Updated 2 July 2013
The mass mentaility prevails and the high emotions of the Arab people in Egypt bring the military back again and play in the hands of all the outsiders trying to influence the politics of Egypt. As we had originally mentioned, it seems the Saturn square Mars in Mohammad Mursi's chart from Oct 2012 till about Sep 2013 has brought his undoing. This aspect makes one very angry, gives wrong timing and major conflicts with the army and anyone who represents authority.
Unfortunately, Mursi's Saturn Moon aspect makes him very unemotional and oblivious to the emotional needs of the masses. He is a very strict person with strong ethics but is not in touch with the reality of the changing world and the youth. His chart is much better as an organizer as opposed to be a leader. It is ironic that Mursi was about to start getting some good aspects from Jupiter in Aug 2013.
His Head Line is very strange actually and as we had mentioned he will maintain the status quo (Head Line joined till quite a distance to his Life Line).
There is almost a break in his Head Line or rather an overlap which indicates when a person goes through a lot fo stress and has to change course. Head Line joined so far made him to cautious and dogmatic and afraid to make sweeping changes that the public got tired of inaction. Musi needs to bide his time till about mid Aug when the positve transits in his chart start and the Saturn aspect diminishes. Saturn may still influence his Mars till almost mid Sep 2013 so expect lot of hassles still and the Muslim Brotherhood will probably retaliate as well.
Jupiter touching off his Mercury and Venus is very positve from August 2013 onwards btu although he is sticking to his piinciples, his timing is not good right now as there is still a wide Saturn sq Mars which becomes stronger when Mars also squares his Saturn 9th to 18th July (14th July is exact). He also has a Mars sq Neptune (nightmare aspect) from 3rd to 13th Aug (exact on 8th Aug) but right after that he has a good chance of reorganizing. We don't know his time of birth but it seems that Saturn is coming down or at the very bottom of his chart which is not good for public responce.
Jupiter touching off his Uranus from mid Aug 2013 onwards is a major opportunity through upheavals and we will keep you posted. In the meantime, it seems there is still a lot of chaos till the beg of Aug 2013 for Egypt.
Watch Mohamed ElBaradei try to gain power but he is too weak to survive in the long run and too hypocrite to serve any party's interest except maybe act as a puppet to the U.S. policies. Morsi has character but too serious to understand the emotional needs of the younger generation behind the protests. Many youngsters in their 20s have Pluto in Scorpio and have been instrumental in protests around the world including the ones in Libya, Syria, Wall Street demonstrations and Egypt. It is only after mid Aug 2013 that we will see some positive developments in Egypt as Morsi's transits become positve also.
Updated 27 Nov 2012
We had mentioned "...conflicts with the Army will become more difficult from Oct 2012 as Saturn squares his natal Mars" referring to the transits of Mohd Mursi of Egypt. It seems that the conflict was not with the army but the justice system itself. As Saturn squares his Mars in Leo for another few months, we don't see him backing down at all and will make sure that Egypt has a constitution without anyone discrediting it again, including the justices from the time of Hosni Mubarak's corrupt govt. As soon as the assembly is approved, he will give back the extra powers. However, the real problem is the outside forces who are afraid of the Muslim Brotherhood domination of the political system, who are much better organized and will prevail.
There is a new wave going on in the MiddleEast where the muslims are waking up on one side but are also being divided into sectarian divisions especiall by the Saudis and Qatar who want to influence the area with their own brand of radical Islam.
Syria is being treated the same way as Libya, which is totally in chaos and the only country this helps is Israel who has its designs on Iran! By weakening Syria, the foreign policy of the West is being manipulated into sectarian violence so if there is an attack on Iran, they won't have the support of its ally Syria. However, they are totally underesticating Iran and unfortunately the Arabs haven't learnt their lesson at all and are like putty in the hands of the West.
Obama has a Moon square Pluto by birth (radical visionary) exactly like his "uncle Frank" who is his real father! Pluto sq Moon is a very destructive aspect unfortunately and shows the destruction of the masses, homes and families because of the continuation of his warmongering politices. Even if he is being manipulated by the neocons, he doesn't have to follow their agenda but seems powerloess to do anythng about it and may even try to directly help the rebels who are armed to the teeth and creating a lot of havoc in Syria.
