Updated April 2005
Peace Around the World:Our prediction about peace in the Mideast is right on target and even though there will be some delays from mid March till mid Apr. 2005, we see major treaties happening by Oct. 2005 all around the world.
Mercury Retrograde: Be careful of delays in all forms of communication and transportation from 19th Mar. to 12th April 2005. Mercury will be retrograde during this period and you can expect delays in all forms of communication. Other things to be careful of are: forgetfulness, keys getting lost, accidentally erasing your email addresses, leaving cheques in your shirt pocket and giving them to the cleaners! Telephone line being disconnected (pay your bills right away!), overwriting or erasing important files on your computer by mistake (it only takes seconds!), mailing to a wrong address and not following it up, running out of gas, missing appointments etc. This is an excellent time to go back over your existing work and finish any research rather than to start new projects. Be careful of buying gadgets now or they will give problems or require a lot of repairs. Sign your contracts before or after this period. You will have to be careful of starting any new activity as it is most likely to run into obstacles and delays especially if it involves communication, gadgets, computers, meetings and deadlines. Treaties and negotiations usually break down under this transit as well.
Changes in the Justice System: The justice system of the world is quite convoluted as it is only man made. You find many flaws which sometimes get corrected after many generations have passed away and the abuses of the system multiplied as skillful lawyers manipulate it to their advantage. The whole point of writing this is that the Judicial system is up for a big change. Unless it is based on universal and divine laws which are common to every country of the world and addresses the root causes, lawyers will keep making a mockery of the law. With Pluto in Sagittarius till Nov. 2008, the recent killing of judges is the beginning of that change. Major reforms and fairer custody laws will be instrumental in lowering the high crime rate.
Stocks and Storms: April 2005 is not good for stocks (NASDAQ) especially around 13th April (April 6th and 8th are also dangerous for space ventures and storms). The same applies continuously from Aug. 2005 till Jan. 2006.
Pluto in Sagittarius till 2008: We wrote in late 80's that mass education (Internet predicted!) from the best schools/universities of the world will eliminate the power that individual schools have, and increase competition while raising the standards. We feel that the next two years are the most important ones towards this change.
We also wrote in 1998 that by Nov. 2008, biotechnology will monitor human behavior and that adverse brain activity resulting from a violent movie will reject a movie for the public rather than the opinion of a few people! Similarly, psychology will not be a matter of opinion of power hungry and controlling psychiatrists but an observable phenomenon. Computer games, movies, TV programs will all pass through focus groups monitoring neural activity to bring out the most desirable and positive human traits. There will be major progress in speed learning where the computer influences selected portions of brain for certain neural activity only!
Stressful Period for Those Born in 60's: There is a nightmare period for anyone born in the 60's in April 2005 and also from Aug. 2005 till end of Jan. 2006 (this also applies to children born in the 90s and those born in the 20s from the Age of the Golden Movies (heart). Brad Pitt, Demi Moore, Jodi Foster, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Sean Penn and Robin Wright-Penn are all from that age group. Mars is making a station in Taurus (ear, nose and throat infections on the rise and political pressure against Iran) throughout this period and opposes their natal Neptune. This extremist generation will have to be extra careful of drugs, alcohol, and not taking unnecessary risks in life. They will feel like crying the blues and will tend to set themselves up for disappointments. Saturn squaring Demi Moore's Venus (celibacy period) from late 2005 till Aug. 2006 is an important indicator of breakups unless she gets pregnant! In the meantime, she will be accident prone, rebellious and in a fighting mood from Aug.2005 till Jan.2006 and will have to be extra careful of health matters.
In Nov.2004 in my show on Vision TV, I mentioned that Shahrukh Khan's (a Bollywood actor) generation is in a dangerous nightmare configuration. On 11th Dec. 2004, a suicide bomber blew up close to the stage where the actor was performing and he almost lost his life. He also belongs to the generation mentioned above.
starting any new activity as it is most likely to run into obstacles and delays especially if it involves communication, gadgets, computers, meetings and deadlines. Treaties and negotiations usually break down under this transit as well.
Changes in the Justice System: The justice system of the world is quite convoluted as it is only man made. You find many flaws which sometimes get corrected after many generations have passed away and the abuses of the system multiplied as skillful lawyers manipulate it to their advantage. The whole point of writing this is that the Judicial system is up for a big change. Unless it is based on universal and divine laws which are common to every country of the world and addresses the root causes, lawyers will keep making a mockery of the law. With Pluto in Sagittarius till Nov. 2008, the recent killing of judges is the beginning of that change. Major reforms and fairer custody laws will be instrumental in lowering the high crime rate.
Stocks and Storms: April 2005 is not good for stocks (NASDAQ) especially around 13th April (April 6th and 8th are also dangerous for space ventures and storms). The same applies continuously from Aug. 2005 till Jan. 2006.
Pluto in Sagittarius till 2008: We wrote in late 80's that mass education (Internet predicted!) from the best schools/universities of the world will eliminate the power that individual schools have, and increase competition while raising the standards. We feel that the next two years are the most important ones towards this change.
We also wrote in 1998 that by Nov. 2008, biotechnology will monitor human behavior and that adverse brain activity resulting from a violent movie will reject a movie for the public rather than the opinion of a few people! Similarly, psychology will not be a matter of opinion of power hungry and controlling psychiatrists but an observable phenomenon. Computer games, movies, TV programs will all pass through focus groups monitoring neural activity to bring out the
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