Mercury is again retrograde from 3 Aug till 25 Aug 2011 in the sign of Virgo. Everyone will be much more critical but this is an excellent time getting yourself organized and become more efficient in terms of planning and time management. However, you will certainly be tested and will probably run into all kinds of delays which will hopefully make you more efficient rather than just frustrated.
Here is what you can do to prepare yourself for this period but you have to do this before the Mercury retrograde sets in:
Expect everyone (including yourself!) to be more forgetful and indecisive
Back up all the important computer files and documents in a separate Backup Folder
Back up the above in a removable storage device (usb or external hard drive)
Make extra keys for your house, office and cars and keep them in a safe place.
Remember to take the keys out of the car when you lock it (a Niagara couple got locked out on their honeymoon with the car running during Mercury retrograde!).
Make sure you give extra time for each meeting and don't have them back to back.
Try not to buy computers or any communication gadgets during this time
Realize that everyone is likely to be more forgetful now (including yourself!).
Don't memorize important numbers, write them down!
Pay your telephone and cell bills so you are not left without communication
Don't change your telephone numbers, wait till Mercury retrograde finishes
Take photocopies of your passport, licence and credit cards and keep them in a safe place at home. This is especially important if you are travelling.
As we had mentioned before, with Uranus in Aries from 12th Mar 2011, we will have major discoveries to do with the brain and head area. Scientists have just discovered a gene for migraines which will lead to better understanding and cures for sure. We are interested in the bio-magnetic connection between the presence of this gene and Aries on the 12th house or Mars in 12th etc.
I am sure with Uranus in Aries till Mar 2019, we will discover that humans really do have a magnetic sense of direction as well as sight. Intense Solar flares every 11 years seem to coincide with major wars and mass violence which is culminating in later 2011 till 2012. I am sure that in one of my interviews with Tom Chaqrington in the 90s, where I mentioned that astrology probably works on the due to the induced field of the Sun, was a very correct observation.
I am convinced that there is a physical correlation rather than just a symbolic one (synchronicity as some astrologers like to call in) between the planets and humans due to the changing geomagnetic field induced by the Sun. The earth's magnetic field is constantly changing and is never the same. In other words, you represent a unique geomagnetic tag based on your birthdate, time and place of birth! Now we know that the earth's magnetic field induced by the Sun also depends on the planets alignments and aspect they make between each other and we have ample experiments in this regard already. How we respond to the changing geomagnetism (transits!) is also unique to us as it is relative to our natal geomagnetic taggin (I don't think anyone has used this expression before!). Very soon scientists will some day refer to your
Many birds and sea turtles use the Earth's magnetic field to navigate during long migrations, but it was assumed that humans did not have a similar magnetic sense. Now the research shows that hCRY2 in human retina has the capability to function in a magnetic sensing system, but there is currently no evidence that it is actually used by the human nervous system in this way.
With Uranus in Aries, a practical use of magneto-response in humans will be inventions pertaining to the blind and thier ability to see. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School have already discovered that a protein expressed in the human retina has the capability of sensing magnetic fields when placed into fruit flies. However, they still don't know if Maybe have the means to communicate these signals to the brain. We do know that it is responsive to the color blue. b this is what some blind people were sensing when they could "feel the colors". It would be interesting to find out if the blind who do have a sense of color are more responsive to blue as well.
The first two weeks are more for those born in late 80s and early 90s as well as 40s and the last two weeks of Aug 2011 for those born in 90s and 50s.
There is a also a major accident configuration for those born in late 80s and early 90s
especially during the first week and also mid Aug 2011.
Those of you born in the 40s and 50s as well as those born in late 80s and 90s have to be extra careful of any health issues, underhanded activities, allergic reactions and fraudulent deals in Aug 2011. You need to be very careful of acting on wrong hunches and being involved with fraudulent people or deals. Your psychic vulnerability can be exploited by charlatans. Direct your obsessive nature towards creative pursuits and avoid addictions. You may also feel betrayed at this time.
This transit reduces the immune system of the body and you will probably hear much more of the scandals, out of wedlock pregnancies and other nightmares from this age group. They are also more prone to stress related illnesses including the flu and generally need to be careful of setting themselves up for nightmare scenarios. Be extra careful when signing any documents, investing in stocks on incorrect advice etc.
Muammer Gaddafi is quite ruthless but also did a lot of good for his country. His name Muammer means the builder in Arabic actually and he certainly did a lot of that in Libya. He kicked out the British and Italians and all got independence for Libya. Unfortunately, all of these countries have very dictatorial rules as they feel that is the only way they can control the population.
It is quite obvious that the US. British and French want to reclaim all the oil pipelines there and are using the disorganized youth towards their takeover. NATO really has no justification to keep bombing and arming the "rebels" who are nothing but a bunch of hoodlums as well. In the guise of protecting the civilian population, they have incited a civil war and have have done nothing but destruction in that land.
Gaddafi has a nightmare transit from end of July till first week of Aug 2011. Sep 2011 seems to be quite positive for him actually but his real legal hassles and danger is from Oct 2011 till May 2012, with Nov 2011 and Mar/Apr 2012 being the most stressful time including his health.
He is very patriotic and understands the original game of the colonialists and they cannot manipulate him so they want him out. He is not one to quit but the danger is very real. We will update you as the time goes and we do some more research in the past astro-timeline.
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