Written Feb 11 2012
YouTube links to my analysis of Whitney Houston's Natal chart and Transits:
After writing this article I came across a picture of Whitney Houston's hand which is a bit shocking in that it clearly shows the depleting health and vulnerablity around 45 to 50! We are adding this as this these handprints just came to light. You can see the Life Line becoming very depleted between 45 and 50 and then continuing on indicating that this was the most vulnerable period for her health. You cannot increase your life span but you can certainly decrease it using your free choice.
Yet the same hand shows a clear strong Life Life just a few years before! This indicates that she used her free choice to neglet her health and decrease her lifespan herself.
Apparently she was right handed but it is possible that she may have used her left hand also as the hand that you write with is the one which really changes while the other hand shows the genetic predisposition inherited from the parents. You can also see the Sun Line below the ring finger (finger of Apollo) which shows her tremendous populalarity and fame.
You can clearly see the difference between the two hands. We feel that because she had a wide Mars Jupter aspect, she took liberties with her life and that confidence was her downfall in terms of taking unnecessary chances.
Here is the chart of one of the most talented, warm, passionate, flamboyant (yet reclusive), but also tragic artist to grace the soul and R&B pop culture, Whitney Houston. Born in a very talented family of soul singers, Whitney had this soulful pathos which reflected her own life to some extent. From the time she had seven number one hits on the billboard and her Bodyguard song "And I love You...", she raised the bar of singing to a much higher level and which was never surpassed. She sold over 170 million albums with her brilliant songs never failed to touch the heart strings.
Whitney Houston was born with Sun and Venus in Leo, which gave her the star qualities. Like Amy Winehouse, she also had Mercury in Virgo and was very versatile and great for writing songs and lyrics. The difficult aspect was Pluto conjunct Mercury (Harry Potter writer is born with the same configuration), and makes one rather fatalistic as well. She also had Uranus in Virgo which makes one a bit erratic and is the hallmark of nervous breakdowns. Mars in the 7th house indicates an abusive partner but she also would have provoked this to some extent as she liked strong personalities (Venus in Leo). Pluto also being in the 7th indicates impossible type of relationships and being with those who have criminal tendencies. Pluto represents life/death events and having it in the 7th house indicates her relationship may have something to do with the ultimate tragedy.
Having Neptune in Scorpio like all the 60s age group, her generation is known for their extremist side. Extreme spirituality and a certain disdain for taboos and delving into self destructive behaviour. Venus in Leo is such a flamboyant placement (all the designer clothes and music video costumes) squared to Neptune in Scorpio (which has an underlying nocturnal energy to it) and is also one of the major signs of sorrow in astrology. Venus square Neptune gives an extremely idealistic nature and gives unrealistic expectations of their partner. She also had a wide Venus opp Saturn which makes one even more lonely in love and a fear of rejection. This was part of a T-Square with Saturn squ Neptune given her a lot of mental stress and unwarranted fears and phobias. On the positive side, it allowed her to finish achieving something very tangible and exceptional with her creative side, but also was the major cause of her addictions.
When you look at her hand, some things are very obvious. First of all, her lines are very deep and she has a strong Life Line which indicates that her natural life span was much longer and this was definitely not a fated event. Her Head Line is totally joined to the Life Line, which makes one very cautious and close to home and dependent on others (usually a parent or partner). The finger of Mercury (the little finger) which shows how you communicate your feelings is totally isolated, which corresponds to her Venus Saturn opposition as well as her Mercury conj Pluto. Her isolation of feelings compounded with her deep insecurities and feelings of hopelessness.
Jupiter conjunct Moon gave her the enormous public response and mass appeal. Pluto conj Mercury gives the fatalistic side in their thinking and the 8 becomes very critical (Scorpio theme as Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio). Her rising sign (8 degrees Pisces) is indicative of a morbid pathos she always projected. Pisces rising makes one extremely and acutely sensitive to sadness but being part of her 12th house, also leads to escapist tendencies.
Saturn was opposing her natal Moon from 2011 and this is a difficult transit to go through, as it makes one very tired and is a hallmark of pathological depression. All she needed was iron and more sleep but having Venus in Leo, she was also a bit isolated. There is always a certain dignity and an aristocratic air about this position where they don't like to share their feelings with everyone even though they be somewhat exhibitionistic in their personality. The need to keep up with her image (Venus in Leo) and being extremely self-critical probably (Mercury conj Pluto in Virgo), she probably became even more lonely and aware of her limitations with age and drug abuse.
Not only she had natal Mars in her 7th house but Mars was also transiting her marriage house and indicates hassles and strife with her husband or partner. Moon also moving through her 7th house added to the 7th house trigger. Transiting Mars close to Pluto has a touch of violence to it and can lead to physical danger as well. Her hand is definitely not one of planned suicide at all as her Life Line is so strong and deep. This was a not a premeditated act on her part at all but something which happened as an impulse act.
The ironic thing is that she was just coming out of some very difficult transits and all her planets were again coming up above the horizon (getting back in the public life) when she choose to end her life. Depression (Saturn opp Moon from 2011 till Oct 2012), being very self-critical (Planets in Virgo especially Mercury), being fatalistic and feeling there was no hope (Pluto conj Mercury) and the wide Mars opp Jupiter which gives a certain daring element, she probably decided to take her own life. Moon was just going into her 8th house where you have morbid thoughts and are reminded of life and death situations.
Like Amy Winehouse, she had Venus in Leo and naturally wanted to project the best impression and maybe she felt she may not be able to keep up the image that she projected. Neptune was in her 12th house for a number of years conjunct her natal Saturn, making her even more withdrawn and mentally feeling insecure. This is a major health house and Neptune increased her escapist tendencies. Her natal Uranus conj Mercury aspect must have played havoc with her nervous system and with Saturn opposing her Moon, she probably got very little sleep as well.
Is there some relationship between these stars having to keep up with an image of themselves and a major event coming up. Isn't it strange that Michael Jackson passed away the day before the BET Awards, Amy Winehouse took her life the day before the VMAs, and Whitney Houston left the day before the Grammys.
Moon touched off her Jupiter which is a very spiritual aspect actually and she must have been in peace with her decision and the same transit also accounts for immediate public response and the immense sadness that the world is feeling (Saturn opp Moon in the sky). Neptune has just gone into Pisces will stay there for a number of years. This was coming close to her Ascendant and made her feel every more sensitive than she was with a sense of deep pathos about her life.
All she needed was someone in the world to understand her and guide her through this difficult transit as she certainly was not born with the addictive tendencies except for her 12th House Pisces cusp and Neptune transiting from the last few years. I would have loved to do her chart as I am sure she must have been very receptive to it. It is a very complex chart and you needed someone deeply spiritual but also having a powerful mind to be able to guide her.
It is very sad that people go through the most difficult transit and just as it is about to finish, they end their life or get a serious stress related illness. This is why it is important to show them the positive transits just ahead to give them hope so they can recuperate and not deny the miracles of God.
I am sure there must be many talented people out there who go through some very difficult transits and we can't just say, she asked for it, as there are internal stresses which must be sublimated very carefully. There is absolutely nothing like astrology to understand these type of talented people who temporarily become like tortured souls and I hope to be able to develop software where we can monitor several transits simultaneously and find alternative ways to offset the negative themes. You cannot increase the life span but I am sure you can shorten it by misusing your free choice.
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