Cold Weather and Blizzards: With Jupiter in Aquarius and Saturn in Virgo, I have a feeling that we are going to have one of the coldest winters in history and Feb. 2009 will probably record some of the coldest temperatures.
Fashion Colors in 2009: Jupiter in Aquarius shows that white color will probably be quite popular in 2009 along with some black and safari and natural fibers (Saturn in Virgo).
End of Stock Market Volatility: Mid Nov 2008 till end Dec 2008 is one of the most volatile periods for the stock market and companies in transportation and aviation. After beg Jan.2009, as Mars moves away from the gambling sign of Sagittarius, the market will settle down.
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius will especially benefit from Jupiter in Aquarius in 2009 in terms of contractual matters, improved communication and a general feeling of optimism after their struggles in 2008.
The Year 2009 is the end and beginning of a new seven year cycle for all mutable signs i.e. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. This is the end of a long and hard working period and you will start reaping the rewards from summer of 2009.
Mid Nov 2008 till end Dec 2008 is a very stressful and depleting month for the 30's (blues generation) and 70's (Britney Spears) age group. This is also one of the most volatile periods for the stock market and companies in transportation and aviation. This is the time when people get caught and this age group is susceptible to scandals, misunderstandings and a "nightmare" period. They need to keep a low profile and avoid all activity which is shady and stay away from get-rich-quick schemes. They may also have a tendency to delve into a "poor-me" attitude now.
From beg Jan.2009 till beg Feb.2009, the 40s and 50s age group (Bush, Clinton and Putin) will be prone to a lot of mental stress, scandals, feelings of betrayal, drawing wrong conclusions and even danger if they are not careful. Your immune system will feel depleted so pace yourself and avoid dark alleys and the ocean.
Beg Feb. 2009 till mid Mar 2009 is the next dangerous and scandalous time for the 60's age group (Obama and Ahmedinijad and most Hollywood actors) and heart problems for the 20's age group.
All the above dates refer to Mars adversely affecting your Neptune during the stressful periods. It is a time when you need to be very careful of health (heart for the 20s age group and obsessions for the 60s etc) and avoid underhanded activities. If you need any checkups or treatment, recognize that your body does not behave normally during this transit and it is better to have checkups and treatments before or after this period. Of course, the actual time in your particular case will only be for about a week and varies according to your birth date.
Tension Between India and Pakistan: It is interesting how a country's chart can accurately reflect events and important milestones. Both the charts of India and Pakistan show a Mars-Uranus opposition (flying off the handle and danger of nuclear tension) on 20th Dec. and a Mars-Neptune (nightmare aspect) around 7th Jan. 2009. What starts out as an erratic incident (Mars-Uranus) quickly escalates and becomes a nightmare aspect for both nations a few days before and after 7th Jan. 2009.
This is a classic aspect of bombings, suffering, misunderstandings and false flags leading to critical incidents. We don't think anything will happen but the North of Pakistan will become free for the Taliban to exercise control and the exactly what the small group of people who created havoc in Bombay wanted. After about the 10th Jan. 2009, the tension will diffuse. However, the danger for terrorism is very strong again in June 2009. The year 2009 generally will be very positive for both nations and trade will resume later on in 2009 onwards. The same transit repeats itself in April. and Aug. 2009. Beg. Jan.2009 is very stressful for the entire 40s age group as we have mentioned above and this includes President Bush (false accusations) and President Zardari of Pakistan.
Pluto in Capricorn and Long Term Investments: We had been waiting for Pluto to move into Capricorn by end of Nov. 2008 and as predicted, the news around the world seems to confirm our forecast that free energy will be the main focus for the next several years and the use of wind, solar energy, electromagnetic and even gravitational forces will make free energy available to everyone. These are also the areas to look for in terms of long term investments. There will be massive construction (Pluto in Capricorn) of bridges, roadways, buildings and reconstruction of huge monuments and old government buildings and emphasis on earthquake proof materials in anticipation of some major earthquakes in 2011.
New Cars without Oil: The manufacturing industry will go through a complete overhaul and hydrogen fuel cars using ordinary water will be introduced as well. Cars using compressed air are already available but will be in production probably by late 2009. All the inventions relating to transportation were done when Pluto was in Sagittarius but now as it moves into the sign of Capricorn, it represents the beginning of the manufacturing stage. Solar powered and electric cars are both also a reflection of Jupiter in Aquarius in 2009.
