Mercury in Signs
Communication plays a very important part of any relationship. The sign of your Mercury and aspects to it determine how you think and communicate. It shows whether you are rational, intuitive, and even the tonal quality, healing quality to the voice or so irritating that it can trigger a stroke by adversely affecting your nervous system!
Everyone’s voice is just as distinct as their personality and there are many traits of your voice and the way you speak, which are inherent at birth. Even in the same family, where you are likely to find similar qualities to the voice and speaking tone, there are many subtle differences which give us a clue to their personality and other temperamental traits.
In a relationship, it is important for both Venus as well as your Mercury to be compatible with your partner.
Mercury is never more than 28 deg. away from the Sun (this is why you can only see it just around sunrise or just before sunset). As each sign is 30 deg., this means that Mercury can only be either in the same sign as your Sun sign or just one sign before or after. This should help you guess one’s Sun sign by knowing which sign their Mercury was in from the descriptions below. Ex: If someone has Mercury in Leo, then their Sun sign can only be Cancer, Leo, or Virgo.
The following interpretations are based on your Mercury position, not your Sun sign. We have listed your Mercury positions at the top of this article:
Very positive, enthusiastic, witty (can be sarcastic), forceful voice, impulsive, impatient, frank to the point of being blunt, verbal seduction or tactless (depending on the time of day!), no beating-around-the-bush, usually talk about themselves and their viewpoint, want answers now, absolute convictions.
Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Hugh Hefner, Shakespeare, Charlie Chaplin, Liza Minelli, Queen Elizabeth II and Tony Blair.
Very patient and understanding, give practical and down-to-earth advice, reflective mind, dependable, calming influence, not panicky, generates trust, you always know where you stand with them, conservative and traditional approach, usually rich tonal quality, throat problems, wholesome jokes involving friends and family.
George Bush Sr., Saddam Hussein, J.F. Kennedy, Liberace, Barbara Streisand, Bertrand Russell, Malcolm X.
Humorous play on words, cheerful, light-hearted, optimistic but not forceful voice, intellectual, verbally fluent, they communicate easily, can talk about many different topics simultaneously, very flexible mind, versatile, excitable, high strung and high nervous energy, talk like a Dutch uncle, can talk about anything except routine work, intellectual approach, will let the cat out of the bag - don’t tell your secrets, excellent for languages, marketing.
Bob Hope, Dean Martin, Marilyn Monroe, Omar Khayyam, Paul McCartney, Paula Abdul, Ross Perot and Tom Cruise.
Understanding, warm tone, cautious, usually worried about money, project emotions but also insecurity, tenacious, insisting till they get things their way, moody, sensitive to their needs, nourishing as long as they are not in stress, draining if they are! sentimental, quiet persistence, hesitant, suspicious, conceited in men, excellent memory but harbor slights.
Carlos Santana, Donald Trump, Harrison Ford, Natalie Portman, Paul Gauguin, Princess Diana, S. Stallone.
Dynamic quality to their voice, usually give speeches and love their own voice, always colourful whether happy or sad, very uplifting, motivating, enthusiastic, strong and lively voice, they like to speak rather than listen, exaggerate to dramatize a point, can talk till they are ready for another audience, good for building confidence and positive feelings, display a delicate ego and pride, use superlative words like “fantastic” or “amazing” etc.
Ben Affleck, Bill Clinton, Fidel Castro, poet Goethe, Jacqueline Kennedy, Fidel Castro, Paul Anka, Lindsay Lohan, George W. Bush, Sean Penn.
Precise, understanding without displaying emotions, practical, efficient realistic solutions, very critical, make you feel guilty, easy to make them feel guilty, sensitive to criticism, concerned but usually about negative things, very sceptical, always analyzing, interest in psychology, life sciences, facts and figures (accounting), always into problems and how to solve them, worrying and self-pity, cannot take praises, good for crafts and miniatures..
Dustin Hoffman, Martha Stewart, Madonna, Jimmy Carter, Melanie Griffith, Robert DeNiro, Robert Redford, Sean Connery, Yasser Arafat and Whitney Houston.
Soft voice in women, harmonious way of speaking, verbally eloquent, gentle and very diplomatic, indecisive (do not give them a choice or will drive you up the wall because of their apparent indecision!), use words like maybe or perhaps, always take the partisan’s viewpoint, very cultured, assertive but not harsh, certain elegance about them, legal mind, mildly enthusiastic, procrastinating, usually talk about relationships, tactful “really?” instead of “I don’t believe you”!
Barbara Walters, Bill Gates, H.R.H. Farah Pahlavi of Iran, Gore Vidal, Julio Iglesias, Michael Douglas, Sophia Loren and Vladimir Putin.
Probing and analytical, penetrating questions, usually ring to their voice or high pitched, intense, suggestive jokes (mostly men), not talkative unless close friends, can be very sarcastic, tenacious, create crisis situations, favourite topics: mysteries of life and how to get even! Non-forgiving, never forget a lie - will always remind you of it! They don’t instigate but retaliate harshly, misunderstood, thorough, analytical, always into power.
Alfred Nobel, Prince Charles, Gandhi, Johnny Carson, Bruce Lee, Larry King, L. DiCaprio and JFK Jr.
Very enthusiastic and uplifting, natural learner/teacher, philosophical, frank, verbally eloquent but can be tactless (wrong timing), good for entertainment world, call them when you have lost faith in life but be ready for their preaching, get upset if you do not share their enthusiasm, will talk like a house on fire about every topic except what they started out with, communicate strongly but do not speak clearly, yet some of the best orators! Truth and Universal Justice important, excellent for languages, positive motivation and to instil faith in self.
Anwar Sadat, Beethoven, Britney Spears, Dale Carnegie, David Carradine, George Patton, Isaac Asimov, Jimmi Hendrix, Richard Burton, Sammy Davis Jr., Tina Turner, Bette Midler, Spielberg, Ted Turner, Woody Allen.
Do not waste words, unenthusiastic and sometimes a deliberate way of speaking, very feminine voice in women, usually talk about struggles, delays and business, definite and quietly assertive, confirm what they say “O.K.?” “O.K.”, dry wit, survivors and offer good practical solutions, mostly bogged down with too many duties and responsibilities.
Agha Khan, Al Capone, Anthony Hopkins, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Paul Cezanne, Phil Donahue, Richard Nixon, Senator John Kerry, Ronald Reagan.
Clear and precise, impersonal, short quips, “Yep”, do not give leads for continuing a conversation, usually concerned for the welfare of the masses, futuristic, radical, unconventional, good stories (particularly women), hardly display their emotions, cool and detached, uninvolved, coolly sarcastic, manipulative, inventive but also a bit erratic, irritated when bored, excellent ideas but need others to carry them out.
Alicia Keys, Ashton Kutcher, Betty Friedman, David Niven, Dick Cheney, Edison, Edward Kennedy, Jules Verne, Mozart, Oprah Winfrey.
Comfortable sadness and healing in voice, evasive, flirtatious (seductive), hedges around, wild imagination, wandering mind, compassionate, empathetic, gossiping (don't tell them your secrets), favourite topics: sad stories and how to avoid taxes or beat the system! No definite planning, inspirational, subtle persuasion, procrastinate, waste time helping underdog to their own detriment, very intuitive, often psychic, gullible.
Al Gore, Ariel Sharon, Celine Dion, Casanova, Darwin, Liz Taylor, Osama bin Laden, Robin Wright-Penn, Ralph Nader, Sidney Poitier, Yoko Ono, Victor Hugo.
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