by Hassan Jaffer
Astrological Highlights:
Sun squared to Pluto = Seeks powerful positions. A sense of destiny.
Moon in and Neptune in Sagittarius in 3rd = Open meadows, Lot of walking. Philosophical outlook.
Moon trine Jupiter = Public response and popularity.
Mercury in Capricorn Mercury in Capricorn = Steady practice and stable hand.
Mercury opposed Saturn = Used to delays. Calculated risks (with Mars Jupiter which is taking risks). Steady achievement.
Mercury squared to Uranus = Stroke of genius from time to time. Erratic moods (prone to nervous breakdown or nervous exhaustion.
Venus square Jupiter = Wealthy aspect. Likes luxury and comfort. Likes foreigners and those who are philosophical and travel a lot.
Venus square Saturn = Tendency to be lonely and feel unloved. Attracted to father figures. Restrictive relationships.
Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter = Olympic athletes are usually born with a Mars Jupiter aspect. This gives sudden bursts of energy and the ability to take on big projects. They are successful in taking chances. Opportunities from foreign countries and travel. High recuperative powers. Gambling and taking risks.
Mars in 10th in Gemini = Hallmark of many athletes and those involved with sports. Career involves physical activity. One of my young clients teaches Yoga and has Mars in Sagittarius (philosophy) in the 10th house!
Mars trine Pluto = Very high recuperative powers. Protection from danger.
Neptune in Sagittarius = Generation which likes space missions, other galaxies, and wants to benefit mankind.
Neptune sxt Pluto = Has the ability to immortalize inspirational works of beauty and affects the masses with a humanitarian mission
Detailed Analysis (written in Oct. 2000)
Some athletes are destined for fame and their horoscopes show this from many different angles. Mars in 10th is one of the aspects which shows that the motivation to achieve is in sports or the military. Similarly, Jupiter in 10th often signifies those who are destined to rule. Saturn in 10th is indicative of leadership and authority. Neptune in 10th is often reflective of those who are artists, musicians, actors or spiritual gurus.
In sports, to be better than the best out there, you have to have a Mars Jupiter aspect for sudden bursts of energy and to have the ability to take chances, a positive Mars Saturn aspect for stamina and endurance, and of course, the ability to persevere long enough to achieve something in a tangible way. If you also have Mars in the 10th, then you natural drive will be to pursue a career where physical work is involved
Naturally, there is a lot of hard work and discipline involved in anything worthwhile, but regardless of how much one tries, unless you have the horoscope of a champion, it is impossible to touch the summit so easily as Tiger Woods has done. It seems that he has not only all the ingredients of top athletes, but he has also been able to redefine the sport itself and increased its bar of perfection to a higher degree forever.
Tiger Woods achieved 10 victories, including three majors, and the career Grand Slam has brought a certain glamour to golf. He has achieved for gold what Bruce Lee did for martial arts and Mohammed Ali did for boxing. He became the first golfer since Ben Hogan in 1953 to win three majors in a year, his 15-stroke win at the U.S. Open was the largest margin of victory by any player in a major championship and his win at the PGA was the first back-to-back victory at that championship since 1936-37; and his 18-under 270 at the PGA earned him the scoring record in relation to par at every major championship. In addition, to becoming the first player since Lee Trevino in 1971 to win the U.S., British and Canadian Opens in the same year, he also comes the first to win nine tournaments in a season since Sam Snead won 11 in 1950.
We have rectified his chart to 10:20 am instead of 10:50 am and put Mars in his 10th house. This is one of the hallmarks of athletes (O.J. Simpson was also born with it).
In Tiger Woods case, you mentioned Venus sq Pluto would have made sense and I agree, However, I am surprised you missed the fact that he has Venus in Scorpio (similar to Venus / Pluto)! As you must know, Venus is in its detriment but basically represents a very intense and emotionally passionate placement. I bet his wife was rather cold as compared to his nature which didn't help either.
Venus in Scorpio is motivated by power and idealizes beauty and needs to conquer it. When you take a person like Tiger Woods who had a lot of repressions due to his Capricorn and Scorpio planets, being physically and intimately involved must have been like an escape (not justifying anything here!).
I find that men in power (senators, athletes etc) have a much higher passionate drive to begin with and with Venus in Scorpio, it makes one not very selective (although he chose the most beautiful women too).
His Venus sq Saturn made him feel very insecure in love also which made him seek these relations to compensate for his lack of love. It is sad that all the women sold out to Enquirer without thinking about how it could affect his marriage. I am sure he would have tried to mend it but too much negative publicity affected his wife also.
Tiger Woods has Saturn rising up in his chart which means he is coming out in the public more and will not be keeping a low profile anymore. In 2019, he has Jupiter touching of his natal Mars in his 10th house in Feb, May-June, and Oct 2019. This is the hallmark of high energy, athletic prowess as long he can pace himself. It is one of the transits for windfalls but he is also accident prone in mid-Feb, beg July and end Nov 2019. There is a nightmare period for his age group in mid-April and beg Sep where he needs to stay away from alcohol, drugs, and scandals. Other than that, he has an excellent year and is rising in his status again.
Public Figures: Band leader Guy Lombardo (loud military bands/trumpets instead of piano), Elvis Presley (black belt in Karate and did a lot of fighting in the movies!), Hillary Clinton, golfer Nancy Lopez, Natalie Wood (apt title of movie “rebel without a causeâ€!), O.J. Simpson, skater Tonya Harding, Wolfgang Mozart (most of his pieces are very passionate and full of energy), Napolean Bonaparte, Ted Turner (promoted sports on CNN) and the incredible golfer Tiger Woods.
What Does 2001 Hold for Tiger Woods?
Jupiter in Gemini conjunct his Mars this year has been very good for him and made him take good risks. Next year, Jupiter again conjuncts his Mars from April till the l the end of June 2001 with the exact conjunction being in May 2001 which will help him break more records and establish himself even more in the history books.
However, Tiger Woods also has a major accident configuration which is exact in June 2002 which may, in fact, affect his health from late summer of 2001 till the end of 2002. This transits is very frustrating and can cause heart problems (although he is too young for it) and legal problems. It is also the hallmark of broken bones and fractures so he will have to be very careful of taking any unnecessary chances). He always has to be careful of the lung area as well. His best transits are from April 2001 till the end of June 2001 and we wish him all the luck that a true hero deserves.
Those of you with Mar sin the 10th house will work hard in your career especially if it requires physical energy. This may be sports, dancing, lot of driving or an element of danger (military), or adventure (Jacques Cousteau who took daring chances in the ocean). Alexandre Dumas was a writer but wrote adventures like The Three Musketeers!
Updated in Oct. 2001: As we had also mentioned, Tiger Woods has a major accident configuration which is exact in June 2002. We had written that he will not do well from late summer of 2001 til the end of 2002. This frustrating transit can cause heart problems (although he may be too young for it) and legal problems. It is also the hallmark of broken bones or fractures so he will have to be very careful of taking any unnecessary chances). He always has to be careful of the lung area as well. His best transits are from Oct. 2002 till July 2003 (after the accident configuration in summer 2002) and we wish him all the luck a true hero deserves.
Here is a list of Client numbers who are born with Mars in the 10th house:
B-184, B-240A, BH-H1, C-102A, F-100B, G-170, H-70, H-164B, H-166, JJ-9B, K-156,
L-134, Mc-R60, L-154, NY-B1, R-96, R-121, S-73, V-18A, VAN-C1B, VAN-S3.
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