Nightmare Period for Different Age Groups: End Dec 2008 to end Jan 2009 is a very stressful and obsessive period for the 30's and 70's age group. You will be prone to mental stress, false conclusions and even danger if you are not careful. Your immune system will feel depleted so pace yourself and avoid dark alleys. You will also have to be careful of lung related problems.
Those born in late 40s, the 50s, and 80s will have the nightmare period of scandals and immune system being down from Aug. to Sep. 2008. Avoid getting into fraudulent deals and taking shortcuts and bypassing the law and be more selective of your friendships. Mars being in Cancer during these periods, you will have to be specially careful of acidity in the stomach and food poisoning. The 80s age group is particularly susceptible to skin, teeth and bone infections and kneecap problems.
Those born in the 60s and Children born in the 1990s will be more accident prone in Oct. 2008 and their immune system down. Watch the head area and violence as well as food poisoning for children and be extra careful near the ocean, lakes and swimming polls. Drinking and driving is particularly dangerous now for the older generation who will also be prone to scandals and fraud. This applies to the age group of Senator Obama, Governor Palin, President Ahmadinijad of Iran, Bill Clinton and George Bush (very susceptible to stress related illnesses now).
Mars in Scorpio (Violence and Political Assassinations): Mars goes into the sign of Scorpio from 4th Oct till 15th Nov. 2008. This happens to be a very dangerous period and the last two weeks of Oct are most critical for the 1960's age group including Senator Obama, Governor Palin and Iran's President Ahmadinijad.
The rhetoric about Iran's nuclear ambitions will be at its peak again during this period and sarcastic remarks and vindictive events will be used to try to incite Iran again. however, we fell that Iran as always will be able to handle this with diplomacy but we do see warships being moved and missiles being readied. This is a dangerous period for the whole world and the neo cons especially will try to exploit events to try to engage Iran and turn things against russia. Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan will again be a flash point of bombings and violence but all this seems to finish by mid Nov.2008.
In Senator Obama's chart, Mars is in his 9th house (legal matters) and moving into his 10th house indicates a major emphasis and restructuring in his career. This is what commanders and leaders are born with (what he is going through by transit).
In Senator McCain's chart, he has Mars transiting his 2nd house (money aspect) and his emphasis will be fear about the economy to distract away from the failing policies of the Republicans. It also indicates that his actions now could be very destructive to the economy and using fear tactics, he may lead to the path of another war as well.
Financial Market Bailout: Pluto (radical changes) in Sagittarius (stock market and speculation) seems to be the main reason for the whole mess in Wall Street.
In our May 2008 issue, we wrote about Pluto moving into the sign of Capricorn and away from the sign of Sagittarius. It is worth mentioning this again in light of the fact the the the US Congress is considering a 700 billion dollars bailout! With Mercury retrograde, this will run into a lot of obstacles and delays although they will probably agree on some amount as many of their own portfolios are being affected. We feel that they should try to delay this as long as they can to disprove what President Bush has been saying about the panic in the financial market. This is what we wrote earlier:
"Stock Market Bubble: "...Pluto in the last degrees of Sagittarius will redefine the whole speculative market and the stock market. As it is moving in the sign of Capricorn, this heralds a dangerous period for big business and may even require government to bail some large banks and manufacturing industries".
Our Analysis: It is interesting that when Saturn was in late Sagittarius (same degree as Pluto now), we had the Oct. 1929 stock market crash and the same the market crash of Oct. 1987 (which we predicted along with the next one in Oct. 2017). Saturn is a 29 year cycle but Pluto is a once in 246 year transit and unlike Saturn, it requires the whole structure to be redefined and rebuilt. The critical times are always when a planet enters a sign and when it leaves it.
Pluto leaving the sign of Sagittarius by end of Nov 2008 demands a complete overhaul of the market itself and not a shotgun solution that Bush is proposing using his very predictable tactics, which he also used with the neo con group (including senator Lieberman whose name begins with a lie!) to go to war with Iraq causing so much death and destruction.
It is really a disgrace for a president and nothing short of criminal behavior, to create panic amongst people by actually telling them that they could all loose their jobs, their homes, mortgages and that their money in the banks will not be safe.
Just as Pluto created a certain amount of fanaticism in religion, as it is moving away from Sagittarius and moving into the sign on Capricorn, it will dismantle the government beurocracies by having people rebel against their excesses. We are certainly witnessing the stage being set and the population finally realizing what the government has done and how the big corporations dumped their risk on to the public.
Instead of GM or Ford going bankrupt (transportation is also ruled by Sagittarius), this is an excellent time fro them to reduce their prices to boost the sales and even to come out with the electric cars they may have been stalling on.
By End of Nov. 2008 the Stock Market will be Completely Redefined and they may even consider that speculation on essential commodities like oil and gas should not be allowed to go public. Imagine if you could buy hospital stocks and its success depended on how many patients you could have!
Delays in Contracts and all Negotiations: Mercury retrograde period from 24th Sep 2008 until 14th Oct 2008. Negotiations usually stall under this transit and there is no resolution or delays in it. Same thing with strikes which are never resolved during this period. Being in the sign of Libra now till 3rd Nov, it has strong legal connotations and probably relating to the Senate also.
Mercury retrograde is excellent for research and being in the sign of Scorpio in Nov., we can expect medical breakthroughs but also advances in war related inventions.
Mercury is in Scorpio from 4th Nov. medical breakthroughs but also advances in war related inventions. Mercury retrograde is always a good time to re-evaluate all your writing and contractual matters but hold off on purchasing of gadgets. Mercury goes into Libra from end of Oct. till mid, Nov, which may indicate some initiative towards peace but all peace treaties will fail during this period. Negotiations breakdown under this transit but at least it is a good time to focus on the legalities and letter of the law.
During this period, you can expect delays in communication including mixed messages, keys getting lost or misplaced (make backups!), forgetfulness, missed appointments, mail being lost or misplaced, false alarms, indecisiveness, wrong diagnosis,. erasing of e-mail addresses by mistake, and communication gadgets not working properly. Buy the products before or after this period.
Make sure that you back up important data on computers and keep copies of important letters being mailed. Give yourself extra time between meetings and take into account any delays due to communication and transportation problems. However, this is an excellent time for research and to go back over existing leases and other important papers.
Try not to travel during this period as you may have a lot of unexpected delays. If you have to travel, make sure all your documents are with you; and make photocopies and leave them safely at home. People will be more forgetful, will run out of time, change their mind and be very indecisive now. Just avoid signing new documents or initiating new projects. This is a good time for re-evaluating existing work rather than taking on new projects.
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