There are two ways to understand “Truth” i.e. anything which has Divine origin – Consciously and Subconsciously. Each of these means can again be divided into positive or negative. We will discuss the Conscious means (writing, research, and correct analysis) in another article. Subconscious awareness of the Laws of Nature means to have prophetic dreams and the ability to interpret them, an innate ability to understand the power of colors, and a sense of what the masses need, etc.
In another article, we have discussed the positive aspects of Subconscious awareness of Truth. In this issue, we will discuss the negative aspects of it, which is just as rare but can be quite damaging if misunderstood.
Pluto aspects to the Moon always intensify the emotional perception and the deep understanding of human emotions. In fact, any aspect between Moon and Pluto (positive or negative) indicates a person who has a powerful awareness of the subconscious desires of people.
Although he negative Moon/Pluto aspects (conj., square, opposition, etc.) increase the emotional tenacity and the ability to do research, they also increase the vindictiveness and the need to jealously guard one’s personal life.
Something precious always has to be denied to stimulate the wisdom which is given to those with Moon/Pluto aspects, so those with Moon/Pluto aspects often experience personal growth through unavoidable upheavals at home.
The main difference between those who have a positive aspect between Moon and Pluto and those who are born with the negative aspects is that those born with positive aspects evolve through these experiences and use their powers to generally benefit the masses.
On the other hand, those born with negative aspects have difficulty resolving events which are beyond their control (life and death situations or relationship with parents, etc). As a result, they tend to hold grudges and become bitter and resentful with life. They can also lead the masses in the wrong direction (consciously or not). George Bush Sr. is a prime example (1.2 million tons of bombs on Iraq for the sake of "peace")!
Of course, some people are able to take their personal traumas and sublimate them into writing and saving the underdog. However, the topics they choose (tragedy, abnormal psyche and anything to do with the power of the mind to control others) usually distinguishes them from those born with positive aspects of Moon and Pluto.
The following examples illustrate the effects of adverse aspects between Moon and Pluto in our society:
• Violent lyrics that lead to destructive and antisocial nature in teenagers.
• Film scripts, especially the “thrillers”, written to stimulate the destructive side of one’s nature by playing on the primitive instincts and negative human emotions i.e. violence, humiliation, sarcasm, fear, vengeance, and misuse of power.
• Violence in cartoons which leads to abnormally aggressive behavior in children.
• Jokes about churches, nuns and priests.
The psychologists and lawyers who fight for these to be available in the name of “free speech” most probably have adverse Moon/Pluto aspects themselves. Unfortunately, they are able to get away with it because they push their views very strongly and people are afraid of their criticism.
Those who have a Negative aspect between Moon and Pluto have the following characteristics in common:
• Although they understand what the masses need, they change the system (for better or for worse) by using shock or radical means. (Algernon Swinburne was a revolutionary poet who “liberated” English lit. of formalism).
• They are excellent at writing detective stories because of their natural interest in abnormal psychology, criminals, murders, etc. Arthur Conan Doyle, author of Sherlock Holmes. Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond series. Edgar Allan Poe, the poet credited with writing the first detective story. G.K. Chesterton, author of Father Brown detective stories.
• They are drawn to pathos and understand the deeper aspects of human nature i.e. emotional pain, suffering, etc. Robert Burton, who wrote “The anatomy of melancholy”. Christian Marlowe, “father” of English tragedy.
• They have a sarcastic wit which is a result of their feeling different from the masses (John Lennon and Mozart could be quite acrimonious). They have a good outlet in comedies, Johnny Carson and Milton Berle. Pierre Trudeau, the ex-Prime Minister of Canada.
• They can cause a lot of harm to people and their families if they misuse their wit (Heda Hopper and Louella Parsons, gossip columnists for Hollywood and Hearst respectively!).
• They often misuse power and can cause destruction of the masses. Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, even Gandhi, who encouraged nonviolence but also incited thousands who got killed because of his statements, and George Bush who dropped 1.2 million tons of bombs on Iraq (yet did not utter a word on behalf of Bosnia).
