Although the Sun Sign only represents one aspect of your natal chart, many of you are still drawn to this basic analysis. Just remember that you have the qualities of all Sun signs within you also! Wherever you have Leo in your chart, you will be dramatic and theatrical, and where you have Libra, you will seek harmony in that area. For a thorough analysis, check out our Products and Services at
Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are all in a 7-year period until the end of 2019. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius have a luck element from foreign countries and those who are well off and are philosophical, teachers or coaches and travel a lot. Jupiter helps you till Oct 2019 in terms of positive attitude, travel, writing, publishing, and generally an upbeat outlook towards life.
To be more accurate in terms of your timing for Love matters, use the free Horoscope Interpretation calculator below. Locate your Venus position (it is given in two letters e.g. Ar for Aries and Ta for Taurus) and read the interpretation for Love in the horoscope section for that sign as well. If you are an aries but have Venus in Taurus, then read about Aries but the lines about Love for Taurus as well.
Your Monthly Horoscope now includes your wardrobe accent colors which can mean much more than just a fashion statement. Use the Astrological Color Chart below to determine which accessory color to wear each day of the month. The chosen colors align with the position of the Moon each day and will work in harmony with nature. Accent items such as ties, scarves, belts, shoes, or even nail polish will not only add a pop to your look but will create a positive vibe around you. Very soon you will start feeling it yourself.
Aries (21 Mar – 19 Apr) Venus brings out your romantic side and is lucky for you in June and makes you very dramatic from end July till mid-Aug 2019. However, be careful as Mars makes you very impatient and impulsive in life throughout June. July till Aug 2019, you will be very dynamic and magnetic very action-oriented in a positive way. You have luck through travel and foreigners in general and opportunities from foreign countries till Oct 2019. Watch ego conflicts and drink more water to curb your temper and impulsive nature from mid-May till the end of June.
Jupiter brings out the positive side of you and makes you even more dynamic until Oct 2019. You are in a testing period and a major 7-year cycle so establish longterm goals and use this period to lay the foundation for the next several years. You are still going through a major transformation period and the best way is to go along with and make as many changes in your goals and attitude towards life. Get your own Personalized 12 Month Forecast.
Taurus (20 Apr – 20 May)
Mars makes you more sensual but also more possessive from mid-May to end-June. July to mid-Aug avoid being too aggressive although it is a great time to be forceful in positive ways. Venus brings out the feminine side of you from mid-May to mid-June as well as in July. Careful of weight gain in July even though it is an excellent month for gourmet food! You can be more dramatic in your clothes from end July till mid-Aug when Venus in Leo.
This is an excellent year both for luck in your career and Saturn makes you more goal-oriented as well. Throughout 2019, Neptune makes you sensual, romantic and more spiritual. There is a long-term positive Pluto in Capricorn for several years ahead which helps you transform yourself and become more cause-oriented. Neptune in Pisces touching off your Sun sign makes you more creative and also gives more empathy and compassion for others. This is an excellent time Get your Personalized 12 Month Forecast.
Gemini (21 May – 20 Jun) Venus brings out your witty and charming side in June and Aug. This is a great time for you to socialize and network and you will make excellent contacts now. Mars in Leo in June till mid-Aug makes you very colorful and makes you more physical when it comes to love matters. Excellent time for your social life as Venus helps your Sun sign in July till mid-Aug. However, be careful of ego conflicts from mid-Aug and Sep where you need to sublimate your energy in a harmless activity. You are naturally versatile and multitasking and you have a real luck element with anything to do with marketing and communication till Oct 2019 There will be many opportunities for self-growth and travel as well.
Neptune in Pisces touching off your Sun sign makes you more creative and also gives more empathy and compassion for others. This is an excellent time both for luck in your career and long-term goals.
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Cancer (21 Jun – 22 Jul) Mars makes you less moody but also more aggressive and very emotional from mid-May till the end of June. You need positive outlets to avoid acidity in the stomach (take yogurt with honey) during this period also. Venus enhances your nurturing side from mid-May till beg June and in July. However, avoid being emotionally clinging and possessive in love matters in July. Avoid being moody and watch acidity in the stomach in July.
You are in a major new 7-year cycle so establish longterm goals and use this period to lay the foundation for the next several years. You are still going through a major transformation period and the best way is to go along with it and re-evaluate your attitude towards love matters. Your humanitarian side will help you in your long-term mission.
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Leo (23 Jul – 22 Aug) Venus brings out your natural charisma from mid-May till beg July and in Aug. You will be more dramatic end July till mid Aug and this is an excellent time for parties and showing off your natural charisma. You will be even more attractive and confident in your love life and personality if you avoid ego conflicts in July till mid-Aug. This is also a great time to buy clothes and accessories which are exclusive and brighter colors.
You have a luck element until Oct 2019 and will be more philosophical and positive in your approach to life. A very lucky year for opportunities from foreign countries and anything to do with mass communication as well as long-distance traveling. This is a great time to buy expensive perfumes and designer clothes and to attend banquets, galas, and exclusive parties. You will be in your element so it is a great time for self-promotion and glamour shots. There is a strong element of social popularity and opportunities for love but not the commitment yet. Excellent for love and money but be careful of weight problems until Sep 2018. Get your Personalized 12 Month Forecast.
Virgo (23 Aug – 22 Sep) Venus makes you more sensual from mid-May till beg June and in July. Mid May to end June, you will be more energetic and very caring and it less shy and reserved in your love life. This is also an excellent time to get involved with health and nutrition and experiment with spicy food. Just watch that you are not being too aggressive and critical from mid-Aug to end Sep.
