Here are some World Predictions to occur after Dec. 1995
(made by Hassan Jaffer between Oct.'86 and 1990 in AstroTrends)
Religion will be totally redefined and the emphasis will be on Universal Truth.
There will be a complete overhaul of the judicial system and the legal system will seek to be closer to the Universal justice.
Distant learning courses (Pluto in Sag. and Uranus in Aquarius) will become very popular from 1996 onwards
Comment: This prediction is so simple yet remarkably accurate because the Internet has definitely made distant learning possible now.
Java software will become the hottest commodity in 1996. Microsoft Explorer will overtake the competitors but Netscape Gold will gain because of its ability to Publish online.
Our prediction about the "Animated Age of the Movies" to start from 1998 onwards (made in 1988!), seems quite plausible now. It will take at least two more years for much faster technology and platform independent animation software to be ready to produce the 3-D imaging. Virtual Reality and Holography will also be more common from 1998 onwards (Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius).
Comments: I just read a report on Digital Actors which is exactly what Hassan had predicted few years ago! (Shervin Shahrebani)
Commercial Real Estate and other investment properties will increase in price from Feb.'96 till Dec.'96 (Jupiter in Capricorn).
Jupiter in Capricorn in 1996 will help make Virtual Reality common for commercial real estate viewing.
Here are some past World Predictions (made by Hassan Jaffer between Oct.'86 and 1990 in his monthly newsletter AstroTrends) to occur by Nov.'95: (some predictions to start from Nov. 1995 like those relating to Pluto in Sagittarius)
New planets will be discovered as Pluto moves into Sagittarius from Nov.9, 1995 onwards. There will be major advances in astronomy which will provide new insight into the origins of the Universe.
All major Wars will finish by Nov.'95 including Bosnia. Terrorism will finish and there will be peace in the Middle East. However, terrorism as relating to religion will continue for a few years before religion itself is redefined leading to religious tolerance.
Comment: All wars around the world did end by Nov.'95 predicted in AstroTrends. The prediction about Bosnia's peace (which was reiterated in Jan.'95) materialized exactly in Nov.'95!
Intefadeh will lead to a Palestinian State or at least autonomy on the West Bank by Nov.'95.
Comment: West Bank was given to the Palestinians very close to Hassan's timing and another major territory given in Nov. and Dec. 1995!
End of Communism, End of Berlin Wall and Apartheid (predicted in 1987): Nov. 1995 will be the turning point for the world as Pluto moves away from Scorpio (violence, wars, terrorism, research, social diseases, dictatorships etc.) into Sagittarius (Universal Justice, mass education, religion, mass communication. mass transportation etc.).
Comment: The Internet is probably one of Hassan's best predictions indicated as mass communication. In fact, this is going to be the basis of his other forecasts relating to the educational system and religion. They are all going to be revolutionized by the Internet now. You find discussions on religion everywhere and all kinds of educational software is available free on the Net. Many archives and research articles are also available. (Shervin Shahrebani).
On the positive side, 1996 is the beginning of the true space age era with Uranus in Aquarius. Absolutely revolutionary technology will start from Jan.1996. The Animated Age of the Movies will start in 1998 and you will also see revolutionary advances in holography by the end of 1997. Holographic furniture and jewellery will be some of the first projects in practical holography.
Expect Apple to be back to its normal innovative style by late Summer of 1996. In 1997, Steve Jobs will be back to lead Apple into a totally new era. He is a brilliant mind and is way ahead of everyone else and the whole world is finally catching up to his way of thinking.
Microsoft will start catching up to Netscape as soon as the Net becomes less user friendly i.e. by the end of 1996.
The Animated Age of the Movies will start from 1998 onwards when you will see digital actors instead of regular actors! This does not mean that we will only have digital actors or to reduce the cost of movie production. The main reason for this would be to revive actors which are no longer with us e.g. a film starring Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe! (this prediction was originally made by Hassan Jaffer around 1988).
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