Written July 24th 2011
YouTube links to my analysis of her Natal chart and Transits:
Part I: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j37Pt8X7hk
Part II: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhtZ2DZRYSg
Part III http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8Ptw_KajWI
Here is the chart of a very talented, warm, passionate, flamboyant (yet reclusive), but also tragic artist to grace the soul, jazz and R&B pop culture, Amy Winehouse. She had this soulful pathos which articulated the needs of her generation to anyone who would care to listen but of course, nobody realized that the five Grammys they gave her was for lyrics of her own life. The whole world celebrates while one person suffers, very similar to Nicole Kidman's last scene in Moulin Rouge, who she passes away and everyone give her a standing ovation thinking it is all part of a brilliant act. It must be impossible to understand a person of that calibre and talent without the help of astrology and maybe that is why such individuals feel a sense of deep loneliness and isolation. She passed away at trhe young age of 27 and will never age as if frozen in time like Marilyn Monroe many others who died young.
Amy Winehouse was born with Sun and Mercury in Virgo, which made her very versatile in writing (Harry Potter writer also has the same Mercury position), analytical and gifted with a keen critical faculty but sensitive to criticism at the same time especially having Venus and Mars in Leo, which gave her the star qualities. Mars in Leo also gave her the stage presence but her temper must have been very colorful as well. Venus in Leo is a very passionate placement and Mars close to it would have increased her charisma but also her need for attention.
Having Neptune in Sagittarius like all the 70s age group till the early 80s, her age group is general very philosophical and likes to change the world through their work (Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King are good examples of it). Jupiter also in Sagittarius gave her the mass appeal and somewhat of a rebellious preacher. It is the Mercury squared to Neptune which is the first problem in her thinking as it makes it difficult to separate truth from fantasy. They require occasional counseling but are also psychically very vulnerable to charlatans. However, this placement is excellent for writing songs and lyrics.
The second main problem was her Saturn in Scorpio (1983 to 1985) which gives morbid depressions as if you don’t believe in the miracles of God. It is not a coincidence that her hit Back to Black is a prefect reflection of the black head to toe punk fashion that I had predicted just before she was born based on Saturn in Scorpio! When anyone with Saturn in Scorpio gets depressed, they get really dark moods. Her Moon in Capricorn also gave her a bit of a harsh moods (coming from the mother most probably or lack of affection that she felt as a child). With the Moon in Capricorn unable to express her emotions, yet very close to Neptune which made it easy for her to have emotional misjudgments, I cannot imagine anything else other than what she did to brilliantly express her own inner turmoil.
Venus Neptune trine actually makes one rather photogenic (Marilyn Monroe was also born with it) and the Mars trine Neptune must have made her obsessive in everything she did without interfering with her ability to direct her obsessions.
The tattoo "Daddy's Girl" on the left arm says a lot about her need as well, as does the girl's tattoo below it shows her exhibitionistic Venus in Leo side. Her talent was raw and full of life's pathos and passion but not subtle in any way. Her imagination was wild and almost every word of the lyric probably reflected her own inner state of mind as well. However, there is no doubt in our mind that she cared for the welfare of the masses but was also very rebellious against the authorities. It was probably her critics who she also wanted to escape from as the combination of Venus, Mars in Leo and Saturn in Scorpio cannot stand any form of sarcasm or humiliation, and her Mercury sq Neptune probably blew it out of proportion.
To summarize, Amy Winehouse was very versatile and gifted in writing, with a deep sensitivity to the needs of the masses (Moon conj Neptune and planets in Sag), who had star qualities (Venus in Leo) and an obsessive nature (Mars in dramatic Leo trine Neptune), with the ability to understand others very well but not having anyone understand her at a deep soul level at all. It was the transits from 2008 till 2010 which created a tremendous addiction problem (Neptune opp Mars) and keep sorrow in love (Neptune opp Venus) while Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, all made adverse aspects simultaneously to her Mercury from 2008 till 2010, then both Saturn and Uranus adversely aspect her Moon (once in 29 years and once in 84 years) giving her manic depressive moods, which led to her sad ending while Moon was transiting her 12th house and had just opposed her Saturn in Scorpio (depression and being anemic). See the full analysis below for the transits.
Her transits are so incredibly obvious that I cannot imagine how so many known astrologers cannot see it. As the Budhist saying goes "the greatest obstacle to seeing is the eye"!
Amy was coming out of some very difficult transits which happen only once in a lifetime and are very rare for all of them to occur at the same time. Pluto squaring her Moon and Mercury indicate that she was going through a complete re-evaluation of her attitude towards life, death and God for 2005 till 2008. Even in 2009 and 2010, Pluto was still affecting her Sun and Mercury making her feel as if the whole system has to change to adapt to her way of thinking. However, the only way to offset Pluto is to go along with it and make as many radical changes in one's thinking as possible and it is one of the best transits for self mastery if you use your free choice affectively.