• They love secret societies which give them power (J.Edgar Hoover and George Bush were both directors of the CIA). Bush was also the member of “skulls and bones” society!
• They come to wrong conclusions in psychology, especially dreams and symbology and convince the world (Carl Jung, who was a disciple of Freud but later rejected his theories, had many flaws in his theories including synchronicity and the archetypes etc.).
• They are excellent researchers and like to get to the bottom of things, but can draw misleading conclusions without realizing it. As scientists, they bring about revolutions in thought but cannot undo the damage when they are wrong. Charles Darwin, author of “Origin of the Species”, was never able to prove many of his controversial aspects of evolution. Rupert Gleadow, who wrote “the origin of the Zodiac”. Alex Haley, who wrote the “Roots”.
• As actors, they often play detective roles or those who have had major upheavals in their lives (Peter Falk of “Colombo” and the actor who portrayed Sherlock Holmes).
• Their theories are radical and often mislead the masses (Karl Marx, a socialist philosopher who wrote “Das Kapital”. Ayn Rand, who started the doctrine of Objectivism and wrote “Atlas shrugged”. Rudolph Steiner, Anthroposophy: Mankind center of all perceptions. Friedrich Nietzsche started “Nihilism” and wrote “God is dead” (mazallah).
• They have to be careful that they do not associate powers of Divinity to themselves like in “channeling”, the most egocentric concept. (Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science, tried to convince everyone that she was an incarnation of Jesus Christ! Helena Blavatsky, leader and founder of Theosophy).
• They can be very self-destructive and need to be careful of drugs and alcohol (Jimi Hendrix, the guitar virtuoso, died of drug overdose).
• Their writings seem to always go against the establishment and show the plight of the underdog with whom they identify (Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain who wrote “Tom Sawyer” and “The Prince and the Pauper”).
• They seem to be more psychic about traumas and are usually “doomsday prophets”. Evangeline Adams, the famous astrologer, used stories about her prediction of fire to gain publicity and Sybil Leek, the pop astrologer).
• As artists, they bring about major changes in society but seem to focus on the shock element and nudity (Pablo Picasso and Renoir).
• They often have upheavals in their home or family. Charles Lindberg, the famous aviator who lost his son to kidnappers. Yoko Ono, wife of ex-Beatle John Lennon. E.J. Smith, the captain of the Titanic!
• As writers, they can be very sarcastic and excel in writing about tragedies, mysteries, and scripts that lay bare the worst of the human emotions. Orson Welles, brilliant but controversial talent made people realize their vulnerability by making up the Martian landing.
• As philosophers, they instill their own moral values and try to impose their will on others (Bertrand Russel tried to draw people towards his nudist style of living and Betty Friedan). Unfortunately, their teachings are followed for generations even if they are wrong.
• They are often drawn to the occult and metaphysics but seem to dwell more on the mysterious and dark side of it for its power (Algernon Blackwood, author of ghost stories). They often deal with life and death situations: William Mayo who formed the research foundation and Mayo clinic.
• They love to defy authority and change the system by being provocative. Their approach is usually defiant and radical. Malcolm Boyd, the gay priest and activist. Andy Warhol.If your Client# is listed below, then all the points given above apply to you. To offset an adverse Moon/Pluto aspect, I would suggest the following:
• When you feel vindictive towards anyone, forgive right away, because your curses are just as affective as your blessings.
• Try to stay away from the dark side of human nature and abnormal psychology (horror movies or murder mysteries), otherwise you will develop an unhealthy obsession.
• Try to understand the reasoning behind events which seem fated and are beyond your control including life and death situations or your relationship with parents.
• Use your power to reform people instead of trying to get even. Think of it as giving them control if they make you vindictive and sarcastic.
• You have a powerful mind and generally feel for the underdog. However, don’t be so tough on those who you feel are weak.
• Be very selective of your teachers especially in courses pertaining to psychology or the occult.
• Avoid using words which are fatalistic like “ is going to die” or “don’t drive fast or you will get killed”, because somehow it will happen! It’s not that you made it happen but that your timing is in synchronicity with Nature’s especially in negative matters!
