Events to Watch in 2009: There is a minor similarity of events between Feb. and Apr 2009 to the dangerous dates we have given in 2011. Although the major planets will not be dangerously aligned till early 2011, Mars will give us a taste of the "themes" to expect in 2011.
In Feb. 2009, we will have the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius so we should get some news about satellite disruptions, aviation crashes, dangerous ice conditions, electric storms, space related mishaps, and stocks for hi tech and digital products being affected. In Feb. 2011, the same themes will be much more exaggerated due to dangerous solar storms also.
On 8th Mar 2009, Mars conjuncts Neptune and with the Moon being in Leo opposing this conjunction, we can expect the nightmare theme to peak.
Around mid Mar 2009, Mars will be in Pisces along with Sun, Mercury and Uranus. This is the time we can expect major storms, ocean related mishaps, and tornadoes.
15th Apr 2009 is when Mars conjuncts Uranus while still opposing Saturn from a week before. There is a real indecisiveness in action but a very real dangerous situation which can become explosive in the Mideast. We are hoping that Saturn keeps this is check but you will definitely hear about preparations for strikes. Even small Tsunamis will be very important now as the same configurations appear with much more intensity in Mar 2011. Watch for any ship singings or epidemic breakouts so we can learn what to expect in Mar 2011.
Apr 2009 will be the transit which is somewhat similar to Apr 2011 in terms of military actions and the impatience to go to war. Impulsive actions and aggressive postures by rogue nations in the Middleast and indiscriminate bombings are the man made tendencies now and volcanoes or disruptions from fire is what makes this period similar to Apr 2011.
We would appreciate any feedback on events of this nature which you can send to .
Economy: With Saturn opposing Uranus in the sky till Oct 2009, we will have a real push and pull between the conservative and liberal values around the world, the old fashioned cautious folks against and those who are futuristic and unconventional. As Pluto (powerful forces and world trends) is still in square configuration to this Saturn opposition, we can expect a lot of shift in policies and major shakeups of the banking industry, housing and lending market in general.
Saturn in Virgo demands the highest ethical standards and we can see all of this represented in Obama's oversee plans. The market will be down as Wall Street does not take kindly to the demands of the new administration and their free ride if over. You will notice that whenever Moon is in Virgo (conjunct Saturn till Oct 2009), the market will be down.
Iran's New Satellite: it is amazing that everyone thought the new government of Iran will be quite backwards but the new chart of the Islamic Republic has a stellium in Aquarius, representing futuristic ideas, innovations and emphasis on high tech and digital space age. Not only do they manufacture their own cars, tanks and air force jets, Iran has now launched its own research satellite. Ahmedinijad's chart compares well with Obama's and we feel that they will make a lot of headway towards peace even as many forces in the US and Mideast try their best to derail any peace overtures. Both Iran's president and Obama have a Mercury Neptune aspect and are masters at strategic planning (like Putin). ALl three of them are also getting excellent aspects from Jupiter in 2009 which bodes really well for negotiations and major contracts.
President Obama's Policies: With Saturn and Uranus both squaring the President's natal Mars, he can expect a lot of opposition from the Republican's who do not want his agenda to be successful at all and will really test his patience. This is a dangerous aspect for health and one which often causes heart problems caused by frustration, temper and legal hassles (congress and the older generation). However, Obama is doing the right thing by picking the best team and going directly to the public to present his case. His age group has a bit of a nightmare aspect around 15th Feb. 2009 when his immune system is also depleted (12 to 18th Feb.) and he will need all his reserve strength. Although he has good aspects around middle Feb. for t e stimulus package to pass, his hassles and opposition from the cautious lawmakers will not finish till at least Sep or even Oct. 2009.
Obama is basically a gambler and all visionaries tend to be like that. Their confidence in themselves and taking risks goes directly against the established system and they often run into obstables created by those in authority. Obama will cut all the red tape and somehow get this passed and the financial crisis will become one of the major recovery plans. Obama will make some of the most radical savings by using the internet to make the government more transparent, and to make the health system much more efficient.
Space Related Accidents: With Mars in Aquarius from 4 Feb. till 14th Mar 2009, we are bound to have problems with technology stocks, restructuring of major software and hardware companies, power outages, electric storms, static electricity in tornadoes but also new inventions. We just found out that a US and Russian satellite fragment collided creating hundreds of space debris which in turn will put other satellites in danger.
Archeological Discoveries, Redefining State Boundaries and
Restructuring of Government and the Manufacturing Industry: All these are part of the Pluto in Capricorn forecasts we made years ago. Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio and represents changes at the fundamental level but only to transform it to a higher place. When it was in Sagittarius till Nov, 2008, it coincided with the entire market having to be revamped. Now as it is in Capricorn till Mar. 2023, it will reflect major changes in the entire manufacturing industry, the way the government operates, amazing archeological discoveries and advances in the field of paleontology as well. Anything which comes from Earth as well as harnessing solar energy and wind power will also be a priority of this transit.
President Obama is at the forefront of this and has an intuitive awareness of these transits and no other leader has consistently gone after these themes as much. Saturn opposing Uranus is an indication of the old vs new conflicts as well as how Obama is trying to use this theme to make old methods more modern and even the archaic filing system digital! This whole restructuring will take several years of course but his problems with the market and the senate etc will finish after Sep or Oct 2009.
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