(Updated May 2008)
Delays in Communication: The next Mercury retrograde period is from 26th May 2008 until 19th June 2008. Mercury retrograde is always a good time to re-evaluate all your writing and contractual matters but hold off on purchasing of gadgets. Mercury goes into Libra from end of Aug. 4th Nov, which may indicate some initiative towards peace but all peace treaties will fail during this period. Negotiations breakdown under this transit but at least it is a good time to focus on the legalities and letter of the law.
During this period, you can expect delays in communication including mixed messages, keys getting lost or misplaced (make backups!), forgetfulness, missed appointments, mail being lost or misplaced, false alarms, indecisiveness, wrong diagnosis,. erasing of e-mail addresses by mistake, and communication gadgets not working properly. Buy the products before or after this period.
Make sure that you back up important data on computers and keep copies of important letters being mailed. Give yourself extra time between meetings and take into account any delays due to communication and transportation problems. However, this is an excellent time for research and to go back over existing leases and other important papers.
Try not to travel during this period as you may have a lot of unexpected delays. If you have to travel, make sure all your documents are with you; and make photocopies and leave them safely at home. People will be more forgetful, will run out of time, change their mind and be very indecisive now. Just avoid signing new documents or initiating new projects. This is a good time for re-evaluating existing work rather than taking on new projects.
Mars in Leo (Fires and Royalty Themes): It is interesting that whenever Mars i sin the sign of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, there seem to be fires everywhere especially when it is in Aries or Leo.
Recently, when Mars moved into the sing of Leo, we had a major fire in Florida and now the Universal Pictures had a huge fire. Movie industry is also a "Leo" theme". On another note, the monarchy in Nepal was abolished after 240 years. This may have to do with Mars in Leo when it happened as well as Pluto going in the sign of Capricorn now with no sentiments hindering the decision there. It is moving from the sign of Sagittarius (religion) and in direct opposition to the Hindu populace which was opposing it.
Pluto in Capricorn 2008 till 2023: Pluto has gone into Capricorn from mid Jan.2008 and will stay there till mid June 2008 then back into Sagittarius till end of Nov. 2008 then back into Capricorn for a number of years. In Sagittarius, this is the last you will hear of the radicals in religion using it for their political gains. Pluto in Sag. has also seen the recent Mars probe landing in there and possible discovering water on its surface. We had mentioned the revolutionary advances in transportation, space exploration and mass education while Pluto was in Sagittarius. This is the last of that period which ends in Nov. 2008.
This is the time we had predicted the end to Iraq hostilities and the troops on their way back here. This is also the reason why we feel Obama is the right choice for the US Presidency as he is the only one who can establish any US credibility which has been destroyed by the carnage and inhuman treatment of thousands of civilians by the US. McCain is still part of that Pluto in Sag. theme of playing into the hands of the religious bigots and extremists. Even the was mongering element that he is using has strong religious bias as he is stereotyping all Muslims.
There will be a major push by the media and foreign governments and AIPAC to select McCain (Hilary will not be the nominee as we have mentioned many times before), but we feel that Obama will prevail.
US Elections 2008: We have mentioned before the Hillary will not be the nominee and Obama has excellent transits in his chart. He is like an excellent preacher who inspired and motivates people. However, his danger is very real till about mid 2009. The dangerous days for Obama are around the end of June 2008 and 9th Nov.2008 when he has to be extremely careful of freak accidents and anything to do with guns etc. 16th Oct. 2008 is also a period of scandals and unwelcome revelations which will be the last push by the McCain and his neocon backers to derail Obama's campaign.
However, we see Pluto in Capricorn helping Obama in completely redefining the government and inspiring the youth and others to pitch in for a true democracy. His organizing abilities are excellent and he has intelligent leadership ability which has helped him tremendously in raising large sums of money from ordinary people. We just hope that his Mercury Neptune square does not let him select the wrong and untrustworthy people around him. He also has to be careful that his Moon square Pluto is not being misused by going along with some of the destruction in foreign countries (most likely Afghanistan) to keep the neocons happy.
Pluto in Capricorn will coincide with a major geological revolution and a push towards free energy, end to global warming and restrictions of emissions and waste by the manufacturing industry. There will be a major shakeup in the manufacturing industry caused by the stock market overhaul due to heavy speculative losses. Government bailouts may prompt an overhaul of the entire stock market, banking industry and even the Federal Reserve.
