Conscious and Subconscious Awareness of Truth
In this age of instant mass propaganda and intentional deception and manipulation by the political leaders and the media, it is all the more important to separate Truth from fantasy. We cannot even depend on most of the religious authorities as they often tend to be biassed or misleading.
With this in mind, we decided to introduce a very special article on the Conscious and Subconscious awareness of the “Truth”. Astrology helps us determine if you are born with these abilities, and even if you are not when you will experience them by transit.
There are two different ways to understand any element of the Master Plan and “Truth” viz. Conscious and Subconscious awareness of it. By Truth, we mean anything that has Divine origin and which exists independent of our perception of it, and whose rules have remained unchanged from the beginning of mankind.
Anyone in search of “Truth” is a philosopher by the very nature of this quest.
Before you can apply the powerful rules of Nature in your own life, let us first clarify the two means of understanding the Universal Laws that Nature itself has provided.
Conscious awareness of the Truth refers to tangible means of understanding the Laws of Nature i.e. reading correct material or following a correct system, capacity to analyze in-depth and with total focus, ability to separate Truth from fantasy and to decode nature’s secrets and interpret its hidden laws.
As an example, when you study astrology, you will run into several different systems and hypotheses - many of them leading to more confusion than clarity of thought. How do you select the right book, the right author, and the correct system without being tainted in the first place? Your innate capacity to follow the right method also determines your capacity to lead others in the right path, because it shows that you have the rare gift of consciously understanding at least some part of the Master's program.
Subconscious means of awareness are usually intangible e.g. prophetic dreams, intuition, or sensitivity to music, sadness, and art. It also lies in the acute sensitivity to color. The public speaker who understands that people are usually more vulnerable in the evening than in the day time is utilizing these principles. It gives us answers to questions like why does black symbolizes power? or how does soothing music or soft lighting affect you? or why are those people more secretive who prefer the night time and why are they more drawn to mysteries of life and the occult?
“Divine Truth”
Conscious Awareness of Truth ( / )
A Positive Aspect leads to:
A Negative Aspect can lead to
interfering with Master Plan through writing, speech or destructive actions
Subconscious Awareness of Truth ( / )
Positive aspects lead to:
Negative aspect can lead to :
Pluto: Your Key to Two Different Types of Powers
The subconscious awareness of the Divine Laws are far more subtle and can be like a healing balm for the soul when properly appreciated. However, they can also be far more destructive if used negatively, and work in ways that are not very obvious - particularly in the hands of unscrupulous politicians or military leaders who are in a position to misuse their authority.
It is easy to apply these simple observations in your own life to improve and harness your innate potential, but because of the complexity of this article, it might be helpful from the beginning to establish what you will achieve once you understand its basic principles.
Our Objectives are to Make You:
Search for any aspect of Truth, whether in science, chemistry, astronomy, art, music, or psychology and the human mind, by conscious or subconscious means, always leads to certain inner powers as well as power over others due to its force of conviction.
Not everyone is born with the gift of understanding the principles that govern humanity, but individuals who are born with it are distinguished by their genuine need to “save” and reform the masses who seek their advice.
Not everyone is a leader, but anyone who understands the masses and what they need is closer to the Master Plan than the rest and is in the privileged position to guide and direct them.
The Pluto Connection ( ):
Percival Lowell, whose first two initials represent the glyph of Pluto, discovered this planet and was himself born with a Mercury/Pluto trine! Its announcement coincided with his birthday and the anniversary of Herschel’s discovery of Uranus.
The aspect for Conscious awareness of Truth is any angle between Pluto and Mercury and for Subconscious awareness, it is any angle between Pluto and Moon.
Any aspect (the red and green lines in your chart) between Pluto and Moon leads to awareness of forces that lie at a deep subconscious level. Unfortunately, there are two sides to this and we need the help of astrology to distinguish between the positive and negative use of these powerful themes.
Only Moon sextile Pluto (60 deg angle) and Moon trine Pluto (120 deg angle) gives the ability to understand the needs of the masses and to do something positive about it.
Subconscious Awareness – Negative
On the other hand, anyone born with Moon conjunct Pluto (0 deg angle), Moon square Pluto (90 deg angle), or Moon opposition to Pluto (180o angle) will have deep resentment from early childhood, could be very vindictive, and also have the capacity to destroy others by words or their actions, often without their even realizing it.
