Updated 4 Sep 2013
Astrology provides one of the best means of understanding your innate potential, character, temperament, talents as well as limitations. But how does it work?
I have always said it has something to do with geomagnetism which is influenced by the Sun, the Moon and the planets. In one of my interviews in the 80's I said this to one of my favourite hosts, Tom Charington of CHCH in Hamilton, Ontario. Everything I said at that time still applies and it seems that NASA is finally acknowledging something I said so many years ago.
The new science of Heliobiology has supposedly found a link between Solar Storms and suicide rates and depression in humans on the Earth. This is a very primitive use of the Sun's energy and astrology. The difference is that we take the planets and the Moon also in consideration as it influences the geomagnetic field. Solar Storms are 11 year cycles but we propose a constant interaction between the Sun's induced magnetic field on the Earth and how it changes directly in relation to certain well defined angles between the planets as well including the conjunction, square, opposition, sextile and trine.
What I have proposed is that we represent some kind of a geotagging. In other words, when you are born, you represent the exact geomagnetic field that existed at that time. You are geotagged! This reference geomagnetic field must be instrumental to shape the hard wiring of the brain and somehow represent your inner cycles which translate themselves into natal aspects and houses etc. Your horoscope is all there within your brain and the changing magnetic field of the Earth relative to this natal geomagnetic tagging within you represents what we call Transits!
The EEG produced by your brain at any given time is a combination of what you were born with (natal geomagnetic tagging) and the changes in the Earth's field on an ongoing basis. So each one of us is born with a special magnetic reference point (which probably coincides with your dopamine receptors being a certain type and your neural pathways being of a specific type etc) and how we respond to the changing geomagnetic field is also depends on how it interacts with the reference field.
In terms of compatibility, one person's geotagging may be very compatible to another and love at first sign may even boil down to your geomagnetic type!
How do we prove this? I am developing an app which will translate the EEGs from your brain to Moon Jupiter and Moon Saturn transits as a first step. I will be using a wireless headband which measures the EEG activity from three parts of your brain including the pre-frontal area. When you see that the EEG corresponds with feeling very happy and another one with depression or feeling very tired, you will know that astrological principles coincide exactly with your brain activity signaled by the EEG. As far as science is concerned, this would be a much more significant test than some astrology describing someone's personality as this will now be in the realm of science. I am designing apps based on the APIs for EEG which will measure many different type of feelings, emotions, state of mind and it will all show up on your smart phone!
Hassan Jaffer
4 Sep 2013
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