AstroTrends till 2025...Part I (from AstroTrends written Feb-Mar 2002)
Pluto in Sagittarius till Nov 2008, Cap Dec 2008 till Mar 2023
We made some very bold predictions between 1986 and 1990 and condensed them in an 11x17 page called “World Events till 2001”. I intend to do the same for the next 25 years or so and will use the same methodology as before. We will give you short glimpses of the future and then combine them all in another 11x17 page. As you know, many of our predictions came true, proving that astrology makes it very easy to see the world events once you understand the basic themes.
This is at least a five part article and we will focus on each slow moving planet at a time. We will discuss future world events in terms of planetary transits reflected by the transit in the sky of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. These slow moving planets accurately seem to reflect the trends of the coming years.
When they say history repeats itself, what they really mean is the themes associated with Pluto repeat themselves every 246 years, Neptune every 150 years, Uranus every 84 years, Saturn every 29 years and Jupiter every 12 years!
For example, we had predicted a major Peace Treaty around 1992-1993 when Jupiter was in Libra (camp David). Jupiter is again moving into the sign of Libra between Sep. 2004 till Oct. 2005 and I am sure that another major Peace Treaty will be signed during this period. With Pluto being in the sign of Sagittarius, it will involve Israel and Palestine and will establish the final status of Jerusalem. In fact, this will probably be one of the best chances for longterm peace in the Middle East.
Here is the first instalment and some of the main themes represented by Pluto:
Pluto in Sagittarius till Nov. 2008: It is important to realize that although many discoveries are during a phase, it may take many more years till it is actually put into practice. For example, Pluto in Sagittarius will coincide with some of the best discoveries in education, psychology, space and transportation, but they may actually be commercialized when Pluto moves into Capricorn from Dec. 2008 onwards (more on this later).
As we have mentioned before, what started as a revolution in communication (the Internet), is leading to global radio and television. Advances in space travel, land transport, astronomy and education have already started to pave the way for mass education, greater knowledge of our solar system and how it evolved, revolutionary systems of space travel and new means of education. As soon as broadband and streaming video becomes hundreds of times faster, the last parts of my predictions will start unfolding i.e. simultaneous translation on the Internet, voice recognition perfected, (as a bonus, instead of our personalized written reports, you may receive a personalized tape in my voice accurate reproduced from the computer, while I am somewhere in the Bahamas sipping virgin Pina Colada writing my articles!).
New Discoveries in Education: New techniques to improve memory and advances in cognitive psychology will revolutionize education. New methods of memory retention by the computers will be discovered. At present, the computer only saves digital data in binary format. It will start emulating our brain (always in a very primitive form) and storing data such as fragrance, taste, ambience, etc. We recall events using analog data (most of our sensory perception is analog, hearing, smell, sight, taste even though it is all processed in the brain using approximate binary means (neurons basically communicate using the potential difference between sodium and potassium, almost similar to the computer i.e. binary code).
We may get some major breakthrough in how dolphins communicate and may even learn to simulate their signals to some extent.
New teaching methods will incorporate more of our senses increasing comprehension and improving retention for longterm memory. At least experiments will be done to connect different parts of the brain with micro chips to input selective data directly. Workings of the mind (mapping of the limbic and neurocortal areas) will advance to a new level.
At present, scientists cannot even separate even the most obvious emotions which any child can see. They just know it is all in the limbic area. This will lead to major advances in psychology, understanding of the origin of emotions, which will of course be first exploited by the advertising media and the porno industry who will design ads and situations targeting specific sites in the brain! More subtle advertising appealing directly to your emotional perceptions will easily bypass your conscious reasoning and may even stimulate the economy in new ways than we can imagine!
Marketing, advertising, education and mass communication will all be revolutionized by the discoveries of the brain. We have done mapping at a chemical level but human consciousness is way beyond just the chemical processes. This is where the meaning of the soul comes in and our experiences and inspirational moments in life. The same chemicals will be found to produce thousands of different emotions (similar to astrological themes!).
Astronomy and Space Exploration: By Nov 2008, we will also learn much more about our universe, the structure of the stars, our origins, and some fundamental perceptions re-evaluated. We will probably come to the conclusion that the age of the universe and how long will it last etc. can never be evaluated!
Religion Re-Evaluated, Pharaohs Revisited: History will be revisited and stories in religious books authenticated, some confirmed and some shown to be total myths and fabrication. Most research in the authenticity of these religious stories will be done before Nov. 2008 while Pluto is still in Sagittarius.
Some religious books may be rewritten and new curriculum introduced to take new findings into consideration. While the existence of the Queen of Sheba will be confirmed, the authenticity of the “kingdom” founded by David and later ruled by Solomon will be put into question and may even be discredited, creating a major overhaul of archeological historical “facts”. The origins of Moses (mosis in Egypt for “rightful child or heir”, the similarities between Moses and Pharaoh Akenaten, the connection between the Egyption Pharaoh Amenhotep III and Solomon, and even the exodus to fertile Hijaz (not Palestine) will be uncovered.
With Pluto in Sagittarius, there is already an underlying cooperation between many religious groups including Christians, Jews and Muslims underway. This will help authenticate and uncover many similarities in religions (remember the prayers from all denominations at the Yankee Stadium arranged by Oprah after the 911 tragedy was one of the signs of eventual peace by Nov. 2008 that we had mentioned). However, Pluto in Sagittarius points to nothing less than what appears like a revolution or a complete re-evaluation of religious myths and facts.
In religious circles, small things may appear huge and discovering that the palace of Solomon may have been the temple complex that Amenhotep III built at Thebes in Egypt (identical!) will not be a small matter. It is one thing to uncover the truth but try to change the doctrine and you will find out what Pluto is all about!
Transportation by Air, Land and Sea: We will undergo not only major advances in terms of speed and safety but also the pinpointing of any vehicle anywhere in the world. GPS system using numerous satellites will almost become a standard feature. Digital roadmaps guided by the same GPS system and cellular technology will be incorporated in cars and other vehicles. Jetpacks and other forms of individual transport will be perfected but mostly commercialized when Pluto moves into Capricorn from Dec. 2008 till 2023.
There is an ambitious project I have in mind which has to do with a World Historical Chart but with Astrological reasoning behind events. For example, Pluto repeats its cycle approximately every 245 years. The religious connotation are repeated during these periods.
Here are some of the events which took place when Pluto was in Sagittarius: 527 BC, Roman Emperor in Constantinople, Justinian (a devout catholic), outlawed the Talmud. 532 BC, Justinian negotiated a peace treaty with the Persian Empire. 1748 AD saw the decline of the Ottoman empire and redefinition of Middle East boundaries .
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