Updated Jun 2006
Danger for Monarchy
Hurricanes and Storms
The New Pope Benedict<!--[endif]-->
Election Fraud in Ohio and Florida
Delays...Mercury Retrograde Days
We mentioned in our last issue that Jupiter in Libra will herald a new era of peace, harmony, fairness and justice but also very loose liberal values. Unfortunately, Mars in Scorpio has made this November one of the most violent months. The barbarian attitude of the U.S. marines is creating a hatred for them which will remain for a long time and will breed more terrorism.
We feel that the election was stolen by fraudulent e-voting (Diebold CEO is a Republican and had said on 14th Aug that he was committed to deliver Ohio to the President!).
If it was only Kerry and Bush, Kerry would have won hands down. I got the time of birth of Kerry’s wife only on the day of the election. I couldn’t believe that Saturn was at the very bottom of her chart and she certainly is not supposed to be in the Whitehouse now! She also did a lot of damage by snubbing the reporters. Laura Bush on the other hand, carried herself very well.
It may be that the curse of the 20 year Tecumseh curse is working here (our next issue has a detailed analysis of the danger in Laura Bush’s chart) because Laura Bush’s chart shows danger for her husband from summer 2005 till summer 2006, because of actions in Nov. 2004 (Falujah?).
There was voter fraud in Ohio and Florida where the ballot was unaudited and without any paper trail! The optical scanners gave Bush same percentage gain even though the exit polls favored Kerry. Someone else seems to be running the show because Kerry conceded too soon. Instead of choosing “Peace not War” as his slogan, he simply joined Bush in saying that he will stay for four years, increase the troops and win the war! The voters certainly would want to keep Bush if they wanted more war. On election day, Moon was in Cancer (Bush’s sign, patriotism, family values) and Kerry may have lost it also on the basis of his Liberal values (too soon for Jupiter in Libra?). Gay marriage was soundly defeated along with pro-abortion views. I also saw Ashcroft and Powell leaving but they both “resigned”! But we still feel that as whatreallyhappend.com said in July, the computer program was designed to give Bush the victory.
Interestingly, Kerry does have an assassination configuration which gets touched off in 2008, when Saturn is at the top of his chart, but transiting Saturn is also activating the Mars Uranus conjunction in his chart. This is the same configuration which Lincoln, Garfield and Kennedy had when they were assassinated! Bush gets this transit from mid 2005 till mid 2006.
Kerry took the lead especially as Nov. approached, but the Ohio and Florida votes were tampered with, many thrown away, media banned from monitoring in Ohio and no paper trail of audit of e-voting was kept.
As we had mentioned, Bush did get some public response from Jupiter to his Moon, although we didn’t think it would have been be in time for him. Although the media is doing a good job of hiding it, the votes are still being recounted even as the Republican judges are trying to oppose it.
Here are some examples of events which happened when Jupiter was in Libra:
· Fall of Saigon, end of Vietnam War. This time, hopefully, it will coincide with end of Iraq occupation.
· Statue of Liberty unveiled in New York Harbor:
· Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation granted freedom to slaves.
· UN formed in 1945 as a global organization to maintain world peace
·- George Washington was born with Jupiter in Libra and had a strong sense of fairness and justice.
In 1975, US pulled out of Viet Nam after the fall of Saigon. Saturn was in Cancer and Jupiter in Libra, exactly where it is now (Jupiter just moved in Libra end of 24th Sep. 2004). History will repeat itself and although Iraq will continue for some time, US may pull out within two years.
The danger of more Earthquakes and Tsunamis is very real when Mars aspects Uranus or Neptune and the Moon triggers it especially at a time when nature changes like early morning and around sunsets. Full Moon is especially critical as well. mid May to end of May is another very destructive period for storms and anything to do with the ocean, chidren and senior citizens.
In AstroTrends of Jul-Aug. 2004, we wrote about major storms during Uranus in Pisces between 2004 and 2010 which materialized with the recent Tsunamis. In fact, in our World Predictions till 2017, we even wrote about Major Tsunamis caused by underwater Earthquakes. This 11x17 sheet is available from Astrograph Inc. for 12.95 + $3 S$H. (to order, please call 416-497-9000 or send a M/O or cheque to Astrograph Inc., 1800 Sheppard Ave. East, Box 55019, North York, ON, M2J 5B9.
The danger of storms, hurricanes and epidemics is especially strong from end of Aug. 2005 till Jan 2006 (Mars square Neptune along with Uranus in Pisces). This is also a mentally stressful period for people when scandals and misinformation is rampant and points to mass suffering which is not very obvious. Both Mars and Uranus in Pisces is a major accident configuration in the skies for ocean related mishaps. We also feel that high powered radio beams interfering with the ionosphere have a great deal to do with the erratic weather patterns we have been experiencing. Under guise of scientific experiments, HAARP and other organizations have been playing with nature in what really amounts to meteorological vandalism and havoc in people’s lives.
Nightmare Period for 30’s and 40s Generation: mid Aug . to mid Sep. 2006 is very stressful and an obsessive month for the 30s generation and mid Sep. to end Oct. 2006 for the 40s and 50’s age group. You will be prone to mental stress, false conclusions and even danger if you are not careful. Your immune system will feel depleted so pace yourself and avoid dark alleys. Mars adversely affecting your Neptune during this time. For the 30s till early 40s age group, you have to be extra careful of self pity, "poor me" attitude, crying the blues, addictions, alcohol and drugs (including smoking, of anything!). The 40s and 50s age group is more prone to scandals, breakups, problems relating to love matters, getting caught because of love with a married person, legal hassles and kidney related problems.
Violence in Iraq: Mid Oct. to end Nov. 2006 (especially the last two weelks of Nov. 2006) will be one of the most violent months (Mars in Scorpio sq Saturn last two weeks of Nov. 2006) as the U.S. and its allies violate international treaties and commit war crimes and atrocities on citizens of Iraq and Lebanon. Syria and Iran also have to be careful against any excuse by the U.S. and its allies to be provoked into military confrontations. Mid Dec. 2006 till mid Jan. 2007 will see religious reprisals as Mars moves into Sagittarius when religious leaders may be targeted.
Delays in Communications: The next Mercury retrograde period is from 4th June till 28th July 2006. The last time we had this phenomena was during the US elections and it proved to us how it can affect the whole nation. It also proved another important point: Mercury retrograde is excellent for research! Because of it, we are having new laws in place so these mistakes are not repeated again and there is still a lot of research going on in the constitutional aspects of it.
Any strike during this period will not be successful and peace efforts in the Middle East will be up in the air. Any war or military operations started during this period will fail and backfire.
Try not to travel during this period as you may have a lot of unexpected delays. If you have to travel, make sure all your documents are with you and make photocopies and leave them safely at home. People will be more forgetful, running out of time, changing their mind and very indecisive. Be careful of communication problems as well but this is a good time for going over existing leases and research. Just avoid signing new documents or initiating new projects. This is a good time for re-evaluating existing work rather than taking on new projects.
Religious Fervor: Mars moves into Sagittarius from Mid Dec. 2006 till mid Jan. 2007 and will coincide with religious fervor everywhere. You can expect violence motivated by religion during these periods and religious leaders may be targeted. This is also not a good aspect for the stock market. Religious authorities will have a field day calling on the wrath of the Almighty in trying to get the common masses to listen to their sermons. There will be new controversies during this period relating directly to religious issues or business people trying to capitalize on the religious/spiritual vulnerability of the masses. Preachers born in the 30's and early 40's will be in scandals (Mars in Sagittarius squaring their Neptune in Virgo).
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