This is really the chart of Apple's Steve jobs and most of his dreams will be realized in 2009 regardless of his health. The world and technology is finally catching up to his vision and inspirational ideas. Finally, some of the predictions we made years ago in our World Predictions till the Year 2017, are coming true exactly when they were supposed to. Imagine the best of the technology (Uranus), inventive ideas (Aquarius), inspirational media and the planet of fantasy (Neptune) and the sign of Pisces, and this is what you can expect in the next several years:
- Robots playing music and probably composing in the styles of Chopin and Mozart with feelings that are totally unreal.
- 3D TV and holographic projections, and 3D TV glasses.
- Drive towards universal Internet available to everyone.
- Virtual therapists, mood altering music used for therapy and sites in the brain identified for best healing affect of music.
- Holographic concerts.
- Google will probably come up with dynamic virtual reality maps and the GPS will also have dynamic traffic activity.
- Morphing technology to take any actor's movements and sync them with any actor. Our prediction about digital actors several years ago seems to be almost there with the fast technology breakthroughs coming in 2009.
- Major advances in speech technology. With Jupiter in Aquarius in 2009, we will have some of the best educational games coming out in the market.
- Revolutionary new IP based phones.
- 3D film cameras will again become available and film experience will involve more sensory perception.
- Windshields with speedometers on glass.
- Driverless cars and airplanes.
- Jupiter in Aquarius in 2009 will help with the optics and light being used for the internet and huge leaps in quantum physics and cell technology for the computers.
- Jupiter in 2010 in Pisces will probably reflect a return to spiritual values and some of the most amazing experiences but also ocean related mishaps. Analog sensory perception will be emphasized now and psychic therapists will become virtual or projected holographically (not to mention the strippers or belly dancers as well!).
It is amazing how the 700 dollar bailout was passed within days with absolutely no accounting and the powers given to a single unelected official who changed the rules while giving away 350 billion dollars of the future generation's money. When you look at the CEOs of AIG, Lehman Brothers and the recent 50 Billion dollar scam by Bernard Maydoff, there seems to be a pattern with all of them. Besides the fact that there is a strong Zionist connection (it is alleged that as much as one hundred billion dollars may have gone to Israel and most of the charities were Jewish who want to be bailed out now!), it is their age group which brings out the red flag:
Neptune (inspiration) in Virgo (music, accounts, perfectionists) (30s till Oct '42) is the generation of people who went through a lot of suffering (all the victims in World War II in Russia and Germany), are great at Blues and some of the best musicians and master craftsmen. However, some of the best con artists are also from this age group who have the ability to remain relatively unnoticed as they shy away from he public eye. Ironically, they also like to donate to charities as Virgo is the sign of guilt (making others feel guilty as well, sounds familiar?) and Neptune represents humanitarian pursuits. The person who planned the meticulous great train robbery must have had Neptune in Virgo! A lot of people from this pill popping generation were also hooked on the weed and medication (including Elvis and Elizabeth Taylor).
Bernard Maydoff's chart shows Mercury in Aries squared to Pluto which is the hallmark of a dictator as well and someone who could be very impatient, rude, sarcastic. The Mercury Pluto square always has somewhat of a devil aspect about it. These people have a lot of power which they tend to misuse but cannot undo the damage.
The danger of mass insecurities, epidemics, flu's, and other suspect events is finishing by mid July 2009 actually. There has been a Saturn-Neptune adverse aspect from last July which is finishing now. This happens once in a while and was also reflecting the plight of children and torture at the hands of US army in Iraq as well. It is sad that the nation gives hero status to the soldiers who are doing nothing but creating desperation and crisis in the lives of thousands of innocent civilians in Iraq.
Major Overhaul of Policies in Education, Immigration and Transport (written in April 2007): We mentioned in 1986 that there will be major changes and reforms in education, judiciary/legal system, and religion from 1995 and ending by Nov. 2008. We identified Pluto in Sagittarius as reflective of these themes. This started from Nov. 1995 with the Internet (mass communication). Pluto indicates radical reforms after misuse of the system by those in authority. It often coincides with revolutions led by the masses (which of course is the power of the Internet now! By Nov. 2008, we will see a moderate approach towards all religions with emphasis shifting to similar concepts and Divine truths in every religion. Major overhaul in transport system due to high cost of fuel is on the table now.
Sagittarius also rules immigration and the debate about 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. is exactly reflective of Pluto. By Nov. 2008, the entire immigration policies will completely be overhauled and the war power acts will be reversed, mass education will be prevalent (probably through virtual universities and on line education). As we mentioned before, the US troops will start leaving Iraq by Nov. 2008.
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