World Events 25 September 2010
Spanish fashion designer has come up with the concept of "spray-on clothing", with help from chemical engineers at Imperial College London. Scientists think the fabric, created by using an aerosol will no doubt have applications not only in high fashion but also in medicine (e.g. bandages) and industry.
One of our predictions about Pluto in Capricorn (till almost 2024) was that it will fundamentally revolutionize the manufacturing industry but this is quite a unique approach to this theme. Of course, Neptune (fashion and fantasy) in Aquarius (inventive ideas) till Feb 2011, and Uranus in Pisces (unique uses of aerosols!) till Mar 2011, also helped!
We have written extensively in the past about the longterm changes that Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are reflecting. Just do a search on the top left corner of our website for Pluto or Neptune and you will get a lot of the themes. It is interesting how simple these ideas are and the key disciplines are already in place e.g. her advance in chemistry, the faster speed of the processors etc to be able to make use of make of these magical inventions possible in the first place. 3D TVs and desktop holography is also part of the Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius combination.
We wrote this para originally in 1986 and it still applies! "This is one of the best periods for digital holography, and a new interaction between the analog and digital world will take place. Emphasis on bringing in a more complete sensual experience in movie theaters will lead to innovative rain forest time experiences. Digital aquariums, discoveries of new sea creatures and major advances in marine biology will lead to new experiences especially to do with the ocean life and the shipping industry."
Uranus in Aries: 27 May 2010 to 13 Aug 2010, 11 Mar 2011 to 6 Mar 2019
Neptune = wind force and natural waves and Aquarius - Aviation
A Canadian student who was inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's centuries-old sketches of an ornithopter, has become the first person to make a sustained flight in a human-powered, wing-flapping aircraft. Engineering student Todd Reichert piloted flew his "Snowbird" 145 meters in 19 seconds at an average speed of 16.5 miles per hour.
Neptune = wind force and natural waves and Aquarius - Aviation
This is actually quite significant as it points to a very spiritual era. But the big question is, why is everyone becoming more humanitarian? Interestingly, all this starts around the very dangerous Feb till Apr 2011 timeline that we have predicted!
There is a stellium of planets in the same signs Aquarius, Pisces then Aries which shows the three distinct themes, some of which is being picked up by NASA also now including the dangerous solar flares.
Neptune is a 165 year cycle so it stays in each sign for a long time. Before Neptune came into Aquarius, we had called it the "Animated Age of the Movies" which was exactly opposite to the "Age of the Golden Movies" when Neptune was in Leo and the best symbol of that era was the MGM roaring Lion. Neptune = Movies and Leo = Lion!
Neptune goes into Pisces in 4 Apr 2011 till 3 Aug 2011, and then again from 3 Feb 2012 for a number of years ahead, reflecting a very spiritual theme but also the danger of ocean related disasters. It will be in Aquarius for the brief period between 4 Aug 2011 and 2 Feb 2012 which will again coincide with some of the most innovative advances in digital, art and music.
As we had forecast, the animated movies really took off when Neptune went into Aquarius and the 3D Avatar and many of the Disney as well as Steve Job's Pixar Productions were really took it to the next level. Our predictions went beyond just the animation and included digital actors where you will see Elvis and Nicole Kidman performing! We actually had the holographic illusion of Elvis performing with Celine Dion already but this is much more.
We believe that the Humanitarian era of Neptune in Pisces will bring out the best in people when it comes to spirituality and the an acute sensitivity for the poor and the needy. This will go on 2ill 2025 so we will see a lot of spiritual disciplines and the true teachings of the holy prophets being practiced. The most inspirational side of the human nature will be seen in art, music and of course in virtual reality (holography, film etc). Most social networks will be 3D based and virtual vests will probably be in vogue where you can actually hug a person using wirelessly connected clothes!
28th Mar 2025 is a period another very important transition which reminds us of the pioneer and th poet except in reverse. Many planets in Pisces moving into the full moon in Aries, really quite a rare phenomenon. One day the Moon is in Pisces and the next days it is a New Moon in Aries and Neptune also moves into Aries (once in 165 years) at the same time shifting the whole dynamics from spirituality to new religions and new form of art and music again.
