How to Predict
Based on Pluto in Scorpio till Nov. 1995, I made some World Predictions in 1987 which were very accurate and quite stunning to everyone else! These included the collapse of the Berlin Wall and Communism by Nov. 1995. No political pundit had seen this coming. Yet from an astrological perspective, I feel that these are very simple indeed. However, in retrospect, everything seems easy!
Another prediction to materialize after Nov.'1995 was Mass Communication and Global TV between the US, Europe, and Japan will break cultural barriers. This proved to be even more amazing because the Internet really took off after Nov.'95! This was simply based on Pluto in Sagittarius.
Now let us see how we make these "remarkable" predictions! First of all, let me assure you that this whole thing is not a hoax nor is the method trickery or anything! It is based on sound astrological principles but they are my interpretations. Pluto was just discovered in this century so obviously, the ancients had not given any rules for it. I found that three things are very important to remember when making World Predictions:
1- Understand the underlying principles thoroughly and don't just make up your own rules.
2- The reasoning behind the most difficult predictions is still very simple. If it is too complicated, then something is wrong. Saturn = delays and Sagittarius = stock market, so when you put Saturn in Sag. (late 1929 then Oct. 1980) we had two major stock market crashes. I don't even know much about this market but I had made this prediction in AstroTrends based on this very logic. However, this was my own interpretation which I wrote while flying over the Atlantic (even that is a Sag. theme!).
3- All planets somehow reflect mass experiences.
So let us take some basic principles and elaborate on them. In 1987, I also predicted the beginning of the Animation Age from late 1998 onwards. We did not even have a 486 machine at the time of my prediction! This was based on Neptune in Aquarius. Neptune = fantasy, animation, films, etc., and Aquarius = digital technology and innovative solutions. This also translates into holography use in commercial places and even holographic furniture.
Each planet represents a certain "theme" and so does each sign of the Zodiac.
Pluto reflects fundamental transformation i.e.when something is destroyed to recreate. It is the Darth Vader in world events!
Pluto represents:
Places with oil
Police organization
Organized Crime
Violence and terrorism
These are some of the keywords for Pluto especially when it was in Scorpio for a number of years till Nov. 1995. Bosnia finished in Nov.'95, Palestinians got the West Bank in Nov.'95 and violent movies have started fading. The US bombed Iraq during this violent period and dropped 1.2 million tons of bombs and divided the Middle East while creating a nightmare for millions of people as well. Kuwait fires were lit in vengeance for the US action during Pluto in Scorpio.
Pluto is in Sagittarius from Nov.'95 till 2008. This sign represents the stock market, gambling, mass communication, the education system, the judicial system, and immigration.
Between Nov.'95 and 2008, you can expect the following: (I originally made these predictions in our monthly personalized newsletter AstroTrends in the '80s!):
Here is a look at other planetary influences surrounding the next century:
Neptune (Inspirational Ideas of the Masses, Fuel, Ships, Ocean, Movies):
Neptune has been in Aquarius since 1998 and will stay there until Feb. 3, 2012. As we had mentioned almost ten years ago, Neptune in Aquarius has coincided with nature and inspiration combined with hi-tech in the form of the iMac, rainforest cafes, and spiritual music in digital formats everywhere. It will even help medicine find new ways of diagnosis using magnetic scans and holography. Three-dimensional images will be projected outside the TV set itself! Animated movies will have lifelike images of digital actors and voices almost indistinguishable from the original human voice! Past singers will be reborn digitally to sing new serenades and produce new movies. Digital profiles of actors stored as plug-ins in Browsers will be used to view animated movies on the Internet.
DNA databases will be formed and shared globally. Hydrogen fuel will be used to eliminate carbon pollution. The greatest benefit of this transit will be realized in multimedia, film, movies, and digital photography. A combination of analog and digital signals will be used to produce the ultimate visual experiences. New boats and ship designs will take advantage of solar power and run on clean fuels.
Space and holographic art will finally emerge on the desktop. Video production will become even more popular for home use. Virtual supermarket shopping will become a reality. New ways of using sound, color, and light will be discovered and help revolutionize the film industry. Mood alteration through music will become more popular.
Virtual Reality will be used more often to experience travel resorts. Poor people will be able to visit the most exclusive resorts vicariously through VR sets. They may even be able to get some of the benefits through virtual experiences! Imagine visiting a beautiful resort on a remote Greek island and being treated to a guided tour by a digital actor/actress, then to a virtual therapist who simulates any inspirational mood you desire by altering the light, color, and music, and stimulating the right brain waves (you will need a VR helmet of course!).
Uranus (New technology, digital signals, break from past and innovations): Uranus will be in Aquarius until Dec. 30, 2003, except for a short period in Pisces from March 2003 to Sep.2003. From Jan. 2003, Uranus will be in Pisces for approximately 7 years. As we had predicted, Uranus has coincided with the Internet, digital photography, and some of the most revolutionary advances in computers, desktop holography, and interactive videos. This trend will continue with new advances in the delivery of digital music and video on the Internet. Wireless Internet will allow thousands of radio stations and music channels to be broadcast to portable Internet walkmans. Streaming video is still in its infancy but soon became much easier and popular even for desktops. Major advances in 3D streaming technology will make it much more practical for everyday use.
Uranus will bring fundamental changes in our thinking. Instead of computers becoming just faster, parallel processing will be the next step. Apple's G4 is the fastest PC in the world right now and is considered a supercomputer but has only one CPU. From July 2000 (when Jupiter moves into Gemini), parallel G4s will herald the age of desktop supercomputers. Desktop radio, digital editing, and Internet TV broadcasting will give opportunities to anyone aspiring to communicate to the masses.
Wireless account transactions and transfers from your credit card will provide more security while shopping. Remote scanning at the Supermarkets will eliminate lineups. Digital tellers will be used at many banks and will be available 24 hours a day.
New research in optical technology will revolutionize anything related to light including cameras, the development of films, and new forms of lighting methods. Solar lighting in streets will become more popular. Increased technological breakthroughs, a lack of personal touch, and an accelerated pace of life will play havoc on the nervous system. Spas, electronic mood relaxation techniques will sprout everywhere and become a corporate write-off!
Long-distance romance will flourish on the Internet with higher bandwidth allowing the exchange of audio and video in real-time.
On a more mundane level, Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius will make people more aware of humanitarian, social, and racial issues. People will suddenly change their relationships, career direction. Pay equity will be eliminated and new concepts and political ideologies based on the uniqueness of individuals (no two people are alike and there is no such thing as equality in nature!) will be realized. Voting through the Internet will allow instant referendums.
Although more and more people will be able to communicate with each other from all over the world and be connected to events and places immediately, yet life in the millennium will become more impersonal and self-satisfying. There will be less dependency on people as computers, the Internet and Virtual Worlds will eliminate the need to spend time, money, or emotional involvement. Relationships will be based on how much emotional investment is required! The need for individual freedom and self-expression will become more acute and there will be a sense of urgency to alter one's surroundings in order to bring more fulfillment in one's life. Ironically, Internet-free relaxation workshops will also become very popular!
Give us some feedback on what you are all really interested and we will keep writing!
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