From 2006 till 2010, Pluto squared her natal Moon-Neptune conjunction indicating that she was trying to change her habits at a deep subconscious level. It was also reflective of many events which must have felt like upheavals at home. Pluto was still touching off her Moon in Capricorn (which represents a strong willed mother mother) while Saturn also squared her Moon from last year till May 2011, indicated severe depression. The transit is leads to one having a very low count of red blood cells (anemic), depressions, weakness of eyesight, lack of public approval (she was booed in Serbia for being drunk on stage of course) and is one of the major signs of aging and skin related problems.
Everyone thought she was selfish when she didn’t appear in her own birthday party, but the sad truth is that she really felt horrible when she looked at herself in the mirror and saw the effects of the drugs already taking their toll. She had Venus in Leo and naturally wanted to project the best impression and it had nothing to do with her being selfish but rather her delicate ego couldn't bear how she would appear to everyone.
Saturn also touched off her natal Mercury Neptune square in 2008 and 2009 and carried over into 2010. This would have created communication problems as well as deep feelings of insecurity and unwarranted fears and phobias. She was able to curtail her addiction to some extent but Uranus also touched off this natal Mercury/Neptune square which makes one erratically brilliant but also close to nervous breakdowns.
In other words, you had Saturn (once in 29 years), Uranus (once in 84 years) and Pluto (once in 246 years) all making adverse aspects to her Mercury/Neptune aspect which affected her thinking, gave her the rebellious, brilliant, erratic strokes of genius but also played havoc on her nervous system.
At the same time, Neptune opposed both her Venus (major sign of sorrow due to unrealistic expectations in love and idealism) as well as Mars (major addiction theme. Neptune opposed her natal Venus conj Mars from 2006 till 2010. This aspect also made her quite obsessive and hopelessly romantic where she set herself up for disappointments.
All she needed was someone in the world to understand her and guide her through this difficult transit as she certainly was not born with the addictive tendencies. Actually she was born with a positive aspect of Mars trine Neptune which is also habit forming but it is a positive aspect and you can come out of it. Unfortunately, Neptune opposing her Venus (sadness and deception in love) and Mars (drug addicts are born with it) which happens only once in 165 years (you can divide it by four to get four different similar transits), and at the time of death, Mars also opposed her natal Neptune. So Neptune opposed her Mars (once in 165 years) and transiting Mars also opposed her natal Neptune (once in two years) making it like a cross theme and increasing the addiction which reduced her immune system and susceptible to drug reactions. Mars had just come out of her 12th house (a major health house) so she was probably in and out of rehab). Mars just transiting her 1st house made her even more aggressive towards herself and I wouldn't be surprised is she suffered from migraines (Aries in the 12th cusp). Often a brain tumor can trigger temper and violent behavior too.
Finally, Moon was in early degrees of Taurus in her 12th house and also just opposed her Saturn. This is when you feel very run down and tired. Every month, Moon in her 12th would have also opposed her natal Saturn as well which would have triggered the depression. The Moon also opposed her Pluto making her think of life and death. She must have been feeling very sad, tired and run down, and also felt that nobody was able to understand her, and in a sudden fit of impulsive action, made a rash decision to end her life.
It is interesting that people go through the most difficult transit and just as it is about to finish, they end their life or get a serious stress related illness. This is why it is important to show them the positive transits just ahead to give them hope so they can recuperate and not deny the miracles of God.
This was written for Justin Bieber some time ago but also applies to Amy Winehouse:
In astrology, I have identified Mars Neptune adverse aspects as indicative of addictive tendencies and obsessions. The orb i.e. how many degrees you take before an exact aspect varies from person to person. Justin is not born with it but is going through it till 2012 and just needs to keep sublimating his obsessions in positive ways. In Michael Jackson's case, he had a wide Mars opp Neptune aspect. Mars (energy and action) and Neptune (creativity and inspiration) certainly pointed to his amazing musical abilities, his sense of rhythm, his perfect timing and his total dedication to his art. In fact, you will be hard pressed to find any other aspect in his chart which points to his obsessive dedication to music and dancing.
First a word of caution to anyone who wants to take up astrology as their mission to really think before writing and not do it just to make a name for themselves. Astrology is a sacred art not a business venture. I find it incredible how so many astrologers have tried to analyze the transits of her death in such complicated and illogical manner whereas the truth is so simple like any other divine mystery. My question is always if she had come to me, would I have been able to see the seriousness of what she was going through? I have absolutely no doubt that I would have been able to guide her and many other actors and singers in the same situation and gently nudge her in the right direction. These other astrologers who have been writing about a yod formation or Moon making a quincunx to her 8th house or her Neptune getting badly expected done realize that the first part would be impossible to use to guide her as it happens all the time, and the aspect to Neptune would apply to her entire age group!
I am sure there must be many talented people out there who go through some very difficult transits and we cant just say, she asked for it, as there are internal stresses which must be sublimated very carefully. There is absolutely nothing like astrology to understand these type of talented people who temporarily become like tortured souls and I hope to be able to develop software where we can monitor several transits simultaneously and find alternative ways to offset the negative themes. You cannot increase the life span but I am sure you can shorten it by misusing your free choice.
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