We wrote last month that "June and beg July 2012 are stressful for those of you born between 1977 and 1985, and 1937 to 1942".
This was the nightmare configuration we have been writing about every month and giving the dates for different age groups. Unfortunately, the Colorado shooting brought this point out more clearly than at any other time. Not only the perpetrator of this crime was in his 20s but most of the victims were also born in the 80s.
James Homes chart shows how two or three main themes in a chart can create the conditions necessary for cold hearted violent acts like the one where 12 innocent victims (mostly from the same age group) were killed and dozens injured. The themes are of loneliness, manic depression and violence which were like a ticking bomb and contributed to such a crazy act.
Moon in Virgo (critical and self pity) squared to both Saturn (pathalogical depression and being emotionally cold to the point of being cruel) and Uranus. Moon sq Saturn and Uranus is a manic depressive aspect and Moon in Virgo furthere emphasized the victim mentality and being very critical. Venus in Capricorn shows he was quite lonely and going through a Pluto conj Venus, which intensifies the emotions even more (Adding a Scorpio touch of vindictiveness as well). The second and most important aspect was Mars squaring his Neptune and his age group. This shows the paranoid and psychotic delusions especially if was taking any drugs or medication as well.
The fellow reportedly told police officers that he was “channeling” “The Joker,” the arch-nemesis of “Batman.” This is the clearest indication of a Mars-Neptune transit (delusions) when he started shooting.
Mars = guns, Neptune = movies. Mars/Neptune is horror movies involving guns and the shooting began exactly when the guns went off in the film as well.
Effect of Movies and Timiing of Their Release: Most of the victims were in their 20s and born in the 80s and they all had a Mars-Neptune adverse aspect which leads to being at the wrong place at the wrong time, watching horror movies and going through exactly the scenario of Batman Gothic culture. I am going to try to influence the Hollywood moghuls not to release the movies during certain configurations as they will definitely incite the derranged even more. If the mavie was targeted for a generatoin with Mars-Neptune then maybe we could delay it a bit to avoid such tragedies. I am just thinking aloud but know exactly how we can do it. it is just a huge undertaking but simple astrological reasoning can avoid major tragedies.
Mars is in Libra from 4th July till 23rd Aug 2012. It makes adverse aspects to Neptune for the 50s and 80s age group during this period and the timing depends on which year you were born. If you were born earlier in the 50s and 80s then it is mostly July and if you were born later then it will be more obvious in August.
30s and 70s age group had the same nightmare period from Oct 2011 till beg July 2012 and we lost two champion skiers in the beg of 2012 from this age group and some singes form 30s age group.
Steven Covey had a Mars Neptune aspect in April when he got a bump in the head riding a bycycle and died in July. Having Mercury in Scorpio, he didn't understand his own limits and went on a steep road losing his balance. Even though he was wearing a helmet, his immune system was down at the time and eventually he passed away in July.
Note to Parents and Friend of Those Born in 40s and 80s: Please make sure if you have children who were born in the 80s that they are aware of the major accident configuration they are in as Mars touches off their Saturn (authority conflicts and temper), Uranus (freak accidents and guns) and Neptune (allergic reactions and a nightmare scenario). Staying late in clubs, drinking and driving or taking reckless chances are all part of this confuguration. The 30s and early 40s age group will come to wrong conclusions or miscalculation like Netanyahu immediately accusing Iran being responsible for the Bulgarian bombing with absolutely no proof and the bomber looking like a disgruntled American citizen.
Politicians from the 30s and
The next Mercury retrograde period is between 14th July and 7th Aug and it will be in the Sign of Leo. We can expect problems to do with Royalty or countries with monarchy. However, this will be a great time for speech writers and anyone with Mercury in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. They will be in their elements and even more enthusiastic, convincing and very positive. Take advantage of this transit to write down your sales pitches and motivational writings.
As Jupiter moves in the sign of Gemini from June 2012 till June 2012, this is going to be one of the best times for new communication breakthroughs both in terms of computers and fast software but also innovative ways to wire the brain with direct input. Languages will have a real breakthrough (Google translate already allows you to put any phrase and get a native speaking the translation in their language).