Stock Market Bubble: We wrote this in Aug. 2007 but it still applies so we are repeating the caution for you that the stock market (particularly NASDAQ as opposed to the DOW) will only be on a high till end of Dec.2007. Those of you who have invested heavily in the stocks should consider other options especially long term assets. After Dec.2007, the focus will be on commercial property and an industrial boom but the market will become very conservative again. We were right in our last update as the market did go through some big corrections. Pluto in the last degrees of Sagittarius will redefine the whole speculative market and the stock market. As it is moving in the sign of Capricorn, this heralds a dangerous period for big business and may even require government to bail some large banks and manufacturing industries.
Strict Standards in all Areas of Industry: This is another long term prediction we made in Aug. 2007 and it still applies. With Saturn moving into the sign of Virgo from Sep. 2007 till end of Oct. 2009, there will be major new laws governing the standards in all areas of business. This includes a drive towards standards in audio video formats, precision instruments, stricter rules governing medicine and prescription drugs. There will also be major advances in the fields of biochemistry, nutrition, farming, organic food and natural health.
Country Singers Age Group: Those born in the 30s tend to be very grounded and down to earth. However, they are also somewhat reclusive and don't care for their own health. They have to be very careful till end of 2009 as they are very susceptible to stress related illnesses particularly in the bladder area. Those born in the 40's and early 50's have a Mars Neptune theme going on in their charts as well and are also prone to infections, scandals, and a nightmare scenario. They will be very obsessive till at least March or even Apr. 2008 and should refrain from fraudulent activities or they will get caught (Bill Clinton had this aspect during his scandalous period). This transit is typical of feeling the blues, under the weather, bad reactions, misunderstandings and feelings of betrayal. This includes some of the leaders of the world right now including General Musharraf of Pakistan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Kim Jong Il of North Korea and Tony Blair amongst many others.
Nightmare Period for Different Age Groups: July 2008 is a very stressful and obsessive month for the 30's and 70's age group. You will be prone to mental stress, false conclusions and even danger if you are not careful. Your immune system will feel depleted so pace yourself and avoid dark alleys. You will also have to be careful of lung related problems.
Those born in late 40s, the 50s, and 80s will have the nightmare period of scandals and immune system being down from Aug. to Sep. 2008. Avoid getting into fraudulent deals and taking shortcuts and bypassing the law and be more selective of your friendships. Mars being in Cancer during these periods, you will have to be specially careful of acidity in the stomach and food poisoning. The 80s age group is particularly susceptible to skin, teeth and bone infections and kneecap problems.
Those born in the 60s and Children born in the 1990s will be more accident prone in May and Oct. 2008. Watch the head area and violence as well as food poisoning. Be extra careful near the ocean, lakes and swimming pools as this is also an aspect of drowning when little things can become traumatic. Drinking and driving is particularly dangerous now.
North and South Korea: As we had mentioned a few years ago, North and South Korea may unite or become much more friendly again by Nov. 2008 (one of our long term predictions from before). Aug. 2008 is the stressful month for their leaders.
George Bush's "Legacy": As mentioned before, George Bush has Saturn coming down in his chart and will leave the office in disgrace and in bad health. Already, there have been some explosive books coming out against him and the one written by the prosecutor of Charles Manson even shows how to cross examine him! His next major fraudulent period is in May 2008 when he will try his best to damage Iran but will not be successful. In Aug. 2008, he will go through a very scandalous period and Oct. 2008 is the most dangerous one for Iran as George Bush along with his neocon backers will try their last push. Somehow, we feel that Ahmadinijad will again be able to dissuade the public opinion to the dismay of this administration.
Britney Spears: Britney Spears has Neptune transiting her 5th house (children) which shows sadness relating to her son. However, this is also a very creative time for music and lyrics which are inspired by sadness. People tend to set themselves up for disappointments in life and wherever you find Neptune, you will find the source of inspirational sadness.
Throughout 2008, Britney has Jupiter transiting her 4th house, which indicates moving to a bigger place and family reunions. End of 2008 and 2009 are fantastic for her creativity as well as her children when Jupiter will transit her 5th house and also conjunct her natal Moon (public response). Mars transiting her 9th house got her into so much legal hassles and it is there till March 2008. She has to watch speeding and tickets till that time as well. There will be a major restructuring in her career from now till next year and she seems to be already focusing on it.
Mid 2008 till end of 2009 is a dangerous time for her health for her health and heart. Saturn touching off her Mars in 12th points to surgeries and she needs to be careful that she does not push her luck with the law as well as she will be very rebellious. She may also have to be careful of kneecap related problems. However, mid 2008 onwards is very lucky for her love matters.
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