As we have mentioned before, Uranus (upheavals) in Pisces (ocean) coincided with the Tsunami in Indonesia and recently in the Indus River disaster which made millions homeless (although there was also human misjudgement in directing the Indus River which was also responsible for it).As Jupiter joined Uranus from Jan 2010, this has coincided with the increase in water related mishaps and will continue till March 2011 when Uranus moves away from Pisces and into the sign of Aries (once in 84 years). That period will coincide with some of the best mechanical and technical advances especially in the aviation industry.
Mars being in Scorpio from 14th Sep till 27th Oct shows vindictive actions on the part of radical elements. This will be directed towards religion as Mars moves into Sagittarius from 28th Oct till 6th Dec 2010. Around 22nd Oct is the critical aspect of violence a Mars squares Neptune. This is also an aspect of ocean related mishaps, danger of epidemics, major scandals as well as mental stress for senior citizens when crime activity increases and becomes much more violent. Gaza and the West Bank will be particularly targeted and parents have to be extra vigilante towards their children.
In each of our issues, we mention the dates when Mars touches off natal Neptune of different generations. In our last issue, we mentioned the early 40s age group as being susceptible to stress related illnesses and we just heard that Michael Douglas (who we mentioned amongst some other celebrities in our last issue) has been diagnosed as having throat cancer. Mars exactly touched off his Neptune which is exactly the transit we spoke about.
This transit reduces the immune system and is affecting most of the 60s age group in Oct including Catherine Zeta-Jones whose danger to her own health finishes in the next two to three months as Saturn moves away from her Mars (accident configuration and sometimes surgeries). Dec 2010 will likely be very stressful for her as well as her husband's age group (as well as Bill Clinton) will be going through the Mars-Neptune transit, indicating his immune system being down. Interestingly, one of my clients is an astrological twin of Bill Clinton except that he has the dynamic sign of Aries rising whereas Bill Clinton has the soft Libra Ascendant and their timing is exactly opposite. Bill Clinton is coming into a retirement phase and this would be an excellent time for him to start writing and finish his book in 2011.
End of Nov and beg of Dec is a very volatile period for Nasdaq and other stocks. It is another period where there has to be extreme caution in aviation again. End of July was exactly this transit when we wrote about the air mishaps (which were actually caused by rain and storms in Pakistan).
As we mentioned last month, Jupiter is in Pisces from Sep 2010 till Jan 2011 which will coincide with some of the most humanitarian projects involving two main sources. Jupiter in Pisces (sign of music) will continue seeing many musicians volunteering their time for benefit concerts. Pluto being in Capricorn (sign of business and entrepreneurs) will see some of the biggest philanthropists opening their heart and their bank book for the welfare of the masses.
Normal hard disks will soon be replaced with solid state drives as the prices are coming down and this will be a major revolution in speed itself. Imagine no hard drive noise or rotation and the operating system and programs loading in seconds instead of minutes. Of course, this may not affect regular folks who are contented doing everything slow (or the government employees who may have to speed up their work now!) but will be a fantastic bonus for all children and adults who used to have attention problems!
Desktop holography as well as all 3D editing will become a reality now and depth perception will be enhanced tremendously which will of course benefit astronomy, medicine and many education fields.
In Dec 2008, we wrote that : "Jupiter in 2010 in Pisces will probably reflect a return to spiritual values and some of the most amazing experiences but also ocean related mishaps. Analog sensory perception will be emphasized now and psychic therapists will become virtual or projected holographically (not to mention the strippers or belly dancers as well!)".
Well the ocean mishaps and the recent Indus river flooding are clearly part of this theme but we bet the 3D strippers will soon become a reality as well and then their holographic counterparts!
Those of you born in the 30s and the 60s have to be extra careful of any health issues, underhanded activities, allergic reactions and fraudulent deals from end Oct till beg of Dec 2010. You need to be very careful of acting on wrong hunches and being involved with fraudulent people or deals. Your psychic vulnerability can be exploited by charlatans. Direct your obsessive nature towards creative pursuits and avoid addictions. You may also feel betrayed at this time.
This transit reduces the immune system of the body and you will probably hear much more of the scandals, out of wedlock pregnancies and other nightmares from this age group. They are also more prone to stress related illnesses including the flu and generally need to be careful of setting themselves up for nightmare scenarios. Be extra careful when signing any documents, investing in stocks on incorrect advice etc.
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