By Hassan Jaffer
Astrological Highlights:
Sun and Mercury in 10th in Scorpio= Success and fame related to interviews with high profile powerful people.
Sun trine Pluto = Strong sense of mission in life.
Moon in Sagittarius = Likes philosophy and foreign cultures and people. Likes to educate and reform like a preacher.
Moon trine Jupiter (10°) = Excellent public response.
Moon trine Uranus = Excellent for television and visual perception.
Mercury trine Pluto = Deep wisdom element. Powerful influence over others. Mass communication with a need to reform. Self-mastery.
Mercury in 10th = Career involves mass communication (often politics).
Venus sq. Jupiter = Love of luxury and comfort. Designer clothes.
Wealthy aspect. Capacity to make millions. Enjoys material assets also.
Venus in Capricorn = Lonely but loyal (Elvis had the same position)
Mars in Capricorn = Very hard working and takes on too much.
Mars sq. Jupiter (wide) = Gambling and taking chances (bold moves).
Jupiter trine Saturn = Entrepreneurial . Long range plans and goals.
Jupiter in 9th = Judicial outlook and philosophical.
Neptune in Virgo = Loves countryside. Natural and herbal remedies. Very down to earth generation of master craftsmen, blues singers and some of the great humanitarian people.
Latest Update (June 2006): Larry King has some very positive transits from Jupiter from Aug. till Dec. 2006 for writing and communication contracts. However, he is also going to start having dificulties in this respect (Saturn squaring his Mercury) from Aug. 2006 till Aug. 2007. This can also indicate difficulties in assimilation of trace minerals. Quite often, this transit coincides with minor operation reltaed to the heart e.g. a valve related problem. However, his planets are again on the rise adn he will contnue to have good publicity. Summer 2006 onwards, he has a strong aspect of public eye and deep spiritual events which may relate to the type of gursts he has or he feels like a preacher and talks a lot Jerusalem.
His danger period when he wil have to completely re-evaluate his health will be from mid 2008 till 2012.
Here is the chart of the King of Talk Shows and one of the best known interviewers in the world, Larry King. The most distinguishing aspect of Larry King’s chart is that he has a Mercury Pluto trine, which gives him the ability to understand Divine truth and also a wisdom element. However, this does not necessarily mean business sense! His true abilities would show up in crisis situations where he is required to save someone. It may be his Jewish heritage which gives him a lot of common sense (he denies being religious yet his “Powerful Prayers” was written with a Rabbi!).
He has deep insight in anything which has Divine origin (your editor is also born with this) and is able to understand people’s psyche very well. People who influence the masses are born with it. Spielburg is also born with the same configuration and so was Canada’s ex-PM Pierre Elliot Trudeau. In fact, Trudeau was born in the same week as the Shah of Iran and they both had Mercury in Scorpio trined to Pluto like Larry King.
Venus in Capricorn normally makes a person loyal in relationships but Uranus squaring his Venus shows the sudden separations and divorces he has had. Cancer and Leo on the 7th house indicate that the ideal person for him would be someone who is very nurturing as well as one who stands out in the crowd. His last marriage to a model/singer satisfies the fame element for the spouse.
Larry King has appreciation of the material things (Venus in Capricorn) but his mission is to save the underdog. He has Venus Neptune trine which many actors are born with. Normally, it makes a person rather idealistic in love but he does have the capacity to find that made in heaven match that he seeks.
Jupiter Saturn trine gives him an entrepreneurial nature and wanting to do things at a global level (his show is aired on more than 400 stations around the world).
Venus sq. to Jupiter is the hallmark of “easy” wealth. Although he worked very hard for it, his income did not come from just working so hard. The ability to get big contracts is part of his luck element.
Milestones in Larry King’s Life: Saturn opposed his Moon in 1944 from his 4th house when his father passed away from heart attack when Larry was only 11. Uranus was just leaving his 4th house indicating sudden upheavals at home and family.
Saturn conjunct Pluto in his chart and his mother passed away in 1976. Pluto rules his 9th house of religion and philosophy and this must have had a deep affect on him. Larry is born with Libra and Scorpio as part of his 9th house cusps. This indicates that he is tolerant of other religions but can be sarcastic towards his own. These people often have to redefine their attitude towards religion because of life death events. In mid 90’s, Pluto went in to his 10th house of career and brought a lot of radical changes in his work giving him much more power. He is involved with a lot of charities which is one of the aspects of Mercury Pluto also.
He married in 1976, the same year as his mother’s death, while Saturn was transiting his 7th house. This is one of the surest signs of wrong timing in marriage and he divorced in 1983.
Career Highlights and Timing: Saturn started rising above the horizon in 1978 and Larry King began his midnight to 5 am radio show. Saturn was also squaring his Sun sign and Mercury which made him work very hard in this new 7 year cycle.
Exactly 7 years later in 1985, Saturn touched his Sun and Mercury in the 10th house (zenith) and he was hired by CNN for his half hour interview show! Jupiter also trined is Moon giving him a lot of public response. His show soon became on the CNN’s top rated shows. In 1992, Jupiter went into his 8th house and he not only scored several broadcasting coups but also gained more money. Aug. ’93 to Jan. ’94, Jupiter was in his 9th when his show gained more popularity, then 10th for more fame.
From 1995 onwards, Saturn went below the 2nd house and the show was basically involved with panel discussion of the O.J. Simpson trial. Mid ’96 to ’97, Saturn sq. his Mars in 12th affecting his heart. In Sep.’97, with Saturn at the bottom os his chart, Larry had a heart surgery with Uranus conj Saturn and Saturn conj Uranus. He has crossed the most dangerous period and is again on his way up and we wish him all the success he deserves.
2002 will see him even more popular as the planets start rising in his chart once again and he will probably sign his biggest deal yet.
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