Written in Nov 1997...
Mystery of Zodiac
Before the Year 2012, we will know how the planets affect us and what the Zodiac really reflects in our life. Once the PET scans or similar means of exploring the brain becomes commonplace, we will know the exact correlation between each of the different planetary positions and their meaning.
Pluto = discoveries of Divine Nature and Sagittarius = Universe, astrology, philosophy, is the indicator for this prediction.
There will be a new science discovered before 2012 which will be a combination of biology-genetics-astrology (or astronomy with cosmic research)-neurology and psychology. This will be the most powerful of all sciences in terms of its impact on human life. It will basically endeavour to find the exact correlation between cosmic forces with human lives.
I am sure that most of it will have to do with the human mind and geomagnetic changes corresponding to the planetary movement. The Earth’s magnetic field is constantly changing relative to the planets’ movement and the angles they make with each other.
If our brain has magnetic particles, this would explain many of the exact correlations astrologers find with our behaviour and the planets.
There are some new factors which will be discovered.
1- The brain has fixed neural pathways that are determined during the first 28 days of life outside the womb and when a child becomes directly dependent on the environment.
2- The neural pathways are triggered off in a systematic and sequential order
3- There is a chain reaction each time a set of the neural pathway is stimulated i.e. very seldom will only one pathway be stimulated. For example, different sites of the brain will be stimulated one after the other in the same order and in a cyclic way.
4- The order of the neural pathway and how many pathways combine in each set is all determined before the first month of birth (corresponding to the first Moon’s cycle of 28 to 29 day).
5- There is a mirror set of neural pathways i.e. the same order but slight variation (corresponding to a planet touching off say Mercury while transiting in the sign of Aries. When the same planet goes into Libra, it again makes an angle to Mercury but from the opposite side.
6- The set of predetermined neural pathways predisposes us to certain “themes” or set of behaviours like obsessions or sensitivity to music. How you offset these is where the culture and free choice and upbringing play an important part.
7- Transiting planets in different signs trigger off the predestined themes in a person’s chart. It is the same transit e.g. Jupiter in Aquarius but it will affect different people in very different ways because it will touch off different sets of pathways in each person. In twins, it will be the exact pattern which be touched off but with different results depending on how they have learnt to offset different themes!
8- The laws of synchronicity will be redefined as well as cosmic consciousness.
9- As we all interact with each other, there will be a link found amongst people living in the same areas or under plitical ideologies. In other words, personal “themes” will extend to geographic locations, political ideologies, religious affiliations etc. For example, when a natural disaster happens, it affects a lot of people at the same time.
Look at the events which have already transpired from Nov. 1995 relating to Pluto in Sagittarius (refer to our AstroTrends till 2001). Mass communication came in the form of the Internet.
The Educational, Political, Judicial and Religious systems are all going through a remarkable transformation.
Mass experiences include going outside our solar system or even galaxies which does not necessarily mean physical space travel!
Most of the movies are about space age now, Independence Day, Star Wars Trilogy, Return of the Jedi II, etc. It is the mass experience we can predict not the actual event!
Why am I writing this now? Maybe because Pluto in Sagittarius is itself indicative of people like me who have been discovering all kinds of little secrets of Nature but have not had the means to share it with the masses yet. We had to wait to Internet to communicate our message or insights with millions first.
I became aware of some startling facts and cycles almost 15 years ago in 1976 when I developed my hypothesis of “themes”. We are born with certain themes which are predictable in terms of individual experiences, and when they will get triggered off and for how long is your free choice.
Unfortunately, the only science which can help astrology is psychology which is in its primitive stage. They have not even found a site in brain which correlates the one’s ego or for that matter what kind of ego?
Anything which takes you on a high horse is part of your ego! Buying a second house in country, singing on stage, finding the most beautiful love of your life, your child’s accomplishment, fame, your sports car, your artistic talent, your writings etc. etc.
Each one of these can be very ego gratifying and get you excited in a real positive manner. Yet science has no answer and this is only one small point!
