Predictions from AstroTrends June 1996 (written in May 1996)
Shimon Peres has Saturn opposing his natal Moon which is not a good omen for public response. It also indicates disappointments till end of 1997. His generation (those born in the 20's) are all experiencing a Mars/Neptune opposition from the last two weeks of May till the first two weeks of June 1996 (they will get a similar transit from end of Sep. till mid Oct. '96. This is the time when people have wrong hunches and act upon them and it backfires and the worst nightmares come true!
He will either lose the election or be very close to it.
Unfortunately, we do not have the time of birth of either of the candidates. This makes it very difficult to make predictions except based on the transits of major planets. Knowing the time of birth helps us understand which houses the planets are transiting in. One may have an accident configuration but only when it comes to money matters. Another person with the same chart could have exactly the same transit but have his house robbed because Mars was transiting the Fourth house.
Your 12 Month Forecast gives the most important dates for Love, Money, Health, Travel, and accident prone days. Use Free Choice to Offset Negative Themes!