Astrological Highlights:
Sun in Libra = Striving for laws to bring equality to people.
Moon in Leo = Fame, publicity, and personal charisma.
Moon conjunct Jupiter = Tremendous public response and popularity.
Mercury in Scorpio trine to Pluto = Deeply spiritual. Profound thinking. Wisdom. Ability to reform the masses and bring major changes to the world. Ability to perceive Divine truth. Intellectual arrogance!
Venus in Virgo in 12th conj. Saturn = Shy and very caring. Reclusive even though had tremendous popularity. Lived in open partnership (secret affair) and had a child from the relationship. Lonely and like a celibate priest.
Mars conj. Saturn = Rebellious and constant conflicts with anyone representing authority.
Jupiter conj. Neptune = Humanitarian and philosophical. Captured the imagination of the masses who treated him like royalty.
Saturn in Virgo = perfectionist and very organized.
Neptune in Leo = Age of the Golden Movies. Very charismatic generation (the 20’s). Carried himself with a lot of dignity. Somewhat unapproachable quality.
Pluto in 10th = Powerful ability to influence the destiny of the masses. Career involved politics and reforming the constitution.
It is amazing that both the Shah of Iran and Pierre Elliot Trudeau of Canada were born just one week apart. Both brought a revolution in their country although, in Shah’s case, it was a much more difficult task because he was living in a very passionate country where the feelings run very high. Being a Scorpio, the Shah always had crisis situations. Trudeau, being a Libra, was very charming and diplomatic but still a dictator underneath. They both had an iron resolve (Mercury in Scorpio) and a wisdom element (Mercury trine Pluto), both were very private (Venus in Virgo) and dedicated fathers who have often photographed skiing on the mountains.
Justin Trudeau gave one the most eloquent speeches that every father would be proud of and you could see the legacy to be continued. He is Canada’s Prince charming and reminded me a lot of JFK Jr. He is young, dynamic, handsome, fluently bilingual, and comes from a very philosophical generation (Neptune in Sagittarius).
When Trudeau passed away, Moon was in Scorpio (we originally wrote about this in Oct.’87 and gave you a Table in our Moon Magic 2000 indicating life death events when Moon is in Scorpio. This was the same Moon position when Princess Dianna passed away. However, at Trudeau’s funeral, the Moon went into Sagittarius (exactly like Mother Teresa) indicating a very philosophical mood of the masses.
It is a sign to anyone who understands astrology that this was a person with deep faith who brought a lot of people together even as he passed away. He had Venus in Virgo like Mother Teresa, which indicates a very unselfish, giving, and charitable person.
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