(Updated Jan 2007)
Updated Jan. 2007
Delays in Communication: The next Mercury retrograde period is from 14th February untill 8th March 2007.
Mercury retrograde is excellent for research and being in the sign of
Aquarius, we can expect many new inventions in the hi-tech world.
However, many problems with computers and electronic equipment also
occur during this period.
Any strike during this period will not be successful and peace efforts in the Middle East will be up in the air. Any war or military operations started during this period will fail and backfire. This is the reason why we feel that the neo con push towards attacking Iran and the U.S. eagerness to do so will fail completely.
During this period, be very careful of all forms of delays including mixed messages, keys getting lost or misplaced (make backups!), forgetfulness, missed appointments, mail being lost or misplaced, false alarms, indecisiveness, wrong diagnosis,. erasing of e-mail addresses by mistake, and communication gadgets not working properly. Buy the products before or after this period.
Make sure that you back up important data on computers and keep copies of important letters being mailed. Give yourself extra time between meetings and take into account any delays due to communication and transportation problems. However, this is an excellent time for research and to go back over existing leases and other important papers.
not to travel during this period as you may have a lot of unexpected
delays. If you have to travel, make sure all your documents are with
you; and make photocopies and leave them safely at home. People will be
more forgetful, will run out of time, change their mind and be very
indecisive now. Just avoid signing new documents or initiating new
projects. This is a good time for re-evaluating existing work rather
than taking on new projects.
Nightmare Period for Different Age Groups (20's and 60's):
End March till beginning of April. 2007
This is a very stressful and an obsessive month for the 20's and 60's age group.
You will be prone to mental stress, false conclusions and even danger
if you are not careful. Your immune system will feel depleted so pace
yourself and avoid dark alleys.
Mars adversely
affecting your Neptune during this time indicates you need to be very
careful of kidney related problems (heart for the 20s age group) and
avoid dark alleys or underhanded activities. If you need any checkups
or treatment, recognize that your body does not behave normally during
this transit and it is better to have checkups and treatments before or
after this period. Of course, the actual time in your particular case
will only be for about a week and varies according to your birthdate
(consult your astrologer for the exact dates!).
Close Encounters with Iran:
End of February and beg. March 2007 is a nightmare period for Iran's
Ahmadnijad and the whole 60s age group (including Lebanon Hezbullah's
leader Nasrullah). We can expect America to step up its dangerous
rhetoric against Iran during this period and possible even some air
force activity. However, the air force forecast is due to Mars in
Aquarius making adverse aspect with Neptune. This stellium in the sky
is being opposed by Saturn indicating suffering of the masses, deep
insecurity, major scandals and subversive plans and deception (sounds
familiar?!). Events will be planned around end of Jan. 2007 when Dick
Cheney and George Bush's charts show underhanded activities and not
being able to separate truth from fantasy.
The danger to
Iran becomes less after beg. of Mar.2007. However, Ahmadnijad will be
very defiant in the first two week of April 2007 as well. The next
dangerous dates are end of June and beg. July 2007, but is seems some
global event happens which always helps Iran at the last minute!
Ahmadnijad's sense of fairness has been violated and that is the only
time Mercury in Libra reacts. His position is "why should Iran not have
nuclear power when others do" and he has never changed it. His chart,
like Putin of Russia, shows the ability to make positive changes in the
lives of the masses and 2007 is one of the best years for both of them
for long term strategies. Both the Iranian and the Russian leaders have
Mercury in Libra conjunct Neptune and play every move like a chess
game. They are both intellectual (Ahmadnijad has a PhD in civil
engineering) while Bush is just action oriented and not into
discussions at all. With a democratically controlled senate, Bush is
going to be more and more desperate and consequently more dangerous as
he tried to push the neuron agenda in expanding the war.
The U.S. has no business being in the Middle East and they have made
Iraq much more dangerous place than it was in Saddam's time. As we had
mentioned even before the first Gulf War, Iran will become much
stronger and have closer ties to the Southern part of Iraq. George Bush
has Saturn coming down in his chart and will leave the office in
disgrace and in bad health. His policies (or rather the neo con
policies) will not be successful and as we have predicted before, the
troops will be out by end of 2008.
Glen Beck, whose chart is similar chart to Rush Limbaugh and both have
had similar drug problems and outdated, anti-Muslim views, will try his
best to put fear mongering in the hearts of Americans and by bringing
in Netanyahu to fool the public in believing that the world is about to
end if they don't act against Iran!
Neptune in Aquarius for many years:
Hypoallergenic white cat created! The color white is Aquarius and
Neptune represents small animals and pets! Some fascinating inventions
combining the analog and the digital world (Steve Jobs chart) will be
coming in the market very soon. Morphing technology to take any actor's
movements and synch them with any actor is the next big invention just
on the horizon. I made the prediction about digital actors around these
few years in my predictions several years ago. Another fantastic
invention will be in speech technology. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, we
will have some of the best educational games coming out in the market
and gadgets ranging from the revolutionary iPhone to film cameras
available to any young director, to home videos flooding Google and
The Stock Market: The most volatile dates for the stock market are exactly the ones laid out for Iran above (end of February through March 2007) are also very stressful for Apple's Steve Jobs,
who is getting some very favorable transits from Jupiter which will
bail him out. However, we feel that he know about the stock options as
he was getting a Mars-Neptune transit in Oct. 2006, which makes people
get into scandalous situations and sets themselves up for betrayal and
disappointments. He has to be very careful of legal matter from mid February until mid March 2007
when Apple's stocks may also be down. However, generally, even with
Saturn opposing Neptune and feelings of mass insecurity, Jupiter in
Sagittarius promises an optimistic market, even though it may not be
Laura Bush has Mars in Scorpio which is getting touched off by transiting Saturn until Aug. 2007. This is an accident configuration which happens every seven years and points to surgeries and strife relating to self and especially her husband (Mars in her 7th house of marriage). We mentioned this in Oct.2006 and they discovered that she had to have a minor surgery for cancer. She is still not out of danger and may have to have more surgery.
George Bush Sr.:
George Bush Sr. belongs to the age group with Neptune in Leo and is in
a major accident configuration until Aug. 2007 (Saturn opposed to his
Mars and conjunct Neptune). This is a classic aspect of frustration and
anger leading to heart problems or stroke. It may also be pointing to
his son's disastrous policies which were initiated by himself in the
first place!
It is interesting how famous people born close to each other have show
similar timing for fame. Ted Kennedy (22 Feb.1932), Liz Taylor (27
Feb.1932) and Johnny Cash (26 Feb.1932) were born very close to each
other and all had to deal with intoxication and escapist tendencies.
However, Liz Taylor and Johnny Cash were born within a day to each
other and had many parallels in their lives. Ted Kennedy has Mercury in
Aquarius and is very intellectual and very articulate.