15 June 2009
The tragic Air France airliner crash that happened en-route to Paris had some very unfortunate astrological indications.For those of you who are interested in the astrological analysis for the purpose of learning and to see if we can forewarn the authorities beforehand, here is an analysis of the takeoff and disappearance:
Moon in Virgo by itself often indicates rainy weather and even the market is usually down as there is a sense of sadness. Moon conjunt Saturn (depression in a personal chart) in the 9th house (foreign travel) shows a sad even happening in the sky. The Moon Saturn conjunction was also opposing Uranus in Pisces. Now Uranus will be in Pisces till May 2010 and each time there is a Mars aspect to it, there will be danger for aviation. Mercury retrogrades in Sep 2009 and is also conjunct Saturn, and this configuratoin points to communication probems everywhere and recall of electronic devices but also problems with aviation (miscommunication).
Iran's election have created a major fiasco as Ahmadinejad won a landslide victory and Mousavi only got less than 40% of the votes. Of course, this was welcome news to Netanyahu who had already indicated that it was going to be very dangerous if the Iranian president comes back. During the Bush era, they had assigned more then 150 million dollars for creating a regime change in Iran and one the most important tactics was to be mass rallies. This may not have anything to do with it but certainly all the world media jumping on the bandwagon and not even considering the fact that Ahmadinejad may have really won the election, makes it very suspect. It is interesting that the world does not recognize how much he has actually done for the country including immediately insuring almost a million women who were working in the carpet industry from their homes. However, this whole thing will fizzle out and Ahmadinejad will be back in power and some of the agitators probably tried as traitors!
The US doesn't like him as he dared to use the Euro to trade the oil instead of the US dollars. President Obama was wise to suggest that he does not want to meddle in Iran's internal affairs. Senator McCain, who was proven to be totally irrelevant in the polls, immediately went on to day inflammatory remarks about the the election and the current administration.
It is surprising to many that the two state solution for Palestine was acceptable to Ahmadinejad if the Palestinians agreed to it. However, as we had mentioned in our Oct 2008 issue, Netanyahu did become the Prime Minister and as we also mentioned, his radical tone against Iran and the Palestinians has not changed.
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