songwriter or a musician, you couldn't ask for a better time to produce your most inspirational work but you will not have much motivation and will have to push yourself in this respect,
As a Muslim resurgence starts everywhere, there is only one month where the spiritual leaders can help and that is the month of Mar 2011. With so many planets in Pisces, some of the most sacrificing sentiments will prevail around the world. Unfortunately, some of the prayers could be because of the worst storms and flooding everywhere but still the spiritual and humanitarian gestures by religious authorities can help placate some the major divisions.
Apr 2011 will be too late and we can expect violent retaliations everywhere besides the adverse geological shifting of the tectonic plates. The Muslim brotherhood group in Egypt will again come to the front against the wishes of the US. Hezbollah is already forming the new government in Lebanon and have used political means to gain an uproar hand and their longterm objectives. The rest of the Middle East is only a matter of time in this age of the Internet. The full impact of which we will start feeling in Feb 2011 when the hackers start helping the general public. The Palestinian issue will again gain momentum especially starting from April 2011.
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