With Saturn in Scorpio, the worst form of cruelty will happen by all sides and you can see how CNN and other TV networks keep inciting the lawless rebels of Syria who have no agenda other than destroying the society there and uproot years of stability. Goaded by Western powers, they are just making a fool of themselves and Morsi sees right through it and no wonder there is a lot of opposition against him being funded by those who are unfriendly to Egypt and Muslims in general.
Dr. Mohd Mursi the new Egyptian President
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-1I3HPwI6k (my analysis on youtube)
As we had indicated "...is a dangerous time but Jupiter sextiling his Mars in June is a major windfall theme for him", and the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Dr. Mursi has won the election in Egypt. We just got his birthdate and see that Mars is not late Cancer but 1 degree Leo and Moon early degrees of Aries, so he is getting and very positive aspects from Jupiter to both Moon (public response) and Mars (windfall opportunities). However, instead of till Oct 2012, his authority conflicts with the Army will become more difficult from Oct 2012 as Saturn squares his natal Mars. We believe that he is much more moderate and has also not only did his doctorate in the USA but also was a professor there for many years. He is quite familiar with both sides and although his party may have some radical elements, he will be bring the parties together as he has exceptional organizing abilities.
Dr. Mohamed Mursi, who was the Chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party and former member of the Muslim Brotherhoods Guidance Bureau, is also one of the most prominent political figures of the Brotherhood, the organization that led the struggle against the ousted repressive regime in its last decade.
We had analyzed his chart and his chances to win the election in our June 2012 World Events when we were not sure of his birthdate. We just got his correct date but still don't have his time of birth. Here is the chart analysis of the new President of Egypt.
Sun in Leo with Mercury and Venus in Virgo makes him well spoken but also quite truthful (Virgo planets not the Sun in Leo!), well organized and a perfectionist. He has a simple lifestyle and is very practical and down to earth. However, although many people appreciate the fact that he is quite humble in his achievements, they may find it hard to lead a moral life without bribes as he is very ethical and rather conservative. He has a strong critical mind and is not afraid to speak the truth even if he gets jailed for it. He is much more concerned for the welfare of the poor and needy than the wealthy (two planets in Virgo). The wealthy and influential may find it difficult to live with religious values these days where everyone is into luxury and not caring for others. His chart reminds me of Hezbollah's Nasarullah (who also has Mercury in Virgo) and the ex-President of Pakistan General Musharraf. In fact, his chart is almost identical to Musharraf (both Leos) but he doesn't come from a military background! These are not the best PR people and are not selfish enough to be at the top but much better as the organizers and reformers.
It is interesting that the Brotherhood candidate is much more moderate, flexible and adaptable contradicting some of the harsh values of his party. He is definitely not a radical and is in fact quite scholarly and the welfare of the masses will be his top priority. One of the first things he will probably do will be to get away from his direct affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood and call himself the President of all Egyptian people who respects the ideology of all the people not just one section of it.
However, he has Saturn squaring his Mars from Sep till Nov 2012 (exact in mid Oct) which indicates a lot of opposition from the army and legal challenges to those in authority. We had indicated Jupiter sextiling his Mars in June is a major windfall theme for him and he just won the Presidency of Egypt.
As we had mentioned in our June World Events, Ahmed Mohamed Shafik has the chart of a dictator and not very compromising at all. Here is what we had written about him and the fact that the army and police had orders to shoot to kill with 1800 ambulances standing by (in case he won) already proves our point.
"Shafik will want to rule with an iron fist and has a radical mind. If he was the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, there would definitely be war and crisis after crisis. Shafik is motivated by power and will be the US candidate of choice and will use the army to suppress dissent and protests. There is something very stern and almost sinister about his chart and it is even more dictatorial than Hosni Mubarak. Shafik must have been excellent as a fighter pilot and as Commander of the Egyptian Air Force but he is not a team player at all."
For the sake of Egypt and the world, although the West may not understand it right now, they people have saved democracy and their dreams of a different Egypt are about to start being realized. We wish them all the happiness they deserve but the road ahead is not easy and certain months are full of conflict and danger for Dr. Mursi ahead. His need to speak the truth is going to be a problem in diplomacy and he will hopefully use his negotiating skills and Mercury conj Venus eloquence to offset some of his strong critical side.
