Here are the 12 colors based on the daily position of the Moon.
Use the Astrological Color Chart given in the Winter Horoscope 2022 to determine which accessory color to wear each day of the month.
The chosen colors align with the position of the Moon each day and will work in harmony with nature.
Accent items such as ties, scarves, belts, shoes, or even nail polish will not only add a pop to your look but will create a positive vibe around you. Very soon you will start feeling the mood for the day yourself.
Moon Sign | Color | ||
Taurus |
Gemini |
Cancer |
Leo |
Virgo |
Libra |
Scorpio |
Sagittarius |
Capricorn |
Aquarius |
Pisces |
Here are some Ties which have Can-Cap tones (earthy brown),
some Leo (silk and gold) and some Pisces (greenish tone)
Here we have some ties with Taurus-Libra (pink-mauve)
and Pisces (greenish) and some Gemini (yellow with shades of
Sagittarius (blue) thrown in
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