Subconscious Awareness of Truth - Positive mainly lies in the ability to perceive, feel, and acutely sense the reasoning behind events that may not be obvious to the conscious mind. In fact, they may even contradict or defy normal logic.
As the Buddhist saying goes, the greatest obstacle to seeing is the eye
John Ruskin so appropriately said “The greatest thing a human soul ever does in this world is to see something and tell what it saw in a plain way. Hundreds of people can talk for one who can think, but thousands can think for one who can see. To see clearly is poetry, prophesy, and religion, all in one”.
When you find a child’s eyes light up as it watches a rainbow, you are witnessing one of the Divine Laws of Nature. The same God who created the phenomenon of the rainbow, also instilled the element of fascination, wonder, and sheer joy in the heart of the child who observes it in the sky. Hidden in the joy of the infant and the curiosity of their mind is the key to the Subconscious Awareness of DivineTruth.
Similarly, far removed from the devastation of wars, pangs of hunger, feelings of vindictiveness, and hatred, is a sanctuary of love and devotion, best portrayed by many artists in the form of “mother and child”. To see how far the world has moved away from this serene and blissful love, let us try to understand one of these universal themes from the perception of a renaissance artist.
The greatness of an artist lies not just in his ability to draw, but mostly in his perception of beauty. There is nothing as eloquent as Truth, especially when its purity lies in its simplicity and shines through it.
In this painting, the Madonnina, by Roberto Ferruzzi, there is nothing unessential and taking even a small detail away changes the overall mood and what the artist is trying to communicate.
The Madonnina by Roberto Ferruzzi
If you take the shroud away, it takes away the enveloping, nurturing, all-encompassing love and spiritual warmth of the mother; if you take the scarf off, you take away the holy and spiritual connotation; you have her looking on the ground, and you interrupt the Divine connection she seems to be having; you take her hand away, and it takes away the protective instincts of the mother; so much so, that with total abandon, the child has got the mouth slightly open; you close that mouth and the picture loose part of its message, which lies in the response of the child to one of Nature’s most soul-nurturing relationships.
It is not just the drawing of the painting that distinguishes an artist but his ability to capture the essence of Universal Truths, which are not time-related.
This was the heritage of the Renaissance Artists.
Appreciation of such masterpieces not only develops your own perception but stimulates the inspirational side of your nature as well.
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