(Updated Aug 2007)
Updated Aug. 10th. 2007
Stock Market Surge: The stock market will only be on a high till end of Dec.2007 while Jupiter is in Sagittarius. After Dec.2007, the focus will be on commercial property and an industrial boom but the market will become very conservative again. Be careful of being too much of a gambler from mid Aug. till beg. Sep. 2007 when the stocks are quite volatile as the market goes through big corrections and everyone makes hasty decisions.
Strict Standards in all Areas of Industry : With Saturn moving into the sign of Virgo from Sep. 2007 till end of Oct. 2009, there will be major new laws governing the standards in all areas of business. This includes a drive towards standards in audio video formats, precision instruments, stricter rules governing medicine and prescription drugs. There will also be major advances in the fields of biochemistry, nutrition, farming, organic food and natural health.
Merv Griffin: We had mentioned last year that we will lose many greats from the Age of the Golden Movies (those born in the 20s) while Saturn is in Leo. It was the last month of Saturn in Leo when Merv Griffin passed away. The fact that he was a true celebrity is reflected in the fact that Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn were all in Leo. Merv couldn't have picked a better time for himself. With Saturn in Scorpio, he died of Prostate cancer as Scorpio rules the uro-genital area. Bill Gates and Steve jobs both have to be careful of this as well.
Merv had Mercury conjunct Venus in Leo which gave him a beautiful voice and the enthusiastic way of speaking. he was a true entertainer and many public speakers including Bill Clinton and Barak Obama are born with Mercury in Leo. He wa also a great singer. Venus beautifies the voice and just like Merv, Elvis and Celine Dion were born with Venus close to Mercury. It is interesting that the theme for Jeopardy written by Merv earned him 80 million dollars in royalties over the years! We will of course miss him and although the new generation may not know his true greatness, we feel lucky to have seen so many of his uplifting interviews.
Nightmare Period for Different Age Groups (30's, 70's, 40,50's and 80's): Aug. and Sep, 2007 and again Jan. to Feb. 2008 are very stressful and obsessive months for the 30's and 70's age group. You will be prone to mental stress, false conclusions and even danger if you are not careful. Your immune system will feel depleted so pace yourself and avoid dark alleys. You will also have to be careful of lung related problems.
Those born in late 40s, the 50s will have the nightmare period of scandals and immune system being down from Oct. to Dec. 2007. Avoid getting into fraudulent deals and taking shortcuts and bypassing the law and be more selective of your friendships. Mars being in Cancer during these periods, you will have to be specially careful of acidity in the stomach and food poisoning.
Youth and children born between mid 80s and 1998 will be more accident prone from Oct. to Dec.2007. Watch the head area and violence as well as food poisoning. You are also more susceptible to skin, teeth and bone infections and kneecap problems.
Ocean Mishaps and Major Storms : As we mentioned a number of years ago, Uranus in Pisces still promises more hurricanes and storms especially near the places which are near the ocean and islands. The danger of underwater earthquakes triggering earthquakes continues till 2010! Mars square Uranus in Pisces (exact first 3 Sep 2007) indicates that from mid Aug till mid Sep is a dangerous time for earthquakes and hurricanes.
Obama for President: Although we don't know the time of birth of Senator Obama, he certainly has the charismatic Mercury in Leo like Bill Clinton and has strong oratory talents. Jupiter trining his Mercury till Dec. will help him especially after July 2007 when Saturn stops opposing his Mercury. he will probably brush up on his debating skills and become a better orator.
Senate's Timeline Ultimatum for Troop Pullout: Almost ten years ago, we predicted that the US troops will be out by Nov. 2008. Just today, the U.S. Senate voted for the 100 billion dollar bill provided the troops pull out by Oct. 2008!
As mentioned before, George Bush has Saturn coming down in his chart and will leave the office in disgrace and in bad health. Mars touches off his Neptune Oct, Dec, and Mar. 2008 indicating major health problems and fraudulent deals again. With Mars moving into Cancer (his Sun Sign) and close to his natal Saturn in the 12th house (major health house), the most dangerous time for his health is from Oct. till Dec. 2007 and again from Mar. till Apr. 2008.
Saturn conjuncting his Mars from Oct.2007 till summer 2008 is also a dangerous time for his heart. He will also run into major obstacles with his party members and Senators and his timing is totally off. This is when he will become very frustrated and attempt his most disastrous plans (Jupiter giving him false hope) and become increasingly isolated.
Montreal Wrestler Suicide: I had a fast look at the chart of the Montreal wrestler who killed his wife and son and then himself and found that Moon was in Scorpio touching off his Neptune. This indicates extreme depression and also when he killed them. After two days when Moon went into Sagittarius (religion) he put a Bible beside his wife and then killed himself. Milosovic was born with Moon in Scorpio and both his parents committed suicide. It is sad that the sport of wrestling or rather violent entertainment as it should really be called stimulates nothing but more violence. One of his close friend told me how gentle he was off the mat and how mean he was in the ring without realizing that the gentleness was only hiding his deep rage activated in the ring. When this is projected onto one's own family, he couldn't even distinguish between what was right and what was wrong. Unfortunately, the unjustified mass killing in Iraq and other places by the military and super powers almost give justification to these "violent athletes" and distort their perception of what is right and what is not. Hopefully, after Nov. 2008, the world will move much more towards peace and there is more respect for human life.
Delays in Communication: The next Mercury retrograde period is from 11th Oct. until 1st Nov. 2007. Mercury retrograde is excellent for research and being in the sign of Scorpio in Oct., we can expect medical breakthroughs but also advances in war related inventions. Mercury retrograde is always a good time to re-evaluate all your writing and contractual matters but hold off on purchasing of gadgets. Mercury goes into Libra from end of Oct. till mid, Nov, which may indicate some initiative towards peace but all peace treaties will fail during this period. Negotiations breakdown under this transit but at least it is a good time to focus on the legalities and letter of the law.
During this period, you can expect delays in communication including mixed messages, keys getting lost or misplaced (make backups!), forgetfulness, missed appointments, mail being lost or misplaced, false alarms, indecisiveness, wrong diagnosis,. erasing of e-mail addresses by mistake, and communication gadgets not working properly. Buy the products before or after this period.
Make sure that you back up important data on computers and keep copies of important letters being mailed. Give yourself extra time between meetings and take into account any delays due to communication and transportation problems. However, this is an excellent time for research and to go back over existing leases and other important papers.
Try not to travel during this period as you may have a lot of unexpected delays. If you have to travel, make sure all your documents are with you; and make photocopies and leave them safely at home. People will be more forgetful, will run out of time, change their mind and be very indecisive now. Just avoid signing new documents or initiating new projects. This is a good time for re-evaluating existing work rather than taking on new projects.