This is an excellent year for interaction with foreign countries, languages, and anything which has to do with writing or coaching. Saturn helps you to establish your longterm goals and for steady achievement and to reap the rewards of the last few years. Neptune makes you more creative and also gives more empathy and compassion for others. Pluto in Capricorn for several years ahead helps you transform yourself and become more cause-oriented. Get your Personalized 12 Month Forecast.
Libra (22 Sep – 22 Oct)
Venus will make you even more charming and attractive in June and Aug. Avoid being too emotional and moody in July. June is a great month as communication and your sense of humor as at its best. Aug is a great month for being more colorful in your fashion along with your natural taste. Venus enhances your natural charisma and artistic side in July and Aug. Mars makes you active and passionate but also rather moody in June but very positive and dynamic in July and Aug.
This year is very lucky for many opportunities from foreign countries and travel. It is also very positive for love and money even as you are going through a testing period in love. You are in a major new 7-year cycle so establish longterm goals and use this period to lay the foundation for the next several years. You are still going through a major transformation period and the best way is to go along with and make as many changes in your goals and attitude towards life. Pluto also touching off your Sun Sign indicates still more transformation in your long-term goals and mission in life. Get your Personalized 12 Month Forecast.
Scorpio (23 Oct – 21 Nov) Mars enhances your personal magnetism and passion mid-May to June. Avoid being too possessive and dramatic and game playing in July and Aug otherwise major conflicts. Venus brings out the passion in you mid-May to mid-June and great for history and art also. July is another month when you are emotional but very caring also. Time for gourmet food and dinners. Watch temper in Aug but excellent for parties and colorful costumes.
You are going through a very romantic period which will make you more compassionate and soften your looks as well. Neptune is also excellent for art, music and all creative endeavors. You are going through a long-term Pluto transit which makes you more cause-oriented and transforms you in a positive way and makes you more cause-oriented.
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Sagittarius (22 Nov – 21 Dec) Venus brings out your natural flirtatious side in June and excellent for communication except for forgetfulness. July and Aug are an excellent time when you are physical and dynamic and action-oriented. You are always after that which eludes capture and Jul to Aug you are even more magnetic than normal.
Jupiter gives many lucky breaks this year for travel and in your career, especially from foreign countries. Old flames may come back but focus on longterm relationship now. Neptune in Pisces touching off your Sun sign makes you more creative and also gives more empathy and compassion for others.
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Capricorn (22 Dec – 19 Jan) Mars makes you more physical and goal oriented in a career as well as in love matters from mid-May to end June and mid Aug to end Sep. Mid May to beg June is excellent for old properties and gourmet food. Venus adds some light humor in your serious personality all of June. Avoid being moody and watch acidity in the stomach in July.
You are in a major new 7-year cycle so establish longterm goals and use this period to lay the foundation for the next several years. With Neptune in Pisces, your humanitarian side is getting activated as well, and you could incorporate this into your long-term mission. You are going through a major transformation and it is time to make changes in your goals and attitude towards life. It is a great time to re-evaluate your health and to spend more time with your family. Get your Personalized 12 Month Forecast.
Aquarius (20 Jan – 18 Feb) You will be more grounded from mid-May till beg June especially if you use this time to visit old bookstores and enjoy gourmet food. Venus brings out your charm and enhances your intellectual side in love matters in June. An excellent month to socialize and catch up on communication and renew your friendships end Jul and Aug.
There is a strong element of social popularity and opportunities for love but not the commitment yet. Excellent for love and money but be careful of weight problems till Oct 2019. This is a great time to indulge in anything to do with your humanitarian interests, networking, helping the world community and social media. Till Oct 2019, you will be more philosophical and positive in your approach to life and attract foreigners and those who travel a lot. Get your Personalized 12 Month Forecast.
Pisces (19 Feb – 20 Mar) Mars adds more magnetism to your natural seductive self from mid-May till end June and you will be more physical in your relationships. Venus brings out your flirtatious and sensual side from mid-May till end July. Avoid being callous in love in June but it is great for contacts and networking. This is an excellent year for longterm relations and commitment in love matters. You extremely sensitive to the needs of others and are going through a very spiritual time. You also have luck through travel and foreigners till Oct. You have deep insight in matters which pertain to the masses throughout this year.
Your desire for long-term commitment or marriage continues throughout 2019 and you have a luck element until Oct 2019 for both finances and love. Money and love go hand in hand and you will gain in both areas steadily until the end of next year. Saturn makes you more productive this year and helps you to achieve long-term goals and reap the rewards of the last few years. You will become more organized and practical in your approach now. Neptune in Pisces brings out your empathy and compassion for a few years but careful of escapist tendencies. An excellent time for all creative hobbies and humanitarian pursuits. A Very productive year ahead for love as well as career. Get your Personalized 12 Month Forecast.
The Constellations are clusters of Stars which were named by the Ancients. The Sun's apparent path around the Zodiac is called the Ecliptic. All the planets move close to this path (a little above and a little below). This is the Highway of the Planets (Wanderers in Greek) and is called the Zodiac. Although there are many Constellations in the Zodiac, we divide this belt into Twelve Signs of the Zodiac starting from 0 degrees Aries. This occurs on 21 March each year when the Earth and Sun's apparent path cross each other (Vernal Equinox) and the day and night are equal. We divide the ecliptic and divide it into 12 "signs" start from zero degrees Aries which always occurs on 21 March. You can call these the 12 stages of life but they are different from the "constellations" of the zodiac even though they coincided more than 2000 years ago.
You are more than just your Sun Sign and other planets are also very important. For example, if you a Scorpio but have Venus in Libra, then you will not be as possessive as a "Scorpio". In fact, someone who is a Libra Sun Sign with Venus in Scorpio will behave more like a Scorpio when it comes to love matters. Similarly, you have to look at your Mercury position to see how you communicate. If you really have to make some important decisions in love matters, we suggest you get a Compatibility report here.
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