Horary Astrology for Election Winner Announcement: With Sagittarius rising in Cairo (philosophical ideals of a religion) and Moon just in the sign of Virgo (indicative of the chart of Dr. Mursi), it is interesting that if the election was announced five minutes before, it would have Scorpio rising and a cruel radical element taking over! With Sagittarius rising we feel much more comfortable and the beginning of a very philosophical era for Egypt with the best principles of Islam and moderation towards other religions. The Christians don't have anything to worry about as Dr. Mursi has himself indicated they are like brothers.
Interestingly, now we have three heads of state who all have Sun in Leo i.e. in the heads of USA, France and Egypt.
Palmistry: Dr. Mursi's palm shows the Head Line joined to the Life Line indicating that he will maintain the status quo and not make radical changes. It also indicates that whatever course he believes in from the past, he will continue it.
However, I firmly believe that he has a strong sense of fairness and justice and also has the ability to see the points of both sides very well and make realistic compromises. Some of the best union leaders are like him who are able to negotiate with logic and an element of wisdom. Now if other countries cannot afford to accept rules which are fair and try to impose their own values and agenda, they will find a very strong adversary in him.
Dr. Mursi will not take unnecessary chances and one cannot underestimate his ability to inspire and motivate others due to his ethical principles and a very logical mind. Fire (Leo) and Earth (Virgo) combination makes him take on new challenges and the Virgo gives him the ability and stamina to finish them in a very organized way. The heavy base is one of the signs of passion in whatever cause he chooses to defend.
The Line of Saturn (or career line) is attached to the Life Line in the beginning, indicating he has sacrificed a lot for the family and welfare of others. His thumb doesn't seem to be too flexible and the Finger of Jupiter (index finger) seems to be pointing out a bit which gives some leadership ability. This will actually help as his mutable sign Mercury can make a person so adaptable that they have difficulty sticking to their own viewpoint.
Transits (Election):
We just got his birthdate and found out that Mars is not late Cancer but 1 degree Leo in his chart and Moon early degrees of Aries, so he is getting very positive aspects from Jupiter to both Moon (public response) and Mars (windfall opportunities that we had mentioned before). Jupiter sextiling his Moon not only shows a new home and public jubilation, it also points to his efforts to improve mass housing and concern for public welfare. It is not a time for just rhetoric but actual hard work and this is exactly where he shines but has to more
However, instead of till Oct 2012, his authority conflicts with the Army will really start from Sep 2012 when Saturn squares his natal Mars.
Mid Sep to mid Nov is when Saturn squares his Mars in Leo. This is a dangerous aspect for health (heart) and hopefully he will delegate more work and get a good team together so he is not frustrated. It also shows the legal challenges as he tried to wrest power from the military.
Jupiter squaring Mercury and many other planets will certainly help but he will need to pace himself as he will be constantly running out of time. Jupiter sextiling his Moon (already in effect) till end of Aug 2012 at least shows a lot of spiritual happiness so there must be a lot of good news coming up.
His main conflicts are on the following days (a week before and after) and they always happen in the same order. First Saturn gets touched off (authority conflicts which leads to temper and makes one accident prone), then Uranus (flying off the handle and is also an aspect of danger) and Mars/Neptune is the nightmare configuration we have often talked about. It is also an aspect of misunderstandings, scandals and betrayal.
4 July 2012 Mars conj Sat (major legal
25 Jul conj Ura
3 Aug sq Nep
17 Nov Mars sq Sat
3 Dec opp Mars sq Ura
9 Dec Mars sq Nep
Dr. Mursi will be well advised to bide his time during these dates and not to rush with his Moon in Aries fiery side.
As the Muslim Brotherhood has issued some radical statements, regardless of how justified they feel, and exposed their intentions without taking Dr. Musri's consent, making the US and other countries to try their best to keep the military in place. This was also probably the reason the military disolved the parliament so the President won't abuse his powers and make radical changes immediately or put the country's security under threat. The fact that Dr. Musri didn't do anything about the radical statements is part of his weakness but I have a feeling it was a strategic move on his part to ensure his election victory first. The weakness in his chart is that he goes along with others to prevent any discord. He needs to be more self oriented and dictate some terms to his party. By not standing up to their harsh comments, he put himself in direct collision course with foreign powers and the military who used it as an excuse to keep the masses in favor of the military to maintain the status quo and stability.
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