Written August 2017
Here is the chart of a talented artist as well as a determined, hard working business woman, singer and song writer Taylor Swift. Even though she has the philosophical leanings of a Sagittarius, she also has a stellium in Capricorn (three or more planets).
Taylor Swift;s chart is full of contradictions yet is quite balanced as well as she uses the adverse these through her writing as well as donating to causes. Moon in Cancer close to Jupiter in Cancer is like a mother to everyone and increases her mass appeal as well. It gives visionary qualities as long as she uses it in positive ways. It may actually help counter some of the depression that he chart also shows.
Mercury being close to Neptune is one of the hallmarks of a healing tone to the voice. Mercury aspect to the Moon makes it more visual as well as giving a slightly nasal quality which many singers seem to have. Having Aries - Taurus in the 3rd house (communication and voice) makes her forceful in her rendition and Taurus gives a throaty voice as well as beautifying it (ruled by Venus).
Mercury in Capricorn makes her very disciplined as well as having Mercury close to Saturn. Both these aspects indicate she has the ability to write poetry as she doesn't waste any words. It is interesting that Mercury in such a dry sign can be creative. However, when you really think about it, in poetry the most important thing is to say a lot in FEW WORDS! John Milton, who wrote Paradise Lost (Sag theme) was also a Sagittarius with Mercury in Capricorn like Taylor Swift.
Mercury close to Uranus increase the flashes of brilliance and break from the normal but plays havoc on the nervous system. It shows sudden shocks through which you recover. In fact, Moon in Cancer opp Saturn and Uranus, can indicate a manic depressive side to her personality and also why she can be rather reclusive.
Saturn conj Uranus indicates a certain amount of going back and broth between the past and the future, e.g. to live with someone in an open partnership or to get married. It is the clash between the old and the new. However,on the positive side, it makes her understand both the older and the new generation. Saturn close to Neptune gives unwarranted fears and deep insecurities which will make her work harder to prove herself.
Mars in Scorpio increases the vindictiveness but being in the 11th house, her charities support victims of sexual crimes and harassment. Moon opp Neptune always increases sensitivity to causes but also indicates emotional misjudgments but is excellent for helping the underdog.
Saturn is conjunct her Sun Sign by transit which is a major 7-year cycle for all Sagittarians and goes on till Dec 2017. This is an important cycle and points to a new direction in her life and she will become more mature but will also feel the heavy responsibilities. She has till Dec 2017 to make decisions for the next 7 years.
Jupiter is transiting her 9th house of philosophy and truth and it is an excellent time for travel to foreign countries and being closer to spiritual truths. This may be a good time for her to awaken her spiritual side.
Jupiter trine her Mercury in Cap from Oct 2017 till Nov 2018 which will help her in her writings and producing. It is one of the best times for her to write the material for upcoming songs and it is very easy to be connected with universal truths under this transit.
As Jupiter touches her 10th House in Oct 2017, she will reach the peak of her fame and it will be easy for her to win awards starting now till the end of 2018. As Saturn is going in her 12th house, she will have to be more careful of any health issues to do with skin, teeth, and bones, low back and knee problems.
Neptune still trining her Mercury will increase her intuition as to what the masses need and Neptune trining Moon will increase her sensitivity to the needy and the underdog. She also has acting potential and should explore this while she has excellent transits to her Capricorn planets from Jupiter on top of her chart. Jupiter trining Uranus is not only a major windfall theme, its trine to Saturn makes her goals much more realistic as well.
It seems in the long run, she will get more involved with mental issues of the youth and donate to such causes. Mars and Pluto being in Scorpio and also Venus in a wide square to Pluto indicate somewhat of a dark side. Along with her Capricorn planets, it makes her susceptible to fetish type of themes with chains and bondage.
There is a definite freedom vs closeness dilemma in her chart and it shows up in different ways, Moon in Cancer is her motherly, protective side but Moon opp Uranus makes her want to break free from all restrictions at home. She wants to be close and as soon as someone gets too close "leave me alone, I want my freedom". The same goes with her deep respect for tradition (Capricorn planets) but also wanting to be futuristic and being unconventional - Venus in Aquarius and Uranus aspects.
It is not the easiest chart and most of the negative themes can be offset through her songs and lyrics. However, she is very independent and my advice to her would be to take up Salsa dancing where the man has to take the lead!
I am developing a program which will identify the singing potential and it is based on the aspects of Mercury and 3rd house. It is interesting how many singers have Mercury aspected to Venus, which gives a beautiful voice. Elvis Presley, Celine Dion, Julio Iglesias to name a few. Mercury in Taurus and Libra (both ruled by Venus) also gives a beautiful voice. Barbara Streisand has Mercury in Taurus and India's most famous singer Lata Mangeshkar has Mercury in Libra like Julio. Mercury aspected to Mars gives a high range and many rock singers who scream a lot seem to have it. Mercury - Moon gives a nasal tone like many country singers and Mercury Neptune gives a healing tone to the voice.
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