Jupiter Moves into Gemini from 12th June 2012 till 25th June 2013, there will be major advances in the field of communication, novel ways of marketing and advertising and new improved ways of learning. This is an excellent time for major improvement in world literacy level. Unique ways to learn languages will be emphasized and the need for intellectual stimulation may lead to information overload and illnesses resulting from an active nervous system will increase.
Children born during this period will contribute a lot towards communication related inventions. Thomas Alva Edison was born with Jupiter in Gemini and introduced many communication related inventions to the world (Edison had more than 1000 patents to his name).
This will be a great time for publishing on the internet and thousands of new eBooks from old manuscripts will be circulated. Start getting your eBook ready or convert your manuscripts into digital format for all the new mediums like iPad, Kindle etc.
There will be major advances in the learning centers of the brain and new ways to communicate directly to the brain and enhance our communication. Unfortunately, the advertising and marketing people will be the first ones to exploit these innovations. Our suggestion would be to limit the "push technology" on your cell phones which track your movements and keep sending you ads when you are close to any shops.
There will be revolutionary advances in the field of education and interestingly, MIT and Harvard Universities have allocated 30 million dollars each and are making hundreds of classes available free to anyone who wants to take them. This is something we had actually predicted before 1995 and the advent of the internet that there will be mass education and hundreds of MITs and Oxford universities around the world when Pluto was moving in the sign of Sagittarius.
Cell phone technology will benefit the greatest during Jupiter's stay in Gemini as smart phones track your movements, push ads based on your past history, let your friends know where you are, let you do wireless banking and credit card transactions without any wallet, and you will probably see the beginnings of 3D and even holography being incorporated in the software.
Television Broadcasting will go to a completely new lever now and the Virtual World will become the norm. Hopefully, people will become "normal" again and have better family values when Jupiter moves in Cancer from 26th July 2013 to 15th July 2014. At that time, you will hear a lot about old recipes being revived and new food chains and probably your microwave and ovens fitted with internet recipes directly. You will see the gradual introduction towards the end of the Jupiter in Gemini (communication technology) and beginning of Jupiter in Cancer period (food).
Google driverless car will probably be introduced during Jupiter in Gemini taking advantage of their extensive mapping software and advances in signal processing and roadside cell devices. Street intersections will probably be fitted with new devices to warn these cars and make driving much sager.
Most newspapers, magazines and blogs as well as TV stations will focus on making the internet and smart phones their main source of information. News way of software distribution will lead to cheaper software and must faster ways of using the new technology.
We intend to keep this as a permanent feature of our World Forecast so each age group is aware of when they are susceptible and vulnerable to stress related illnesses and events which backfire and can potentially become a nightmare if you are not paying attention.
Everyone goes through a very stressful time when Mars makes an adverse aspect to your Neptune. During this period, your immune system is depleted and you are more prone allergic reactions, nightmares, fraud and scandals. Your body needs rest and healing now so take extra care of yourself and don't take unnecessary chances in life. Ex: Princess Diana, JFK Jr, Tiger Woods scandal.
Your body does not behave normally during a Mars-Neptune transit and you need more rest and sleep to recuperate. Avoid drugs and alcohol and sublimate this obsessive period through art or music.
There are always ways to offset a negative theme and that is the whole purpose of astrology. A Mars-Neptune aspect makes one very obsessive but the form of obsession is your free choice. Everything you do during this transit can become a habit so just choose your habits carefully. As you are more prone to allergic reactions now. just take more rest and plan things out beforehand. Avoid accusing people as you may come to wrong conclusions during this transit and later on regret it. Just don't take unnecessary chances now and wait till this transit is over.
Here are the stressful dates for different age groups.
June and beg July 2012 are stressful for those of you born between 1977 and 1985, and 1937 to 1942
July2012 is a scandalous period for those born between 1942 and 1949. Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr., Netanyahu.
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