World Events 16 August 2010
Unfortunately, this materialized with the worst air crash in Pakistan history of an Airbus A321 when it crashed as it was about to land in the capital Islamabad, killing all 152 on board. We feel the plane should not have been allowed to fly at all or to land at that time but should have been diverted to a safer airport as major storms and winds were in affect at that time.
We also found out that millions could be affected in Pakistan by the overflowing of the Indus River. This is definitely reflective of Uranus in Pisces which we had mentioned as ocean disasters in our last issue. We did mention large bodies of water also as this seems to be building up to be a catastrophic event.
In each of our issues, we mention the dates when Mars touches off natal Neptune of different generations. In our last issue, we mentioned the early 40s age group as being susceptible to stress related illnesses and we just heard that Michael Douglas (who we mentioned amongst some other celebrities in our last issue) has been diagnosed as having throat cancer. Mars exactly touched off his Neptune which is exactly the transit we spoke about.
This transit reduces the immune system and does not bode well for the actor as he is also getting a Saturn square Moon for the whole year, which makes one feel very depressed and anemic (he needs more iron now) and ages them (silver hair and eyesight). Luckily, he couldn't ask for a better wife as a support during his trying period as Catherine Zeta-Jones has Venus in Virgo which is one of the most unselfish placements in love. He also has Pluto conjuncting his Moon (upheavals in the family) which makes one change their habits also. The only way to offset Pluto aspects is to go along with it and make as many radical changes voluntarily as possible.
Luckily, Michael also has Jupiter touching off his Moon which will make him more hopeful and optimistic. We certainly hope he recovers as we all love him and he is such a decent human being. Of course you can never underestimate the power of prayers and he himself is quite a wise person with deep faith and respect for all religions. Aug 2010 is the most stressful for him as Mars is in Libra which is his Sun sign also. Between Nov 2010 till Feb 2011, there is a strong chance of surgery as Saturn opposes his natal Mars (this is also what Bill Clinton had when he had his heart bypass).
Bill Clinton also has Mars conjuncting his Neptune which normally makes one cry the blues, but in his case the tears must have been of his daughter Chelsea getting married. He must have had a hard time controlling his tears! In fact, this same timing also applied to Hilary as well.
In terms of World Events, Oct 2010 is very dangerous for epidemics and typhoid
End of Nov and beg of Dec 2010 is a very volatile period for Nasdaq and other stocks. It is another period where there has to be extreme caution in aviation again. End of July was exactly this transit when we wrote about the air mishaps (which were actually caused by rain and storms in Pakistan).
Mercury again retrogrades from 20th Aug till 12th Sep 2010 although you will feel its effects probably from mid Aug onwards. Although this transit makes people very forgetful and seems to coincide with indecisiveness and misunderstandings, This is an excellent time to go back over your existing work and finish anyresearch rather than to start new projects.
Be prepared for delays in all forms of communication and transportation during this period. Other things to be careful of are: forgetfulness, keys getting lost, accidentally erasing your email addresses, leaving cheques in your shirt pocket and giving them to the cleaners! Telephone line being disconnected (pay your bills right away!), overwriting or erasing important files on your computer by mistake (it only takes seconds!), mailing to a wrong address and not following it up, running out of gas, missing appointments etc.
Be careful of buying gadgets now or they will give problems or require a lot of repairs. Sign your contracts before or after this period. You will have to be careful of starting any new activity as it is most likely to run into obstacles and delays especially if it involves communication, gadgets, computers, meetings and deadlines. Treaties and negotiations usually break down under this transit as well.
Russia is preparing to start Iran's nuclear plant in Aug 2010 which may run into a lot of delays till mid Sep 2010. Any strikes during this period always ends up in a stalemate and negotiations break down as well.
Jupiter is in Pisces from Sep 2010 till Jan 2011 while Uranus is there till Feb 2011. Jupiter is a 12 year cycle but Uranus is an 84 year cycle so it is very important that we focus all our energies in inventions involving the audio visual fields. We mentioned a number of times during the last few years about the 3D revolution and how technology will need to be much faster before any of the amazing futuristic concepts would be productive. It seems that the CPUs are almost there now and Panasonic is about to release the first 3D HD video camera!
Normal hard disks will soon be replaced with solid state drives as the prices are coming down and this will be a major revolution in speed itself. Imagine no hard drive noise or rotation and the operating system and programs loading in seconds instead of minutes. Of course, this may not affect regular folks who are contented doing everything slow (or the government employees who may have to speed up their work now!) but will be a fantastic bonus for all children and adults who used to have attention problems!
Desktop holography as well as all 3D editing will become a reality now and depth perception will be enhanced tremendously which will of course benefit astronomy, medicine and many education fields.
In Dec 2008, we wrote that : "Jupiter in 2010 in Pisces will probably reflect a return to spiritual values and some of the most amazing experiences but also ocean related mishaps. Analog sensory perception will be emphasized now and psychic therapists will become virtual or projected holographically (not to mention the strippers or belly dancers as well!)".
Well the ocean mishaps and the recent Indus river flooding are clearly part of this theme but we bet the 3D strippers will soon become a reality as well and then their holographic counterparts!
Those of you born in the 60s have to be extra careful of any health issues, underhanded activities, allergic reactions and fraudulent deals from mid Sep till end of Oct 2010. You need to be very careful of acting on wrong hunches and being involved with fraudulent people or deals. Your psychic vulnerability can be exploited by charlatans. Direct your obsessive nature towards creative pursuits and avoid addictions. You may also feel betrayed at this time. Your age group already went through similar transit from Sep 2009 till May 2010 but this one will only last about two weeks.
Children born in the 90s are also being affected by this transit and have to be careful near their home. Parents will be well advised not to let them walk alone as Mars in Scorpio touching off their Neptune is a theme of violence and danger at night. Being so young, these children are also at risk of developing infections and allergies during this period (take precautions for mosquito bites also).
This transit reduces the immune system of the body and you will probably hear much more of the scandals, out of wedlock pregnancies and other nightmares from this age group. They are also more prone to stress related illnesses including the flu and generally need to be careful of setting themselves up for nightmare scenarios. Be extra careful when signing any documents, investing in stocks on incorrect advice etc.
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