• Avoid using swear words which can affect others deeply without your even realizing it. The reason for this is that you tend to put so much meaning in what you say!Subscribers Who Are Born WithAn Adverse Moon-Pluto Aspect
The following subscribers are born with a negative Moon/Pluto aspect (conj., opp., sq. etc.) and all the points mentioned above apply to them:
A-17A, A-32A, A-062A, C-23, C-144, C-148B, C-163, D-69, DC-F1, FL-B1, FL-W1, G-13A, G-67A, GR-S9, GY-M1, H-112, J-131, K-59A, LO-C1, M-184A, Mc-41, N-58, NY-D5A, NY-R7, OT-C1, P-6, P-127, R-81, R-106B, S-173B, S-181, S-182B, S-191, S-239, T-22, T-68, SC-G1, V-19A, WA-M4, WA-M10B,WI-A1.
The following subscribers are born with a very minor adverse Moon/Pluto aspect but the points given above still apply to them to a degree:
B-154B, B-184, B-187, C-85, H-70, I-22, K-59B, L-58, L-64D, M-193, NY-M3, R-86A, S-94, T-71, UK-K1, WA-M5.
Subscribers Going Through AnAdverse Moon/Pluto Transit:If your Client# is given below, then Pluto is making an adverse aspect to your natal Moon by transit and all the points listed in this article will apply to you during the period given. In addition, your parents and family have to be extra careful of their health. It is also an excellent transit for research, tracing your roots and self-analysis. You will also experience the following for the duration of this transit:
• You can become much more aware of your subconscious motivation and habits. Remember that this is only once in a lifetime opportunity that you have to reconcile with your past, family and any resentment you feel towards others. Use this period to gain control of all your habits as this is an excellent time for self-mastery, psychological analysis and understanding of symbology and your mind.
• Use this period to go over childhood events and re-evaluate any resentment that you might have towards parental authority.
• You will be very thorough in research and should trace your roots now and locate any lost relatives. Re-evaluate your childhood also.
• This is one of the best times to understand your dreams, and you should try to write them down and learn to interpret them.
• You will be able to change people at a subconscious level i.e. without their even realizing it because of increased visual perception. Just make sure that you are on the right track.
The following subscribers have Moon between 15 and 29:59 deg. of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces and will go through a negative aspect from Pluto to their natal Moon from mid 2000 till Nov. 2008:
These Subscribers also have Saturn touching off their Moon from about June 2002 till July 2003 and may go through a very depleting transit. You and your parents will probably feel very tired, somewhat depressed and isolated or choose to become reclusive during this transit. Give yourself lots of rest and use good skin cream for your face (easy to get extra lines). This transit leaves you depleted unless you pace yourself, but is good for achievement as you are able to suppress your emotions and work.
Even after July 2003, Pluto will still touch off your Moon till end of Nov. 2008, necessitating changes in your habits.
Characteristics of Witches and Warlocks!
Ironically, those with a negative aspect between Moon and Pluto are also able to perceive some elements of Nature, but mostly of negative origin. For example, even witchcraft draws on the Laws of Nature but uses symbology to control others instead of healing them. When you hear gurus speaking of spiritual “powers”, you know that ego-gratification and misuse of power has become more important than spirituality.
There are two aspects found most frequently in witches and they are either Moon/Pluto or Mercury /Pluto aspects. If the person is using their powers for black magic, then one of these aspects will be negative in their charts.
If one is born with an adverse aspect between Moon and Pluto (all the points mentioned on pages 3 and 4), then they have the ability to influence others at a deep subconscious level. They can use symbology very effectively to bring harm to others. Their approach will be to visualize negative things about the person and the only antidote to them will be someone who has a positive Moon/Pluto aspect.
The person with a negative Mercury/Pluto aspect will use writing and verbal means to adversely affect others. Aleister Cromwell had a positive Moon/Pluto aspect but a very destructive Mercury/Pluto aspect (Mercury in Scorpio sq. Pluto sq. to Saturn etc. indicating a ruthless dictator type of person who would use his insights in Natural laws to control people).
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