Mental Stress Based on Age Groups
Jeffrey Epstein
Epstein's horoscope shows Pluto close to his Mercury which makes people think of life and death and when you completely re-evaluate your attitude towards life and death and God. It also indicates powerful forces opposing his viewpoint and trying to stop him.
This includes politics and the military and espionage operations. Epstein was being used to compromise many politicians and by involving them with minors and underage girls.
The connection of Maxine G is obvious as her father was involved with the Mossad and in fact, many believe that his death was a typical operation by the Zionist entity.
My in congress are compromised and prime ministers and presidents were not immune to these harmless-looking parties with videos in every room.
The only reason the minors were involved(instead of those above 18) was to make it illegal and easier to compromise the powerful parties.
In turn, the Lobby got what is wanted and influenced the billions of dollars in aid and even the election of like-minded politicians.
Here are some major World Events which are accurately reflected by the transits of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
1- Jupiter is in the sign of Sagittarius from 8 Nov 2018 to 2 Dec 2019. This happens once in 12 years.
This bodes well for:
- Mass communication
- Transportation
- Astronomy
- Philosophy of life
Some of the major advances in mass education, increase in literacy rate around the world, space travel available for normal people, panoramic theatres, major advances in astronomy and telescopes, NASA will make astronomy and space databases available to the public for research.
The best books on philosophy, religion, and astrology will be published before Dec 2019. Unfortunately, there will also be deliberation of physic and fraudulent charlatans everywhere.
The stock market will be unrealistically optimistic until 2019 but will have some sharp declines and curbs due to Saturn in Capricorn during the same period as well.
As Jupiter moves into the sign of Sag again from 8 Nov 2018, the astronomers just confirmed that there are two more moons which orbit the Earth.
The Kordylewski dust clouds were, in fact, two Moons which very made of dust and too faint to be seen before. The researchers used polarizing filters on their cameras to detect the light reflecting off the particles in the dust cloud.
This will be a great time for much faster internet (1 Gbps being normal i.e. 1000 Mbps) allowing faster videos and university courses becoming available to most rural areas around the world.
This period will also coincide with simultaneous translation introduced on communication gadgets like cell phones and Skype. Digital audios of actors will also become a reality.
Fast electromagnetic trains and new forms of transportation will be introduced. Driverless cars will become more common and uber may also introduce driverless cars.
2- Saturn and Capricorn till March 2020 shows the economy being more frugal and people have to work harder.
3- Uranus is moving back and forth between the signs of Aries and Taurus which happens once every 84 years. This shows the end of danger from Nuclear technology (Uranus in Aries) and entry to the world of cryptocurrency and breaks from tradition and the past.
4- Neptune in Pisces till March 2025 is excellent for humanitarian work and try spirituality. Along with Jupiter in Sagittarius till Dec 2019, this will probably be one of the best times when all religions come together and try to find the common elements of Truth between them.
Here is the full article and what to expect with Neptune in Pisces.
5- Pluto in Capricorn till March 2023 indicates that there will be a lot of government shake-ups and new ways of governing established. However, the race towards the World Order will collapse after this period. Here is the full article of what you can expect with Pluto and Capricorn.
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