George Bush is born with Pluto squared to his Moon and we have seen the destruction of thousands of families and their homes on more than one occasion. Of course, one can always evolve and offset even the most negative themes in positive ways – in fact, this is exactly what the purpose of astrology is.
The only difference in those who consciously influence others in positive or negative ways is that their actions are more noticeable. As far as the aspects are concerned, they are similar to the Pluto/Moon angles given above, except they are to natal Mercury instead of the Moon.
Hallmark of Wisdom and Reform:
Pluto sextile (60 deg) or trine (120 deg) to Mercury is the hallmark of those who have an element of wisdom. Others are drawn to them and seek their advice because they are usually close to the Truth and can see beyond the immediate problem. They also have the ability to understand the reasoning behind events.
Leonardo de Vinci’s Mercury-Pluto trine is a typical example of someone who seemed to have Divine guidance and influenced not only art but also science, anatomy and other aspects of medicine. Pierre Elliot Trudeau of Canada also had visionary tendencies but was often misunderstood. His intellectual arrogance is also one of the traits of a Mercury/Pluto aspect!
These are the people who influence the masses for generations by their thought, writings, and making others aware of the fundamental laws that govern this Universe.
Forces Which Affect Masses:
Pluto represents the masses and forces of Nature that are powerful and can be destructive regardless of how beautiful they appear. The ocean looks harmless and serene yet always carries the threat of a raging storm.
Pluto represents anything that comes from under the earth – from volcanoes to oil wells. In human terms, Pluto indicates the power to go deeper in your thoughts, to attain self-mastery, and to influence others through the power of your mind. On the negative side, it represents wars, vindictiveness, sarcasm, and the ability to exploit others by intuitively pick ing out the most vulnerable areas of their life and attacking it.
The Pluto side of your nature is distinguished by its intensity of involvement in anything - whether in love, communication, or physical energy (Ben Johnson has Mars trine Pluto), depending on which planet was aspected to it.
In other words, Pluto intensifies the way you communicate if it is aspected to Mercury, your love matters when Venus is involved and your feelings when it makes some angle with Moon.
A Neptune/Venus aspect in your chart will make you extremely romantic and idealistic, whereas a Pluto/Venus aspect will make you not just deeply affectionate in love matters but obsessed with the object of your love.
But when this power is misused, it gives rise to the dictator or dictatorial tendencies, and one who stimulates radical feelings in others through art, political cartoons, writing or media.
If someone is born with a negative aspect between Pluto and Mercury i.e. conjunction, square, or opposition (refer to the diagrams above), then they are likely to tamper with the Master Plan and affect others in destructive ways. It is like a psychiatrist giving electric shocks and then finding later on that he cannot undo the damage. In the case of politicians and reformers, the ideology of these individuals is usually reversed after their demise. Mao Tse Tung, Stalin, and many other dictators were born with this.
In fact, there are many close parallels between the reformer and the dictator. There are many forms of dictators, but we are talking about the ones who are born with a Pluto/Moon or a Pluto/Mercury aspect. We will deal with more on that in another article.
As children, we take for granted the theorems, the axioms, the rules of syntax, many of them constantly being modified. Yet, as adults, we distrust our intuition...
subconsciously accessible through music, art, consciously understandable through astrology,
What if you are not born with either Pluto/Mercury or Pluto/Moon aspect? As someone wisely said ignorance is bliss! Pluto may be making aspects to your natal Mercury and Moon by transit, which usually happens only once or twice in a lifetime.
Neither Bush, nor Gorbachev nor Saddam were born with Pluto Mercury aspects, yet all three have Pluto exactly opposing their natal Mercury till the end of ’95. This indicates that their plans will cause a lot of bloodsheds and are irreversible. Not surprisingly, the end of this transit in their life coincides exactly with our prediction for the beginning of global peace!
• The acute perception of a true artist
• Highly sensitive ears of a musician. The composer is especially receptive to the tonal quality of different instruments and particularly the human voice. Violin, bamboo flute, harp, saxophone (not drums or tabla).
• Sensitivity to the mood created by music especially through modes, Raags, and melodies.
You find the Divine Laws being applied but also many times violated in art, writing, music, science, psychology, politics, media, movies and especially religion!
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