Astrological Highlights:
Moon in Aquarius = (Moon = vision, Aquarius = hi-tech). Spy satellites! Aloofness to emotional needs of a home. Unemotional and disregard for family values. System encourages single mothers. Electronic homes. Children constantly on TV and computers.
Moon trine Saturn = Property and land development. Sun conj Mars = Aggressively pursues its goals. Sports.
Sun conj. Jupiter = Optimistic attitude and faith. Mercury sextile Neptune = Excellent for creativity and inspirational work. Music, songs, scripts, financial deals.
Mercury opp. Pluto = Dictatorial and controlling. Subversive activities.
Venus in Cancer conj Jupiter in 9th = Easy wealth. Natural food resources. Gourmet food and cuisines. Export of food.
Mars sq. Neptune = nightmares at sea (Pearl Harbour). Horror movies popular (Spielberg and Hithcock are both born with this.) Drugs, pills, abortions. Drug deals mostly from sea.
Mars in 9th sq. Neptune = Armada of battleships always ready for War. Dropped Atom bomb. Demonstrations and US hostages held abroad. Fraudulent lawyers. Deceptive policies.
Neptune in Virgo = Birthplace of Jazz and the Blues. Country homes and estates popular. Care of the needy and poor. Humanitarian causes.
Pluto in 4th in Capricorn = Civil War. Laws create family upheavals and breakdowns. Workplace at home. Hard work to maintain a home.
Detailed Analysis
Here is the horoscope of the USA based on the time when the Declaration of Independence was signed by the Founding Fathers on July 4th, 1776. There does not seem to be much consensus amongst astrologers when it was signed and so we have many different opinions on the time of birth of this great country. Some have taken 2.17 am and given her Gemini Ascendant which does not seem appropriate as the Congress session didn't even open untill 9 am!
Instead of explaining why the others are wrong, I will focus on why I have chosen Libra as the Rising Sign of USA. Dane Rudhyar and Liz Greene took Sagittarius rising but US as a country is not really that philosophical. America only wants to preach to others (planets in 9th house) without applying the Divine rules to itself.
The clock on the Independence Hall tower on a $ 100 bill shows 2:21p.m (Scorpio rising), but I have rectified it to give Libra rising (12:30 p.m).
Sun at 13' of Cancer seems to make number 13 very significant for USA and the great seal: 13 original colonies, 13 stars above the Eagle, 13 stripes on the Eagle’s shield, 13 olive branches in the Eagle’s right claw, 13 arrows in the left claw, 13 steps the Pyramid, and 13 letters in the motto E Pluribus Unum.
Here is the analysis for Libra Ascendant and also which signs are more fortunate in the U.S.A.
Anyone who has Libra rising (or Libra-Scorpio planets) represents the national identity of America, JFK, Liz Taylor, Bill Clinton and Bill Gates of Microsoft (Scorpio with Mercury in Libra) are a few examples. Elizabeth Taylor represents an enduring feminine beauty in America’s history (although for a short period of time, she was starting to look more and more like a desperate Scorpio). JFK symbolized the best of USA and gave it an identity of fairness and-justice. 90% of computers have Windows OS from Bill Gates.
All of you with Cancer MC have Libra rising. Those of you with Leo MC can also relate to most of the article. Liz Taylor and Charles Manson (Scorpio) represent the two sides of USA.
Walk softly (Libra) and carry a big stick (Scorpio) advice by Theodore Roosevelt, who was a Scorpio, describes the First house cusps of Libra-Scorpio perfectly.
Many politicians who originally enter politics because their sense of fairness has been violated, have Libra rising. Money usually keeps them there for too long but I doubt if it is their original motivation. However, Hitler was also born with Libra rising. So how did America’s chart affect his? Hitler felt that outsiders were responsible for its inflation in 1929 when the price of a dozen eggs was 100 million marks. Underneath that mild looking Libra rising is Scorpio and resentment kept building up till it finally exploded in WWII. All the planets in the US chart fall in exactly the same houses in Hitler’s chart because they both have the same Ascendant. Mars in the U.S. chart falls in the 9th house of Hitler’s chart, a clear indication of conflicts from a foreign country and his plans destroyed by the dropping of the Atom Bomb on Japan. Even the letter “A” in Atom may have significance here because it is a “Mars” letter. USA’s Pluto in Hitler’s 4th house also points to destruction of his homeland through bombs.
Secret Love and Secret Enemies: Bill Clinton may have done many immoral activities, but it is the Nation’s destiny to have secret love with the enemies (Libra being half of its 12th house). Not only does this point to JFK and Clinton’s affairs (both Libra rising) satisfying the U.S. Chart’s need for secret love,but also to its shift in the relationship with past dictators like Noreiga and Saddam. The U.S. courted them at first and even helped them and then considered them secret enemies. America thrives on stories about secret love which accounts for Enquirers popularity and the booming tabloid business.