In fact, here is secret worth its weight in gold, your ego is closely tied to your fame. By fame, I mean whatever you will be recognized for will have to do with what get you real high! Your fame may be through your children or your wife or husband. It may be that you have a very good voice and are on radio. Science has yet to even begin to ask the question, let alone find the answers!
Once science is able to find that certain parts of the brain relate to distinctive experiences which they can identify as being ego gratifying, then they will be ready for astrology to show definite patterns predicting that theme.
Laws are man made and therefore may not be just. Canadian Laws mean nothing to Iran, Iranian laws do not apply to England etc. However, Universal Justice applies to the whole world i.e. nurturing of children. Internet was necessary to change the judicial system because as soon as some politicians make a mockery of the law, it is communicated to the rest of the world.
For example, Benazir Bhutto was ousted in Pakistan (we had predicted her obscure phase almost exactly on time) and the President, who was hired by her, also fired 217 members of the Assembly at the same time! I know nothing really about their politics and I don’t want to know (because politics is man made and I am only interested in Divine Truths). The fact that this president made a mockery of the Law is being shared by thousands of people on the Internet which will hopefully bring about a change in the system there.
Before Educational, Judicial, Political and religious systems are changed, they need to shared by the masses and discussed in the open. This is exactly where Internet comes in and also the reason why many governments want to control it! CNN has open forums on the TV which have gained tremendous popularity from Nov.’95 (when Pluto went into Sagittarius) and they not only take phone calls from around the world but also messages directly from people on the Internet.
International long distance charges are about to go down drastically as 60 major companies have decided. This will again to mass communication. However, this would not have been possible without the Internet. The telephone companies realized that people are talking free anywhere in the world and are being forced to reduce their prices. AOL used to charge $150 or $2.95 per minute last year. Now they are charging $20 for unlimited access on the Internet in the U.S.!
One other prediction which we made for Pluto in Sag. From Nov.’95 till xxx 2012 was for mass transportation. Just like ease in mass communication was brought about the Internet, low long distance charges and free chat lines, the same theme is happening with the travel industry.
You can make reservations on the Amercan Airlines Saber system directly on the Internet now! You can check out any destination in the world and ticket prices.
Very soon, we will have virtual reality where you will be able to experience trips to Barbados or Greece from your computer or TV wearing VR glasses or through 3D or QTVR. Imagine a person sitting in Greece and another one in Los Angeles, talking to each other on a chat line or video phone and showing their city through virtual reality.
Instant mass communication and instant travel experience. You can also have five people in a conference call writing in their own language and others reading the messages in their own!
The Internet will force cuts in travel rates and ticket prices. New fuels using natural forces or energy will make travel cheaper as well.
I have written over 180 original articles in AstroTrends alone. There are literally hundreds of articles I have written from the human brain to inventions for cooling the computer with no moving parts. However, I could not afford to publish the books in full colour and would not allow any publishing company to edit and distort my writings.
Now, I can publish all that material in full colour in a matter of minutes! There are thousands if not millions of people in the same position all around the world. Not only that, people around the world can see our writings in their own language thanks to simultaneous translations!
One of these days, all our Subscribers will have Internet and will be able to check out our newsletters right on their own TVs. I can imagine some day when you are sitting in a hotel room and use your remote to access AstroTrends, go to the topic “Your Most Philosophical Days”, check out our site and attend a live radio broadcast!
You could also check if your Client number is listed for any number of topics including Travel, Health, Fame etc. You may even see a holographic image of your astrologer right in front of you reading off the tips!
By the way, I am writing this on a WordPerfect template which is not only automatically correcting any mistakes as I go along!
Where and will you find your love of life? Did you know that your Venus position indicates where you will meet your love of life. In fact, it also tells you what your passions are and what you love most in life.
For example, if Venus was in your 1st House (self), this would indicate that you would meet your love while on a self discovery mission or having yourself analyzed! This position of Venus also indicates that your love yourself very much and will spend a lot of money and time on improving your looks.
We gave all the positions of Venus and what they mean in our earlier writings. We will give the Client numbers along with your Venus position in another article.
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