Lunar Eclipse 2019 is in Leo Aqu axis with Moon in Leo and Sun in Aquarius. Th signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio will be affected. Positive or not depends on their chart but they certainly will show more of their sign. The full Moon adds emotions to the Sun sign of the person and they display their character with more feelings and heart.
In President Trump's chart, it falls in his first house which is his best asset i.e. his personality so we can expect him to praise all his achievement for the next two days. The spotlight will also be on Royalty and celebrities and it is a great time for publicity and fame for next two days.
John Coughlin, a two-time U.S. pairs champion recently suspended from figure skating, took his own life and I am sure the full Moon affected him and he must have been very emotional about the interim suspension from the U.S. Center for SafeSport. Aquarius is skating and this may be an indication of the event.
Although the exact full Moon is at 1:16 am the Moon is at its at its max eclipse at 5:12 am
A lot of people have been making a big deal about the “blood” Moon and how it is the beginning of the end of the world etc. the same routine which the doomsday prophets used to scare people to repent or buy their potions or whatever the scam was. I am sure there are some who actually believe it is the end of the world or some major apocalypse is upon us.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth’s shadow falls on the moon. If the earth’s shadow completely covers the moon, it is a called a total lunar eclipse.
Any lunar eclipse affects the earth because the earth is being pulled from both sides as the Moon and Sun are exactly opposite each other. It is in fact a full Moon except the earth is in between so you see the earth’s shadow on the Moon. If the Earth was off center then it would be visible as a Full Moon.
In a lunar eclipse, we are all standing in the way of the full Moon!
Why Does the Moon Look Red in Total Lunar Eclipse?
The Moon turns deep red for an hour or so during a total lunar eclipse because it is reflecting the sunrise and sunsets from all around the world from the earth. From your position on the earth, you are seeing the Sun projecting all the sunrise and sunsets of the earth on to the Moon!
The totally lunar eclipse moon reflects the color of the light contained in the earth’s shadow (umbra). The earth’s atmosphere leaves mostly longer-wavelength light (red, orange, and yellow) in the earth’s umbra. This is why sunsets and sunrises generally are red, and also why most lunar eclipses appear red.
Significance of an Eclipse
The difference in the gravitational pull of the Moon, from the closest side of the earth to the opposite end of it, is 8 times greater than the pull from the Sun! Even though the Sun’s gravitational field is much stronger than the Moon, it remains the same on the closest side to the earth relative to the opposite side because it is so far away from us. The Moon’s gravitational field, on the other hand, is weaker than the Sun but the ”
difference” from one end to the other side of the earth is 8 times more than the Sun because the Moon is so much closer to us.
This is the reason that Full Moon coincides with high tides. In a total lunar eclipse, the Moon and Sun are exactly opposite to each other and pulling the earth from both sides. This of course will result in stress on the earth. However, it is not the only basis of the earthquakes at all although it does sometimes coincide with major tidal waves (the Sumatra tsunami happened on the full Moon).
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