The U.S. has an outward personality of a beautiful, peace loving woman who does not like any hassles and is very serene to look at. However, underneath that sophisticated look is the vindictive Scorpio side which becomes very self-destructive when provoked. The U.S. is ever ready to go to War. (Mars in the 9th house) but gets bogged down because of ill planned or deceptive ideology (Mars square by Neptune in the 12th). Mars-Neptune is t nightmare configuration which will always there and points to immoral and hypocritical values undermining U.S. interests abroad. Neptune so close to the 11th house is excellent for naturopathy and alternative herbal medicine. However, its square from Mars again shows the deception and fraud i this area. There are many charlatans and fraudulent faith healers. It also points to fraudulent and deceptive promises under th guise of humanitarian aid.
Scorpio in the 2nd house indicates money through oil, war and defence contracts. It all points to earnings through bloodshed and wars. Medicine to save others is the only way to offset this theme.
A Matriachal Society: Libra rising puts Cancer on the 1Oth (MC) and Capricorn on the 4th. This shows that America is probably headed for a matriachal society and also why a lot of US Presidents from a family where there was a role reversal and the mother was more of a domineering influence (Bill Clinton). Americans want to save the world but ignore their own home and people. Capri- corn on the 4th points to a barren home, working mothers, business at home, children’s emotional needs completely ignored and most family issues treated like business. Pluto in the 4th opp. Mercury is the hallmark of the dictator. It also points to mothers (4th house) of Presidents ruling with an iron hand and leading them to make changes which violate Divine Laws. Saturn in Libra, a very good placement for executive ability, but in the 12th house and being ruler of the 4th house accurately reflects so many institu- tions and jails instead of homes with hot soup and squeal of delight of children.
Where the U.S. chart shines is in the 9th house and 10th house of fame. Cancer and Leo on the 10th house indicates America’s dual role. The nurturinig. mothering saviour and the glamourous Hollywood entertainment and showbiz image. Cancer also points to the big food and farming industry. Neptune in Leo was in America’s 10th house when MGM success- fully chose it as its emblem. Anything with a Royal. British. Monarch. Sun, Solar, Gold or Golden name to it will be successful in the U. S..
Gemini and Cancer on the 9th house indicate the diversity of immigrants and America being
home to so many foreigners. Venus conj. Jupiter shows the opulence and wealth. Mars sq. Neptune in the 9th shows the misguided foreign policy. Mars in the 9th sq. to Neptune also shows the armada of battleships abroad feeding off of unsuspecting taxpayers and dictators from foreign countries. Uranus in the 8th is indicative of money through electronics, space programs, digital equipment, super computers and the media. Moon in Aquarius (like Princess Diana) is the cool and aloof side of America best portrayed by the supermodels with an attitude. No wonder Princess Diana, who was a Cancer with Moon in Aquarius liked the U.S. and instantly became popular here.The three astronauts who first landed on the Moon were all Cancers (Jupiter in Cancer in the 9th) .
Cancer and Leo on the 10th house: Cancer-Leo celebrities are Tom Cruise, Sylvester Stallone, Madonna,Mick Jagger, DeNiro etc.
Which SIgns are compatible for USA: If you have Scorpio and Sagittarius planets, you may cost the U.S. a lot of money. and Libras will be the most in ill repute! Both the signs of Virgos and Libra are part of USA’s 12th house and will be seen as secret enemies unless they are involved with health oriented professions and nursing in the U.S. but Libras will always have to be careful of love affairs spoiling their career and self image.
However, Libras in the beauty business will do exceptionally well. In fact, the U.S. Libra rising indicates an obsession with self-beautification. If you are beautiful and serene looking, you are already on your way to represent the U.S. (Brook Shields and Marilyn Monroe). MM had Leo rising and shot to fame (or rather the US became famous because of her.) when Neptune was transiting the US 10th house of fame and publicity, and scandals. She best represented the “Neptune in Leo” period...blond and glamorous.
Lincoln was shot when Uranus conj. the US Mars (freak accidents with guns and explosives), and Mars (guns) was transiting USA’s 9-10th house (Law- President) . Neptune opp Saturn and demoralized the nation (insecurities). When JFk was shot, the nations chart again accurately reflected the tragic event. Moon was in the 3rd house (travelling by car) and Uranus transiting USA’s 8th house (life/death) squared the Moon and JFk’s news shook the whole country. Pluto in Leo in the 10th also indicated the death of a charismatic President. Uranus conj. Mars in JFk’s 8th house, exactly the same aspect as Princess Diana and similar to Versace. All three were born with an adverse Mars Uranus aspect...freak accidents and danger from guns.
Finally, there are two symbols of the U.S., the Statue of Liberty (Libra) and the bald Eagle (Scorpio)- perfect symbols for its First House!
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