Horoscope Analysis By Hassan Jaffer
It is rare to see real stars these days although there are some exceptions like Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. They both have Venus in Leo like Sylvester Stallone, Madonna, and Michael Jackson.
Venus in Leo aspected to Neptune is one of the most important elements of their magnetism and personal charisma. There is always something dramatic and a touch of class about those with Venus in Leo. They also have expensive taste and prefer silks, costume jewelry and designer jeans.
Venus-Neptune aspect makes them very photogenic and gives them a seductive aura. It also makes them extremely idealistic and although they are basically loyal, they keep searching for that ideal love through rose-colored glasses. Both of them are also going through a Neptune-Venus opposition by transit, which, except for acting where they can project their fantasies on the screen, is a deceptive and sad transit to go through.
2005 and 2006 will be a major testing period for both of them in terms of love. As we had mentioned in our last Moon Magic, 2005 turned out quite good for him for love matters. Although Tom is at the Zenith of his career from July 2005 till July 2006 (major films and awards), he also has some sadness in his family (heart?) and will feel very tired and depressed. Summer 2006 till summer 2007 is a difficult period for romantic relationships as well as danger for him when his natal Mars square Uranus (freak accidents to the head and spine involving cars, guns, and flying) gets touched off. Mars opp. Neptune makes him addictive and a small mistake can turn into a nightmare.
Nicole Kidman is very rebellious against authority and is accident prone (although this could also be reflective of her husband or relatives). Her temper probably shows up only when she is ignored! She does carry herself with a lot of dignity and pride.
Their pride prevented them from getting back and they thought was very different. Tom is extremely smart (mercury in Gemini) but is more intellectual than wise. He can easily violate Divine truth (Mercury sq Pluto) while Nicole Kidman is quite wise and has conscious awareness of truth like Princess Diana (mercury in cancer trine Pluto).
Her luck in love ends by Aug. 2005 and her sad period by July 2006 after which she will be ready to settle down. Throughout 2006, she will become more realistic in her expectations of her partner, which is one of the indications of marriage. End of 2006 is excellent for both Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise for love when Jupiter trines their Venus.
Note: The article above was written in Moon Magic 2006 by Hassan Jaffer and Tom Cruise and Katy Holmes just got married (check out the last two lines above!).
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