AstroTrends till 2025...Part II (from AstroTrends written Mar-Apr 2002)
Pluto in Capricorn from Dec. 2008 till Mar. 2023, Neptune in Aquarius till Apr. 2011
This is the second of the five part article for World Events till 2025. In our last newsletter, we discussed Pluto in Sagittarius till Nov. 2008 and major changes in communication, transportation, education and attitude towards religion. In this issue, we will discuss events which will coincide with Pluto in Capricorn from Dec. 2008 till March 2023.
Pluto represents changes at the fundamental level and Capricorn is the sign for manufacturing, big business, corporations, government and attitude towards material possessions. Between Dec. 2008 and March 2023, we will see a complete revolution in the manufacturing sector. This is not in terms of Uranus type of inventions but the ability to manufacture diamonds on the Moon! Pluto being is Sagittarius till Nov. 2008 will have set the groundwork in terms of major advances in space travel. Besides diamonds, we will have the ability to manufacture lenses and other optical gadgets which would benefit from a clean atmosphere without dust which is available on the Moon or the space station.
You can also expect a fundamental change in the way big corporations and even the government is run. New ideologies will be developed before Nov. 2008 while Pluto is still in Sagittarius, but the actual changes will be implemented between Dec. 2008 and March 2023. Instant polls and electronic elections will be held before Nov. 2008 and new policies and rules established for government run elections between Dec. 2008 and March 2023.
Radical Changes in Governments: Government bureaucracy will be cut down from Nov. 2008 onwards and the cost of elections decreased due to Internet polling.
New Manufacturing Techniques: There will be a major revolution in the manufacturing industry with new techniques developed and new products made from different metals. Between Dec. 2008 and Mar. 2023, new elements or completely new ways of making or combining elements will be discovered. The new metals will be much stronger and lighter.
Robots in the Corporate World: Robot workers will be introduced in corporations as well as general public and replace mundane jobs. Electronic robot tellers will be programmed to be fast, efficient and also courteous!
Lessons from Space Exploration: By Nov. 2008, we will have completed all the research needed to sustain longterm space travel, efficient energy sources while in space and new means of utilizing natural sources like hydrogen as fuel for space travel. From Dec. 2008 till March 2023, with Pluto being in Capricorn, space travel will become more commercialized. There will be some form of governing body in the space colony (New World Order?!).
Exploration will begin on the Moon and the planet Mars. As we mentioned, manufacturing of lenses and optics will be established on the space stations and possibly on the Moon. An astronomy telescope station will be established on the Moon on a permanent basis. Emphasis will be on the practical application of knowledge gained previously from space explorations and the Hubble. Commercial flights to space will become more common by Nov. 2008) Pluto in Sag.) and a priest or someone known for his philosophical outlook will fly to space.
Religion Incorporated within Politics: Most wars and crises around the world and friction between countries start on religious grounds, and are motivated by the clergy. This will all finish by Nov. 2008 while Pluto is still in Sagittarius. By the end of this period, there will not only be more harmony between different religious groups, but a consensus on the common elements between different approaches to God. Masses conducted on the Internet will become more common and virtual sermons will encourage respect and appreciation of other faiths and religions.
Politics and Religion Meet: Between Dec. 2008 till March 2023, with Pluto in Capricorn, it will be realized that the moral aspects in all religions are common and very similar. As the politicians lose their power because of instant polls and referendums on the Internet, and are immediately exposed when they do something immoral, the practical values of different religions will be incorporated in the government. Instead of separation of state and government, the best moral values of every religion will be established and included in the constitutions.
From Dec. 2008, with Pluto in Capricorn, emphasis will be placed on actions rather than just philosophy when it comes to religion. However, realization of truth may suffer somewhat as God becomes a business driven concern and people have a business type of relationship with God. Religious myths and facts will be discarded but the moral values incorporated in business ethics.
Transportation by Air, Land and Sea: Although satellite guided digital road maps and cellular technology will be incorporated in cars and other vehicles by Nov. 2008, jet packs and other forms of individual transport systems will become commercial after Pluto moves into Capricorn from Dec. 2008 till 2023. Virtual Tours of different countries will become much more common by Nov. 2008.
Cure for Deafness, Blindness and Cancer: Sagittarius is the sign for mass communication, so with Pluto in Sagittarius till Nov. 2008, I would’t be surprised if the blind are able to see and the deaf are able to hear. We will also come a step closer to understanding the human body and the workings of the brain. This will probably lead to the human genome project being completed and finally new cures for cancer.
Neptune in Aquarius: It also promises returns on new innovative technology and companies involved with 3D, holography, iMax, Apple and Radio/TV broadcasts on the web.
The next Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will occur in Dec.2020 and the next market crash and recession will be around Oct. 2017 (Saturn in Sagittarius).
Neptune in Pisces from Apr. 2011 till Mar. 2025 will be excellent for some of the most beautiful and spiritual pieces of music composed and other creative and inspirational work which requires imagination. Artists similar to Van Gogh’s generation will be born during this period. Spirituality will become big business as Pluto will be in Capricorn while Neptune is still in Pisces. New techniques to stimulate the temporal lobes of the brain will be discovered to enhance spiritual experiences through music.
The greatest benefit of Neptune in Aquarius from 1998 till Feb. 3, 2012 will be realized in multimedia, film, movies and digital photography. 3D images will be projected outside the TV set itself. Animated movies will use digital actors and voices similar to the human voice. Past singers will sing new serenades and produce new movies. Digital profiles of actors stored as plug-ins will be used to view animated movies on the Net.
Next Issue: Advent of Digital Gurus, Electronic Messiahs (Pluto in Aquarius), Robots that Gossip (Neptune in Aquarius) and Holographic Museums (Neptune in Pisces)!
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